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XML Modding ‐ Legacy Mod Conversion

tmp64 edited this page Dec 31, 2024 · 1 revision

Legacy Mod Conversion

Chairloader has a command line tool to convert a legacy .pak mod into a Chairloader mod. This tool removes the need to manually find changes in the mod.


  1. Create two folders:
    • legacy - for original mod files
    • chair - for converted files
  2. Unpack .pak into legacy folder.
  3. If this was a level.pak file, you must move its contents to legacy/Levels/Campaign/[xxxx]/[yyyy]/level. Replace [xxxx]/[yyyy] with level path.
  4. Open Command Prompt in ChairManager folder.
  5. Type this command. Replace [path/to/legacy] and [path/to/chair] with paths to created folders.
    .\LegacyModConverter.exe --type-lib XmlTypeLibrary.xml --merging-lib MergingLibrary.xml --prey-files-dir PreyFiles --legacy-mod-dir [path/to/legacy] --out-dir [path/to/chair]
  6. Check the log file and fix errors (if you have any)


This tool doesn't have full support for array nodes. Array nodes are copied as-is with ch:action="replaceChildren".