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Tab 1 (Sound and Music)
Tab 2 (Orion configuration)
Tab 3 (Language)
Tab 6 (Interface)
Tab 7 (Display)
Tab 8 (Reputation system)
Tab 9 (Miscellaneous)
Sound on/off - enable/disable sounds in the game.
Sound volume - sound volume in the game.
Music on/off - enable/disable music in the game.
Music volume - volume of music in the game.
Play combat music - play battle music when switching to battle mode.
Play footstep sounds - play footstep sounds
Play sounds in background - play sounds and music even when the window is not active
Disable bard music - turn off the sounds of bards
Disable crafting sounds - turn off crafting sounds
Disable spirit speak - turn off the sounds of the spirit speak
Disable pack sounds - turn off drag/drop items sounds
Disable various animal sounds - turn off animal sounds
Disable various monster sounds - turn off monster sounds
Stun sounds - play the sounds of the stun
Shar stun in party - send/receive information about the stun in the party
No debug - do not display additional information (about the FPS and the selected tile)
FPS only - display only information about FPS (and ping, if the option is enabled)
Debugging - display information for the developer
Profiles - open gump of client profiles. Client profiles contain information about the location of common gumps, options, macros, skill groups, and counter gump items
Open global gumps configuration - open the gump of global settings for gumps. In it you can adjust the scale, transparency, options for grouping gumps, the reaction of a right-click on the gump
FPS rate - the desired number of FPS
Use V-Sync - use vertical sync
Reduce FPS when Orion window is inactive - reduce FPS in an inactive window to 4
Use scaling in game window - use scaling in the game window (scrolling the mouse wheel with the Ctrl key held down)
Standard characters animation delay - use standard delays for changing frames of character animations
Standard items animation delay - use standard delays for changing frames of item animations
Standard effects moving speed - use standard delays for moving game effects
Sallos effects moving speed - use the Sallos client algorithm to calculate delays for moving game effects
Flying animation - animate the flight of the gargoyle race (for new clients)
Draw character's status in game window - draw the health of characters and the world
For humanoids only - only for humanoid creatures
Use custom charlist for statusbars - use a custom character list. whose health needs to be displayed
Open editor - open the editor of the user list of characters
No draw - do not draw status
Above character (Text) - draw status text over character
Under character (Line) - draw the status bar under the character
Always - always draw status
HP <> MaxHP - draw status only if health is not equal to maximum health
HP lower% - draw only if health is below a certain% of maximum
Notoriety settings button - open the Notoriety settings gump for which characters to draw status
Hidden characters display mode - the mode of displaying characters in invisibility
Original - original mode
With alpha-blending, alpha - with transparency, user defined
With spectral color - with spectral color
With special spectral color - with special spectral color
Change hidden characters mode only for your person - change the mode only for yourself
Colorize characters by state - highlight characters in accordance with their state (if the server sent this information) - poisoned, in paralysis, in the stun
Draw aura under characters mode - aura display mode under the characters (color Notoriety)
Never - do not draw an aura
Only in war mode - only if war mode is on
Always - always draw an aura
Draw aura only if Ctrl pressed - draw aura only if the Ctrl key is pressed
Notoriety settings button - open the Notoriety settings gump for which characters to draw an aura
Change trees to stumps - replace trees with stumps and hide foliage and extra branches (configured in the file Orion/OrionData/stumps.txt)
Marking cave tiles - marking of caves (configured in the file Orion/OrionData/cave.txt)
Hide vegetation - hide vegetation (configured in the file Orion/OrionData/vegetation.txt)
No fiels animation - disable field animation
Change animated fields to tiles - replace the animation of fields with tiles
No draw roofs - do not draw roofs
Disable new targeting system - disable the new targeting system
Cancel new target system target on Shift+Esc only - cancel the target of the new target system only by Shift+Esc
Highlight target by tyle (netural, harmful, helpful) - highlight the sight in accordance with its type (if the server sent it, gray/red/blue)
No send targets to invalid statusbars - do not send targets to status bars without objects
Show target range - display the range to the tile over which the sight is located
Set the font for speech - set the font for speech
Chat need press 'Enter' to activate it - chat requires mandatory activation of pressing 'Enter'
