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Fnar edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 13 revisions

A Theme defines the blocks used in structure generation.

There are three main parts; the "base" which may refer to a built-in theme, so you can avoid doing extra work. There's also the "primary" and "secondary" BlockSets which override the selected base theme.

If a base is not selected then your primary and secondary blocksets will be layered on top of previously defined themes further back in the inheritance chain. This allows you to define themes which only change a single aspect of other themes.


  • Object (root)
    • "base" : String - Theme name
    • "primary" : BlockSet - Main structural walls
    • "secondary" : BlockSet - Decorative feature walls
    • "levels": integer | [integer...] - Either a single number for the level, or an array of levels where this theme should appear. Values of 0-4 are accepted (e.g. [0,1,2,3,4]).

Example Theme

Example 1

  "name": "theme:ice",
  "themes": [{"base": "ICE", "level": [0,1,2,3,4]}]
Example 2
  "name": "theme:flesh",
  "themes": [
      "base": "TEMPLE",
      "level": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
      "primary": {
        "lightblock": {"name":  "minecraft:glowstone"},
        "liquid": {"name": "minecraft:water"},
        "pillar": {"name": "minecraft:bone_block"},
        "walls": {"name": "charm:rotten_flesh_block", "meta": 0},
        "floor": {"name": "thaumcraft:flesh_block"}
      "secondary": {
        "lightblock": {"name":  "minecraft:glowstone"},
        "liquid": {"name": "minecraft:water"},
        "pillar": {"name": "minecraft:bone_block"},
        "walls": {"name": "charm:rotten_flesh_block", "meta": 0},
        "floor": {"name": "thaumcraft:flesh_block"}

Base Theme

All themes seen in the mod normally are available as base themes which may be invoked by assigning them to the base. There are also extra themes which are normally unused, but available.

The available base themes are

  • BLING: Random diamond, gold, emerald, lapis blocks.
  • BRICK: Solid brick walls
  • BUMBO: Clay walls and floors oloured like Bumbo -- green, yellow, red, black, and white
  • CAVE: Smooth stone and ores with gravel mixed floor
  • CHECKER: Obsidian and Quartz checker pattern, with quartz features
  • CRYPT: Stonebrick
  • DARKHALL: Stone bricks and dark oak highlights
  • DARKOAK: Solid dark oak walls
  • ENDER: Checkered endstone and obsidian
  • ENIICE: Experimental
  • ENIKO: Stonebrick walls with light stained clay checkered floors
  • ENIKO2: Broken Stonebrick walls with dark stained clay checkered floors
  • ENIQUARTZ: Experimental
  • ETHO: Wood walls with grass floors
  • ETHOTOWER: Stained clay and sandstone
  • GREY: Andesite and polished andesite, everywhere. You're welcome.
  • HELL: Mixed Nether-themed walls and floors, lava liquid, some magma pillars, and the occasional 'precious' block such as diamond or redstone.
  • HOUSE: Stone walls and wooden highlights
  • ICE: Packed ice walls with quartz stairs
  • JUNGLE: Mixed stonebrick with chiselled. Jungle log secondary pillars
  • MINESHAFT: Smooth stone and ores
  • MOSSY: Cobble/mossy walls with silverfish
  • MUDDY: Broken stonebrick with dirt/soulsand floor
  • NETHER: Netherrack, soul sand, quartz ore, with netherbrick pillars and stairs, a bit of obsidian for pillars
  • NETHER_FORTRESS: Netherbrick fortress style
  • OAK: Stone brick with oak highlights
  • PURPUR: Purpur blocks fam
  • PYRAMID: Sandstone blocks
  • QUARTZ: Solid quartz
  • RAINBOW: Repeating checkered patterns of colored stained clay, with acacia highlights
  • SANDSTONE: Solid sandstone
  • SANDSTONERED: Red sandstone with red sand mixed in
  • SEWER: Stone brick with a lot of mossy brick
  • SNOW: Stonebrick, spruce log and cobble stairs
  • SPRUCE: Stone brick with spruce highlights
  • STONE: Stone brick walls and floors, polished andesite pillars. Pretty plain.
  • TEMPLE: Prismarine and sea lanterns
  • TERRACOTTTA: Walls and floors of a randomly-coloured terracotta block.
  • TOWER: Broken cobble/brick walls - used in default rogue tower