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Blog 2017 01 20 Winter

Terrance Lee edited this page Mar 18, 2017 · 4 revisions

Anisimova, Natasha


We were finally able to meet with the rest of the team this Tuesday and schedule a regular meeting time with the TA. We also now have a solid launch rail group that will be working with us for the rest of the project.


Currently working on getting a complete 3D model of the rocket from the rest of the team. Some parts are still being changed. Continue working on scaling the 3D environment for the web user interface.


I had a family emergency come up this week. It involved me being away from the university for a few days.

Lee, Terrance


We met with the rest of the team to get updated and we had our updated meeting with John Dodge our TA. We were able to get some feedback about our video and last report. I was able to speak to both Instructors about how we are doing in our project. I was able to get us a Raspberry PI so that we can test on from Mr. McGrath.


We have a laptop computer that we are getting on Tuesday to use for testing. After speaking with Al he suggested to ask Mr. McGrath for another Raspberry PI because he had a great Idea for testing it and the computer in one place. A type of Endurance testing to make sure if works the program will work for hours.


The main problem this week was the holiday. Almost all of our meetings are on Monday and changing schedules to make meetings to fit around each others schedule so that we could meet with each other and the TA as well with the High Altitude group was very difficult.

Morgan, Albert


This week I finished the "event chain" part of the backend. A new client connects via websockets, which fires an event. That event attaches a new event handler to the telemetry packet receiver, which causes the receiver to send the data to that client every time a packet is received. That, in turn fires a new event on the client side, allowing the backend to communicate with the frontend.


The one critical part of the software that is still missing is the encoding of the telemetry packet received via USB. We need to communicate with the ECE team to figure out what that is going to be. Additionally, we should be getting some hardware this week that will allow us to run our software on its target platform.


No problems with the software this week. Despite class being canceled on Monday, we managed to have our weekly meeting with everyone there on Tuesday. Scheduling my upcoming wedding around the launch might involve some low-margin-of-error travel plans, but I believe it will work out.