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2021 05 11 TT WIGOSMD 9

Anna Milan edited this page May 11, 2021 · 17 revisions

Task Team WIGOS Metadata (TT-WIGOSMD-9)

Date and Venue

11 May 2021, 13:30-16:00 UTC

MS Teams


Team Members

Name Present
Jörg Klausen (Switzerland, Chair TT-WIGOSMD)
Tom Kralidis (Canada, ET-Metadata Chair)
Gao Chen (USA)
Lara Ferrighi (Norway)
Rainer Maerz (Germany)
Ying Wang (China)
Juan Bianchi (Argentina)

WMO Secretariat

Name Present
Enrico Fucile
Xiaoxia Chen
Anna Milan
Rodica Nitu
Igor Zahumensky
Champika Gallage
Nora Krebs
Lauren Derby


Name Present
Franziska Stürzl excused


  1. Welcome (5')
  2. Approval of minutes from last meeting (5')
  3. Secretariat updates
  4. Appraisal of ad-hoc meeting with ET-WT (jkl)
  5. Update from WG-ACV (jkl)
  6. Code tables 1-01-x, concept of matrix and tags
  7. Review issues
    1. In validation
    2. In progress (discussion needed)
    3. In progress (not ready, discussion postponed)
    4. Submitted (status update needed)
  8. Next meeting: 27 May, 13:30-15:00 UTC (?)


  1. Minutes are approved
  2. Secretariat updates:
    • Anna will be merging last FT branch soon and will rebase the working branches. There may be conflicts and will reach out to team as needed.
  3. Appraisal of ad-hoc meeting with ET-WT (jkl)
    • Discussed collaboration with the Expert Team on WIGOS Tools, conclusions from the recent survey will provide more requirements for this team.
  4. Update from WG-ACV (jkl)
    • Code tables 1-01-x, concept of matrix and tags
    • (JKL) this team should review this approach for structuring. Basically, the concept is to relate the terms to other terms or tags in a matrix. All are welcome to comment on this approach in the issues (above). Eventually, the tags will replace paths. (Champika) The matrix isn't useful for ocean. However, the tags are useful, because sometimes variables falls under multiple categories. (JKL) defining a matrix may or may not be useful for other code lists. (Rodica) we will be looking at sea-ice during the next FT cycle and where/how snow is expressed will have to be explored (JKL) the idea is that these tags will help refine search results for tags that belong in multiple categories. There are also geometric concepts, such as line, profile... (AM) tags are not going downstream, at the moment, to the codes registry or OSCAR. ACTION: all review and provide feedback. We want the concepts in the matrices to go through FT-2021-2.(Juan) I can look at the categories that would work for tags in hydrology.
  5. Review issues in project board: The team reviewed issues, added comments in issues and moved to next column if ready for next stage.
    • In validation
    • In progress
      • Gao: Issue on units may have unaddressed feedback. ACTION: Anna will follow up
      • Champika: Issue on Ocean variables is ready for final review.
    • Submitted
      • many of these issues were recently added from the ACV group and should be in progress/in validation instead
  6. Next meeting: 27 May, 13:30-15:00 UTC

Action Items

Clone this wiki locally