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Lukas Obermann edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

Worksheet Name




  • Type: number
  • Description: An increasing integer. The respective string ID will have the TAL_ prefix.

name l10n

  • Type: string
  • Description: The full name.

applications l10n

  • Type: Array<[id: number, name: string]<?>, &&>
  • Description: The skill's applications. Default applications have positive ids, while applications that are enabled by special abilities have negative ids.

applications univ

  • Type: Array<[id: number, prerequisite: RequiresActivatableObject]<?>, &>?
  • Description: The skill's applications that are enabled by special abilities (negative ids only). This defines the prerequisite to enable the application. Usually the prerequisite represents the special ability that enables the respective application.

applicationsInput l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: If there are options available that can not be put into a selection list (like different cults), provide the placeholder text for the input element here. Otherwise leave empty.

uses l10n

  • Type: Array<[id: number, name: string]<?>, &&>
  • Description: The skill's uses. The id is an increasing integer.

uses univ

  • Type: Array<[id: number, prerequisite: RequiresActivatableObject]<?>, &>?
  • Description: The skill's uses that are enabled by special abilities. This defines the prerequisite to enable the use. Usually the prerequisite represents the special ability that enables the respective use.

check univ

  • Type: [number, number, number]<&>
  • Description: The skill's check attributes. The integers represent the numeric attribute IDs.

ic univ

  • Type: number
  • Description: Improvement cost. See table below.

enc univ

  • Type: "true" | "false" | "maybe"
  • Description: If the skill check is modified by encumbrance tier or not or just under certain circumstances.

encDescription l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The text listing the certain circumstances in which the encumbrance may count. This text should only be used if enc is set to "maybe".

tools l10n

  • Type: markdown?
  • Description: Necessary equipment to employ the skill.

quality l10n

  • Type: markdown
  • Description: Examples of effects QL provides.

failed l10n

  • Type: markdown
  • Description: Examples of effects for failure.

critical l10n

  • Type: markdown
  • Description: Examples of effects for critical success.

botch l10n

  • Type: markdown
  • Description: Examples of effects for botch.

gr univ

  • Type: number
  • Description: The group id.

src l10n

  • Type: Array<occurrence: [bookId: string, firstPage: number, lastPage?: number]<,>, &>
  • Description: The source books where you can find the entry. The list items contain the book IDs (from the Books table) and the page (firstPage). If an entry spans multiple pages, provide the last page as well.

errata l10n

  • Type: Array<change: [date: Date, value: string]<?>, &>?
  • Description: A list of errata for the entry in the specific language.

JSON Interfaces

interface RequiresActivatableObject {
  id: string | string[]; // If an array is used, only one of the specified IDs has to fit the other object properties. Can not be used, if the 'sid' property is an array.
  active: boolean; // if the specified object with its properties has to be active or deactive.
  sid?: string | number | string[] | number[]; // If an array is used, only one of the specified SIDs has to fit the other object properties. Can not be used, if the 'id' property is an array.
  sid2?: string | number;
  tier?: number;

Special ID Tables

Improvement Costs

id name
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D


id en-US de-DE
1 Physical Körper
2 Social Gesellschaft
3 Nature Natur
4 Knowledge Wissen
5 Craft Handwerk
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