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Race Variants

Lukas Obermann edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

Worksheet Name




  • Type: number
  • Description: An increasing integer. The respective string ID will have the RV_ prefix.

name l10n

  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the race variant.

commonCultures univ

  • Type: Array<cultureId: number, &>?
  • Description: The list of common cultures. If common cultures are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

commonAdvantages univ

  • Type: Array<advantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of common advantages. If common advantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

commonAdvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The respective common advantages text from the source book. If common advantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

commonDisadvantages univ

  • Type: Array<disadvantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of common disadvantages. If common disadvantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

commonDisadvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The respective common disadvantages text from the source book. If common disadvantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

uncommonAdvantages univ

  • Type: Array<advantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of uncommon advantages. If uncommon advantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

uncommonAdvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The respective uncommon advantages text from the source book. If uncommon advantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

uncommonDisadvantages univ

  • Type: Array<disadvantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of uncommon disadvantages. If uncommon disadvantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

uncommonDisadvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The respective uncommon disadvantages text from the source book. If uncommon disadvantages are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

hairColors univ

  • Type: Array<hairColorId: number, &, 20>?
  • Description: An array containing 20 (numeric) hair color SIDs. The array also represents the 20-sided die for a random hair color. You can find all the available hair colors in the l10n JSON files. They are represented as an array; to get the ID you have to get the (1-based) index of the hair color in the array. If hair colors are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

eyeColors univ

  • Type: Array<eyeColorId: number, &, 20>?
  • Description: An array containing 20 (numeric) eye color SIDs. The array also represents the 20-sided die for a random eye color. You can find all the available eye colors in the l10n JSON files. They are represented as an array; to get the ID you have to get the (1-based) index of the eye color in the array. If eye colors are defined by the race, leave this field empty.

sizeBase univ

  • Type: number?
  • Description: The base value used for random size. If size is defined by the race, leave this field empty.

sizeRandom univ

  • Type: Array<dice: [amount: number, sides: number]<D>, &>?
  • Description: The dice used for random size. Examples: 2D6 or 1D6&1D20. If size is defined by the race, leave this field empty.

errata l10n

  • Type: Array<change: [date: Date, value: string]<?>, &>?
  • Description: A list of errata for the entry in the specific language.
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