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MikhailTymchukDX edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 4 revisions

Demo Page

HtmlEditorExtender extends to a textbox and creates and renders an editable div instead of a targeted textbox


Name Description
AjaxFileUpload AjaxFileUpload that is used to upload images
DisplayPreviewTab Determines whether or not to display a preview tab/button providing access to HtmlEditorExtender’s preview
DisplaySourceTab Determines whether or not to display a source view tab/button to see the source view of HtmlEditorExtender
EnableSanitization Determines whether or not to use HTML-sanitization before data transfer to the server
OnClientChange The name of a JavaScript function to attach to the client-side Change event
Toolbar A Helper property to cacth buttons from modifed buttons at design time. This property will be attached only when the Toolbar property is not empty at design time
ToolbarButtons Provides a button list to the client side. The Toolbar property is required for designer experience support, because the editor always prevents the property's capability to provide values to the client side as ExtenderControlProperty at runtime


Name Description
Decode() Decodes html tags that are not generated by an htmlEditorExtender button


Name Description
ImageUploadComplete An event handler to complete the Ajax Image upload

Client properties

Name Description
buttonHeight Button height in pixels
buttonWidth Button width in pixels
displayPreviewTab Determines whether or not to display a preview tab/button providing access to HtmlEditorExtender�s preview
displaySourceTab Determines whether or not to display a source view tab/button to see the source view of HtmlEditorExtender
isDirty Flag indicating that HtmlEditorExtender content is changed
toolbarButtons A collection of toolbar buttons

Client methods

Name Description
restoreSelection() Restores selected text
saveSelection() Saves selected text

Client events

Name Description
change Fires when text change occurs

Client properties


Button height in pixels

Getter name: get_buttonHeight()
Setter name: set_buttonHeight(value)


Button width in pixels

Getter name: get_buttonWidth()
Setter name: set_buttonWidth(value)


Determines whether or not to display a preview tab/button providing access to HtmlEditorExtender�s preview

Getter name: get_displayPreviewTab()
Setter name: set_displayPreviewTab(value)


Determines whether or not to display a source view tab/button to see the source view of HtmlEditorExtender

Getter name: get_displaySourceTab()
Setter name: set_displaySourceTab(value)


Flag indicating that HtmlEditorExtender content is changed

Getter name: get_isDirty()


A collection of toolbar buttons

Getter name: get_toolbarButtons()
Setter name: set_toolbarButtons(value)



Decodes html tags that are not generated by an htmlEditorExtender button

Client methods


Restores selected text


Saves selected text

Client events


Fires when text change occurs

Add event handler method: add_change(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_change(handler)

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