Show console entry mode under game window - display the input mode selection gump under the game window
Combine the same system messages - combine the same messages if they arrived with an interval of less than 5 seconds
Highlight game console - highlight the text input field in the game window
Set the font for journal - set the font for journal messages
Convert journal ASCII-> Unicode - convert messages from ASCII to unicode
Show time in journal gump - display time in the journal
Enable legible journal - enable the option of a "readable" journal
Save journal to file - save the journal to a file
Set the font for system - set the font for the client system messages
Convert system ASCII-> Unicode - convert system messages from ASCII to unicode
Smooth objects rendering - smooth rendering of objects (starting from completely transparent to opaque)
Smooth remove object's text - smooth removal of the text of objects
Draw helmets on shroud in the world - display helmets under shrouds on characters in the world
Process mouse clicks without focus - handle mouse clicks into the client window if the client is currently not active
Easy grab - enable the option of simplified raising of objects/pulling status bars
New transparent for foliage - enable the mode of a new illumination of tree crowns
Dont turn to combatant - prohibit auto-rotation to the enemy in battle
Check ping in game, timer in seconds - check ping to the server every few seconds (user-defined)
Move game window content - the mode of moving content in the game window (disabling binding to the game character)
Screenshot format - format for saving screenshots: BMP/PNG/TIFF/JPEG
Use Tool-tips - enable tooltips
Delay before Tool-tip appears - delay from hovering the mouse over an object - until a tooltip appears
Scale Tooltip popup window - the scale of the tooltip window
Tooltip alpha value - background transparency of the tooltip window
Color of Tool-tip text - color of tooltip text
Font for Tool-tips - select a font for tips
Enable pathfinding with double-right-click - enable automatic path search when double-clicking with the right mouse button on a tile
Hold shift for enable pathfinding - automatic search for the path (with the option above enabled) by a single click on the tile while holding the Shift key
Your character will always run if this is checked - the character will always run
Block run while hidden - block the run in invisibility (with a high ping it may not work)
Clearing the way - clear the path in front of you, throwing objects for yourself (or in the backpack)
Drop in backpack - throw items in the backpack
Auto open doors - automatic door opening
Smooth open doors - smooth opening of doors (first the door opens, then a step packet is sent to the potentially open door)
Double click for open doors - use double click to open doors (relevant for Sphere)
Disable autowalking - disable the automatic movement of the character (hold the right mouse button, left-click, release the right mouse button)
Hold down TAB key for combat, instead of tapping it to toggle combat mode - hold down the tab to enter the battle mode
Gray out of range objects - color objects out of range of the client in gray
Hold shift for context menus - hold Shift to open server context menus
Object handles - use tables with the names of objects in the world (while holding Ctrl + Shift)
Object handles display mode - tables display mode
Default - as in the original client
Custom - objects for which display plates are configured by the user
Mobiles + Corpses - only for animated creatures and corpses
Humans + Corpses - only for humanoid creatures and corpses
Items + Corpses - only for items and corpses
Mobiles only - for animate beings only
Humans only - only for humanoid creatures
Items only - only for items
Object handles always display - always display tables (without holding down a key combination)
Show hits on object handles - display the fill of the background of the tablets in accordance with the health % of the object
Display item properties icon - use the object properties gump
Item properties display mode - object properties display mode
At icon - an icon is displayed, instead of which, after hovering over an object - a gump of object properties is displayed
Always up - always displays the object properties gump
Follow mouse - display the object properties gump near the mouse cursor
Single click - display the gump of object properties with a single click on the object
Select character backpack style - character bag display style (only for clients of later versions)
Default - standard display style
Suede - suede style
Polar bear - polar bear skin style
Ghoul skin - ghoul style
Use gridded container gumps - use containers with a grid
All - use the grid for all containers except corpses and a character’s bag
Backpack - use the grid for the character’s backpack
Corpses - use the grid for corpses
Don’t fix items position in containers - do not fix the coordinates of items in containers
