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Blog 2016 12 02 Fall

Albert Morgan edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Anisimova, Natasha


Now that we have the Design Document out of the way, we can focus on the progress report. I got a very simple outline of what it will look like in PowerPoint but we still have a lot of work to do. The weekend will be dedicated to finishing that up as well as studying for final exams. Over the break I want to spend a lot of time creating the 3D environment that will be hosted on our website for the launch/tracking of the rocket.


We had Dr. Squires sign the Design Document which was thankfully finished on time. Also, I think everyone is on the same page about using JavaScript for our software (node.js, three.js, etc.).


Finishing the Design was a bit stressful. I had a couple errors with making sure the figures showed up on the right page. Spacing of pages was a big issue. I got a detailed email from Jon, the TA, about how all of that worked so my hope is that it will not ever happen in the future. Now that this term is almost over and future terms will not be as heavily loaded, I want to be able to finish things earlier than we have been in the past.

Morgan, Albert


The weekly rocket meeting has been canceled, so there is no coordination with the larger group that needs to be done. However, we plan to get at least some work done over the break. We should be able to get at least a basic running version of our software up in that time.

Over the weekend we should be able to finish the content of our video, and record it on Monday. We plan to break the presentation into bite-sized pieces for ease of recording and editing. Additionally, this will allow us to reuse some of the pieces for later presentations.


This week we finished the design document. We've created the framework of our presentation, but we haven't started recording anything yet. The bones of our presentation has been created, but much of the content remains to be filled in.


We only finished the design document at the last minute, which lead to some difficulties. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are making GitHub commits before you have had your coffee, something has gone terribly, terribly, wrong. In order to prevent this in the future, I believe our team should institute a rigid internal timeline that ensures that work isn't being done hours before our deadlines. Over the break, I will look more into GitHub issues to see if they would be a useful tool for this kind of thing.

Lee, Terrance

###Progress We got the design document done. Also Al made the base for the progress report.

###Plans Monday we plan to meet up to get the video done for the progress report.
We plan on doing some coding over the break. My personal goal over the break is to learn node because I have never used it before and since that is our language for everything I figure it would be good to know how to use it.

###Problems The design document took longer to finish than expected. Even though we had two weeks to do it. After reading it over the holiday many times it was still confusing and it seemed that we had many questions that never got quite answered. To prevent this we should probably meet up and have a group work session on documents, code, or whatever at least once a week where we are just working on the what needs to be done together in the same room. That way if things change or if we have questions we can solve them with each other. Also we are knocking a big chunk out right there with each other.