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MCU development

趙 漠居(Zhao, Moju) edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 7 revisions


Project Generator


SDK and Dubuger

Deprecated SDK: True Studio



After Install:

  1. Run SDK:
    1. Windows: nothing to say.
    2. Linux:
      1. general way: $ cd /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_ARM_x86_64_x.x.x/ide/ & ./TrueSTUDIO
      2. another way: Add /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_ARM_x86_64_x.x.x/ide/ to $PATH; move to your project directory where .project exists, and run $ TrueSTUDIO .project.

2. Emacs Key-bindings 1. Select "Help" -> "Install New Software", add following urls: - - 2. change to emacs keybindings "Window" -> "Reference" -> "General" -> "Keys" -> "Scheme". Select "Emacs+ Scheme"


  1. General compile errors:
    1. can not find: Delete the "Debug/XXXX" directory in the explorer

Intermediate Level

Project Generator: STM32CubeMX



  • Windows: nothing to say
  • Linux: run $ ./SetupSTM32CubeMX-x.xx.x.linux after extraction. Then run $ cd ~/STM32CubeMX & ./STM32CubeMX


  1. Stable version for d_board: Right now we only can use STM32Cube FW_F7 V1.3.1. The later version can not work with CAN system.
  2. Delete main.c from the Users dir in TrueStudio
  3. Linux: After generate project from STM32CubeMX in Ubuntu, please revert file: .project and .cproject. $ git checkout -- .cproject .project

SDK: TrueStudio

Initialization Process for first project building

note: .cproject is modified from TrueStudio, which has no business with STM32CubeMX. But, .project is influenced by STM32CubeMX.

  1. ADD line: "<nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature</nature>" in .project to enable cpp files compile;
  2. Change the <location> to the relative path in .project, if necessary.
  3. Add source files(*.c, *.cpp) to project: drag the related folders directly into the "Application" in the Project Explorer. (e.g. "rosserial_stm/test/ros_lib", "Jsk_Lib"). Also note that please check to the "link to files and folders"
  4. Copy main.c to main.cpp and also drag into the "Application"/"User" in the Project Explorer. Delete mian.c in the Project Explorer. Or you can directly edit .project to change from main.c to main.cpp
  5. Edit the properties of the project: right click the project in the Project Explorer, select "Properties". Select "C/C++ Build" / "Settings".
    1. change to arm-atollic-eabi-g++ -c in "Assembler" and "C++ Compiler", please remain arm-atollic-eabi-gcc -c for "C Compiler", and change to arm-atollic-eabi-g++ for "C++ linker". Please read this for the meaning of option -c.
    2. Change to "gnu++11(C++11 + nug extensions)" for C++ Comipler/General.
    3. Add related symbols to "Symbols" of "C Compiler", (e.g. __USE_C99_MATH, __arm). Copy all the symbols to "C++ Compiler". Also note that do not add "__cplus_cplus" which is the default symbols when running g++.
    4. add include path in "Directories" of "C Compiler". (e.g.: ../../../ros_lib/rosseial_stm/test/ros_lib, ../../../Jsk_Lib). Copy all the paths to "C++ Compiler".
    5. change the optimize for debugging (-Og) in Optimization
    6. Can also add lib in "C++ Linker", please check "jsk_ugv"
    7. Please use extern C to avoid the conflict C funtion in C++ files. Please read this carefully.


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