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Troubleshooting Installer Issues

MikhailTymchukDX edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 2 revisions

Note: The AJAX Control Toolkit is installed as a standard Visual Studio extension and appears in the Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Installed list.


  • OS (version/edition/bitness/service packs);
  • All installed .NET Framework versions;
  • All installed VS IDE instances (version/edition/bitness/service packs).


  • Whether you have changed the default Visual Studio and Documents Environment Variables.

Make a screencast Make a detailed screencast that illustrates the steps below and related results. For example, use the Jing tool for this purpose.

  • Install the AjaxControlToolkit;

  • Once the installation process is complete, save the installer's log files that have been just created:



  • Run VS IDE via the "/log" flag (devenv.exe /log);

  • Check if the "ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit" extension appears in the "Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Installed" list;

  • Create an ASP.NET WebForms project (TargetFramework = 4+), open an *.aspx WebForm/Page file, and check if the AjaxControlToolkit controls appear to the Toolbox. Save the ActivityLog.xml log file:


    for example

    %APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ActivityLog.xml (for VS2013)

  • Unistall the AjaxControlToolkit and save the mentioned above installer's log files (with the other names):



Then, provide us with the captured screencast along with the requested details and listed log files.

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