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Enchanted Book Loot Items

fnar edited this page Dec 29, 2021 · 1 revision

Enchanted Books

Represents a loot rule that when used to create an item generates an enchanted book with some complex level rulings.


  • {object}
    • "ench": integer: Represents the enchantment level (0-30+) to be placed on enchanted books produced by this rule.
      • optional
      • default 0
      • min/max: [0, ?)
    • "level": integer: Represents the dungeon layer (1-5). Only used if the "ench" property is not set or set to 0.
      • optional
      • default 0
      • min/max: [0, 4] (follows programming's 0-indexing)
{"level": 0, "ench": 0}

Level to Enchanting Level mapping

This table can be used to determine loosely what enchantment level will be given to a book provided by this rule when the "ench" property is 0 or omitted based on the dungeon layer level specified by the "level" property.

Follows the values here.

In case of dead link, code copied here, but may be outdated:

  public static int getLevel(Random rand, int level) {

    switch (level) {
      case 4:
        return 30 + rand.nextInt(10);
      case 3:
        return 15 + rand.nextInt(15);
      case 2:
        return 5 + rand.nextInt(15);
      case 1:
        return 1 + rand.nextInt(10);
      case 0:
        return 1 + rand.nextInt(5);
        return 1;