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Blog 2016 11 11 Fall

Albert Morgan edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Anisimova, Natasha

So far we have done well with our documents. We have also found out that getting to 100k ft will not be a challenge anymore from the ME teams. Our problem now is staying under 135k ft. It sounds like that will not be too much of a problem considering the fact that weight can always be added to slow down the rocket. Due to the overshot we also have to account for that when considering the type of data, we will still be receiving at that height. Thankfully we can still come up with an estimated altitude, velocity, and location from the other sensors.

When speaking to Professor Bailey about visualization, on behalf of the technical document, he mentioned that a GoPro Dual Hero System could be placed on the rocket as an interesting addition. This 3D capturing camera would give a new and innovative way of looking at space. It would also be the first time that it has been used on a rocket, but it has been used in skydiving in the past. Up until Monday we will be finishing the technical document and after that we will be moving on to the design document. So far we have a lot of ideas from the team with the user stories. There will be several stretch goals we can pull from them but some that we can actually implement.

Morgan, Albert


This week we will work on the technical review and start making some decisions about the components we will use in our software. We also need to start making some decisions soon we can keep the interest of the rest of the people in our team.


This last week we finished the requirements document. It was difficult to nail down specific requirements for this project. Our job is to work with the rest of the rocketry team to make a piece of software that we are all happy with, and didn't start out with a lot of hard requirements from the client.

One of the non-capstone members of our team has decided to work on a predictive positioning system that will show an estimate of where the rocket is in the case that we lose GPS data. The event of a data loss is likely due to restrictions put on GPS devices to prevent people from building missile guidance systems. During certain portions of the rocket's flight, we will be going too fast or too high for a civilian GPS to work due to these restrictions.


There were no problems this week. The technical review is a straightforward document and I do not anticipate any problems.

Lee, Terrance


This week we our TA told us we did well on the requirements document. This lead us to be able to split the technical document up easily. We decide first to split the document up in a way that were each one of us chose things that we would enjoy. That way it would be easier on each other to do our part of this document. For my part I have been doing research to make sure that they are the best for each section. Also since we are working with other disciplines I have spoken to the others that are involved in with each of my part to make sure that this is what we are doing and these are the sensors that they are using.


I want to finish the technical document this weekend so that we can look forward to the design document phase. I believe that will be really interesting with this team I really cannot wait to see what we come up with.


The main problem that I have ran into is the research on retrieval. The reason I say that is because I am looking at the different languages and there are so many different ways that people code. I am just trying to find which one would be the best in this case.