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Blog 2016 10 21 Fall

Albert Morgan edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 3 revisions

Anisimova, Natasha

This last week on Monday we were able to recruit a few people to help us research. We also came up with proof of concepts, something that we would like to do every week. This will help us figure out what we need more information on. Also, we were able to confirm that we will get the protocol on how data will be sent from the ECE team.

Morgan, Albert


The plans for the coming week are to:

  1. Figure out some of the details about our architecture, especially exactly how the application server should interact with the web server.
  2. Make a list of proof-of-concepts that need to be done
  3. Bring the rest of the students up to date on the overall architecture, and find some tasks for them (see 3)
  4. Write the requirements document


Progress is going well. We haven't started any development work yet, and there are still some critical pieces of the architecture that still need to be detailed, but we have a very good high-level view of what the architecture should look like. We have a number of other students who are involved in the rocket team that should be a terrific asset to our project.


No particular problems this week, but after doing some research about application/web server integration, there appears to be a lot of different ways we could design our architecture, and I'm not sure how to decide which one is best for us.

Lee, Terrance

Problems# After Speaking with Dr. Winters she said that our problem statement was at what she called level 2. That we needed to be just a little be higher on our overview to where we started. I had also ran into our TA and had him look at our problem statement for formatting errors since he has been an instructor to make sure we weren't doing anything wrong there. He said it was fine and gave me some feedback about the problem statement but it was the same as Dr. Winters.

Progress# We came to agreement that we needed to speak to get some terms from the whole team for the glossary because this wasn't just a CS project. Since this a project that takes collaborate of teams to succeed in this project we should need some of their terms too.

Plans# We were going to ask the team leads for some glossary terms and Dr. Squires for requirements. With the glossary terms we were going to take the ones that we felt pertained to our document and use them.