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Engine Source Code

tmp64 edited this page Jun 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Engine Source Code

Prey (2017) is based on CRYENGINE version 3/4. CRYENGINE 5 and newer has public source code.

CRYENGINE versions 5.0-5.6 used to be available in a public repo on CRYTEK's GitHub.
The repo has been removed soon after the release of CRYENGINE 5.7 LTS, and required SDKs went along with it.


This is the closest public version to the one used in Prey.
For Chairloader development, it can be found in a mirror.

Notable differences from Prey's engine are:

  • File structure in CryCommon split by engine modules. CRYENGINE 3 and Prey have all files in one directory.
  • Different (how?) entity archetype code.


This version is hosted in a private repository.
To get access to it, you need to fill out a form. Check here for details.