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Prey and Mod File Structure

thelivingdiamond edited this page Nov 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Proper file structure for Prey directory

This is how the Prey directory should look once you have installed Chairloader. The Mods folder is created automatically when installed.


Proper file structure for Mods folder

The Mods folder should have two folders inside of it upon first creation, config and Legacy. Any Chairloader mods should go here, and they are automatically placed here by the install mod from file function.



The config folder contains all configuration files for mods, including the primary config file for the Chairloader system, Chairloader.xml. If Chairloader.xml is not present Chairloader will not work.



This is where mods that were released before Chairloader will go. They are typically packaged as a .pak file and were intended to go in the Precache/ folder in the prey directory. They do not have a ModInfo.xml file, and as such are missing some of the features available in Chairloader. However, placing them here will enable Chairloader compatibility merging with other mods.


Proper file structure for a Chairloader mod

A chairloader mod is differentiated by having a ModInfo.xml and has the ability to contain a DLL file that will be loaded. The current example ModInfo.xml can be found in the Examples folder in the latest release. A default config file should also be provided. The appropriate file structure is as follows:


Inside the Data folder is where the asset file structure goes:


Proper file structure for a Legacy mod

A legacy mod can only contain XML and asset elements, and as such the file structure is simpler:


A note on asset merging and file paths

For the asset data of a mod, the file names and path names are not case sensitive. However, the relative paths must be correct. Please ensure that the assets are in the proper paths when creating or editing a mod.