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Lua Modding Introduction
CRYENGINE includes a Lua 5.1.1-rc4 interpreter (from 2006) for entity scripting.
Relevant resources:
- Lua Scripting - CRYENGINE Technical Documentation
- Script Entity - CRYENGINE Technical Documentation
- Creating a New Entity Class - CRYENGINE Technical Documentation
- Entity script examples - bare-minimum-cryengine3
Table of Contents:
- Executing Scripts
- Formatting Rules
- Entity Scripts
- Lua Mods
- Logging
- Entity Table Hooks
- Lua Mod Interop
- Bridging Lua and C++
Lua scripts can be executed in the console by prefixing them with a #
#ChairError("Hello from Lua")
[Lua] [Error] Hello from Lua
You can execute files using
-- Syntax: LoadScript(path, bReload = false, bRaiseError = true)
-- Without bReload = true, the script will only be loaded once.
#Script.LoadScript("D:/Path/To/Script.lua", true)
Just like C++, Lua doesn't have an official formatting rule set. CRYENGINE seems to extend their C++ rules to Lua
- Indent using tabs
- Functions use
- Variables use
, sometimes with Hungarian notationbBoolVar
- Global variables are prefixed with
:g_Pi, g_HitTable, ...
Primary use of Lua in CRYENGINE is to define new entity classes, their properties (the ones you see in EntityArchetypes XML) and some of the logic via callbacks.
See Relevant resources section for more details.
Chairloader mods can include custom Lua scripts. The mod must have a script in Data/Scripts/Mods/mod.name/main.lua
in specific format.
The script is run in the global environment. Make sure you always use local
for variables and functions. Otherwise the may be overwriten by other mods.
Check the example for details.
Chairloader provides a few formatted and unformatted logging functions.
-- Formatted logging (using string.format)
ChairLog("Hello no. %d", 1) -- Normal message, like CryLog in C++
ChairWarn("Hello no. %d", 2) -- [Warning] prefix, like CryWarning in C++
ChairError("Hello no. %d", 3) -- [Error] prefix, like CryError in C++
-- Unformatted logging (functions take a string)
Chairloader.Log("Hello no. " .. tostring(1))
Chairloader.LogWarning("Hello no. " .. tostring(2))
Chairloader.LogError("Hello no. " .. tostring(3))
Chairloader provides a mechanism to hook functions in entity script tables.
Use Chairloader.HookEntityCallback
in HookEntities
. Syntax:
-- Registers a hook function for an entity callback.
-- @param entityClassName Entity class name.
-- @param callbackName Callback name.
-- @param handler Hook handler.
Chairloader.HookEntityCallback = function(entityClassName, callbackName, handler)
Hook handler is a function that takes the following arguments:
- Next handler.
- Entity instance (
). - Callback arguments.
Example usage:
local function ArkTurret_OnLoad(nextHandler, self, saved)
-- Call the original function (similar to InvokeOrig() in C++)
nextHandler(self, saved)
self.testScale = saved.testScale
if self.testScale == nil then
self.testScale = 1
ChairWarn("ArkTurret_OnLoad %.3f", self.testScale)
Entity.SetSlotScale(self, 0, self.testScale)
function gMod:HookEntities()
Chairloader.HookEntityCallback("ArkTurret", "OnLoad", ArkTurret_OnLoad)
If you don't know the exact arguments of a callback, you can use variadic args.
local function MyCallback(nextHandler, self, ...)
nextHandler(self, ...)
ChairLog("Do something here...")
Lua mods can have PublicExport
entry in their main table. If they have one, other mods can get a reference to it using the following functions.
-- Gets the export table for a given mod.
-- If mod is not found, returns nil.
Chairloader.GetModExportTable = function (modName)
-- Gets the export table for a given mod.
-- If mod is not found, throws an error.
Chairloader.RequireModExportTable = function (modName)
Those functions can only be called after all mods have been registered (e.g. in gMod:OnInit
CRYENGINE provides an easy way to expose C++ functions to Lua scripts using CScriptableBase
See Integrations Between Lua and C++ in CRYENGINE docs.
See ScriptBind_Chairloader.