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Tab Launcher:UO files updates configuration

Hotride edited this page Jun 9, 2019 · 1 revision

UO files updates configuration


It is recommended to clean the folder with UO files from third-party applications and extra files, leaving only the distribution with UO there.

  1. Update file list - update the list of files by the path shown in section 2.

  2. The path to the folder with the UO files.

  3. Open the dialog for selecting a folder with UO files.

  4. A tree of files and folders to select all the necessary files to be included in the update. All files with the MUL, UOP, IDX and DEF extensions are automatically selected. Selectively selected files with the extension TXT, CFG, RLE, IFF, BIK, EXE, DLL, BIN and localization files (ENU, RUS, DEU and others).

  5. Server name - the name of the server that will be displayed in the update dialog.

  6. Server host - server address from where updates will be downloaded. Must end with /

  7. Create local config and zip archive - Create a server and client configuration, as well as pack all selected files into archives (each file has its own archive). Archives and server config are saved in the temp_uo_updates folder in the root with the launcher. Before creating a folder is cleared of all files and subfolders. The client's config (ServerConfig.xml file) is saved to the root folder with the launcher.

  8. Progress and information on the process of creating a config and archives.

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