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Generate Upload Manifest Use Case

sdw3md edited this page Nov 12, 2016 · 3 revisions

Generate/Upload Manifest

Primary Author: Jakob Daugherty
Secondary Reviewer: Scott Wolcott ##Use Case

The Generate/Upload Manifest use case is dependent on the Upload Data Set use case. This will fulfill the precondition that a primary actor has shared data and any SNC files with the system.

Functional Requirements

The system will be required to have on screen buttons labeled "Generate Manifest" and "Upload Manifest", and associated controllers or event handlers for said buttons. The system will include input fields for all manifest specifications required for "Generate Manifest" functionality. Also the system will have access to any datasets and SNC files that has been contributed to the project, and will be uploaded upon success.

Non-Functional Requirements

The database system will save and maintain uploaded data in a secure and searchable format. If the user does not have a complete manifest, then the system will display an error and no files will be generated/uploaded.

User Requirements

Assuming completion of the Upload Data Set function, the user would be required to click the "Create Manifest" or "Upload Manifest" button on screen. This will produce either a file explorer, or various text areas, wherein the user will input the required information. Being either a manifest file to upload or completed text areas that will be compiled and saved as a manifest file.

###System Requirements

The system will be required to have access to a database system for storing manifests.