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Contribute to Existing Dataset Use Case

sdw3md edited this page Nov 12, 2016 · 4 revisions

Contribute to Existing Dataset

Primary Author: Matt Sommer
Secondary Reviewer: Wenqiang Bo


A user wishes to add SNC files for a dataset already uploaded to the server. The user will provide a link to the dataset that will be found on the server using its SHA1 code.

Functional Requirements

  1. The system will have a place to accept the link to the dataset in the server database
  2. The system will have a place to upload scripts (if provided) to server database
  3. The system will have a place to upload Jupyter Notebooks (if provided), docker config files (if provided) or link to "Generate Config Settings"
  4. The system will have the ability to search database of existing datasets using SHA1 code and edit them by adding new files
  5. The system will have the ability to scan new files uploaded by the user for malicious items

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. The user must be able to upload multiple files to a dataset at once
  2. The user can rename files being uploaded and system checks for invalid characters (* , ; . ...etc.) and SQL injections
  3. The system records the date and time added for each file uploaded
  4. The system automatically makes backup of files following changes made to datasets


  • Ability for user to upload files to an existing dataset by searching datasets with SHA1 code


  1. The system Internet Connection must be sufficient to handle upload and download of files of many users at once
  2. The system must have an accessible GUI for users to easily search and add datasets and files
  3. The system must have a storage system in place to keep a backup of all stored data and information