Double click for loot from corpses - move items to the backpack (or catchbag of the assistant) when double-clicking on them in the corpses. Containers open with double clicks, not loot
Enable large container gumps - Use large container gumps (only for later clients)
Game play window size - the size of the game window (width and height in pixels)
Ajust how long speech remains in screen - how long the text will be displayed on the screen
Scale speech duration based on length - the time the text displays on the screen depends on the number of lines of text
Old style maximized statusbar - draw extended status bars in the old style
Original party statusbar gump - draw status bars of group members as regular status bars
Use Sallos style statusbars - use the style of Sallos client status bars
Remove statusbars without objects - remove status bars without objects
Don’t remove for party and friendly - do not remove the status bars of group members and friendly creatures
Anmated hp / mp / st lines is statusbar gumps - animated change of statusbar bars
Pull statusbars from the area - enable the ability to pull status bars from the selected area in the client
Notoriety settings button - open the Notoriety settings gump for which characters to pull status bars
Pull from creature - filter for pulling status bars from creatures
All - from all creatures
Humans only - only with humanoids
Ignore humans - from all but humanoids
Pull to position - position for pulled status bars
Left - in the left part of the game window
Right - on the right side of the game window
Follow mouse - under the mouse cursor
Lock gumps resizing + game window moving - block the ability to resize gumps and move the gump of the game window
Lock gumps moving - enable the ability to block the movement of gumps
Add paperdoll slots - draw slots in paperdoll
Scale images in slots - scaling images in the paperdoll slots
Offset interface windows rather than perfectly stacking them - automatically shift the opening position of new containers/paperdolls on the screen
Default interface windows offset - standard coordinates for opening containers/paperdolls on the screen (only if the option above is disabled)
Automatically arrange minimized windows - option not implemented
Disable menu bar - turn off the gump of the top menu
Display a world map immediately after entering the world - automatically display a world map after entering the world
Cast spells by one click - enable the ability to use spells with a single click on the icon
Contact with gumps only if 'Ctrl' pressed - interact with gumps only while holding 'Ctrl'
Only if mouse in game window - interact with gumps while holding 'Ctrl' only if the mouse is in the game window, for gumps outside the game window - standard interaction
Show counter gump - display the gump of the counter
Save gump position cache for each character - automatically save the position of the server’s gumps when exiting the game
Speech color - speech color
Emote color - color of emotions
Party message color - party message color
Chat channel message color - global chat message color
Guild message color - the color of the guild chat messages
Ignore guild message - ignore guild messages
Alliance message color - color of alliance chat messages
Ignore alliance message - ignore alliance messages
Dark nights - enable darker nights
Colored lighting - enable color lighting sources
Innocent highlight color - color of innocent characters
Friendly guilds highlight color - color of friendly creatures
Someone that can be attacked highlight color - the color of neutral creatures that can be attacked
Criminal highlight color - crime color
Enemy highlight color - color of hostile creatures
Murderer highlight color - killer color
Query before performing criminal actions - display warnings for violent acts on innocent creatures
Block war on pets - block the attack on pets
Block war on party - block the attack on group members
Block war on friendly - block attack on friendly creatures
Show names of approaching players - display the names of new players on the screen
Use english item names - not implemented
Use circle of transparency - use the circle of transparency
Use light draw mode for circle of transparency - use a lightweight version of the transparency circle (implementation in Orion)
Set radius of transparency circle - radius of the transparency circle
Inform me when my skills improve this much (in tenths) - not implemented
Inform me when increases in strength, dexterity and intelligence - display information about changing character characteristics
Display all public houses contents - display all the contents of custom buildings before entering their territory
Cache this may houses on client - store the specified number of custom buildings in the client
Block dismount in war mode - prohibit getting down from a horse in battle mode
Open new corpses in range during combat - open new corpses within range in combat mode