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Advantages Disadvantages Special Abilities Selections

Lukas Obermann edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

Worksheet Name




  • Type: number
  • Description: The numeric id of the entry this select option belongs to. The respective string ID will have the ADV_ prefix for advantage select options, DISADV_ for disadvantage select options and SA_ for special ability select options.


  • Type: number
  • Description: An increasing integer.

name l10n

  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the select option.

cost univ

  • Type: number?
  • Description: Specific AP cost for the select option.

prerequisites univ

  • Type: (Array<"RCP" | RequiresActivatableObject | RequiresIncreasableObject | RequiresPrimaryAttribute | SexRequirement | RaceRequirement | CultureRequirement | PactRequirement, &> | Array<[level: number, ...levelBasedPrerequisites: ("RCP" | RequiresActivatableObject | RequiresIncreasableObject | RequiresPrimaryAttribute | SexRequirement | RaceRequirement | CultureRequirement | PactRequirement)]<&>, &&>)?
  • Description: A list of prerequisites that has to be met before activation availability. Listed JSON interfaces may be used in addition to "RCP" which is used to indicate that it has to be or common in or suggested by the selected race, culture or profession. If prerequisites are level-based, you need to take the second type option and insert an array of arrays, where the first element of each contained array is the level and all the following elements are the prerequisites for the level specified at the beginning of the array. These are required for at least this level: The prerequisites are merged for higher levels. So if you have prerequisite lists for level 1, 2 and 3, if you want to choose level 3, you need to meet all prerequisites listed for level 1, 2 and 3. You need to have prerequisites for at least two levels, so that the app can detect you want level-aware prerequisites.
  • Examples:
    • {"id": "TAL_1", "value": 4}
    • {"id": "TAL_1", "value": 4}&{"id": "SA_3", "sid": 1}
    • 1&{"id": "TAL_1", "value": 4}&&3&{"id": "SA_3", "sid": 1}

description l10n

  • Type: markdown?
  • Description: The description of the select option. Useful for Bad Habits, Trade Secrets and other entries where a description is available.

src l10n

  • Type: Array<occurrence: [bookId: string, firstPage: number, lastPage?: number]<,>, &>
  • Description: The source books where you can find the entry. The list items contain the book IDs (from the Books table) and the page (firstPage). If an entry spans multiple pages, provide the last page as well.

errata l10n

  • Type: Array<change: [date: Date, value: string]<?>, &>?
  • Description: A list of errata for the entry in the specific language.

Trade-Secret-specific Properties

isSecret univ

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: TRUE if considered secret knowledge.

Script-specific Properties

languages univ

  • Type: Array<languageSid: number, &>
  • Description: A list of languages working with the script.

cost univ

  • Type: number
  • Description: The AP value you have to pay.

continent univ

  • Type: 1 | 2 | 3
  • Description: The continent id. See table below.

isExtinct univ

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: Whether the script is considered virtually extinct in it's respective continent.

Language-specific Properties

continent univ

  • Type: 1 | 2 | 3
  • Description: The continent id. See table below.

isExtinct univ

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: Whether the language is considered virtually extinct in it's respective continent.

specializations l10n

  • Type: Array<string, &>?
  • Description: A list of language-specific specializations.

specializationInput l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: If specialization cannot be specified by a list, e.g. specializations for different tribes, insert the description for the input field here.

Animal-Transformation-specific Properties

gr univ

  • Type: number
  • Description: The animal group id.

level univ

  • Type: number
  • Description: The level of the selection in the animal group.


If category ids are used in the select column respective main sheet (ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES/SPECIAL_ABILITIES) in the universal table, do not include any select options here.

Special ID Tables

Continent IDs

id name
1 Aventuria
2 Uthuria
3 Gyldenland
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