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Blog 2016 10 28 Fall

Albert Morgan edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Anisimova, Natasha

Researching how to make a Gantt chart was interesting. This week we were able to make a sketch of it on a white board on Monday. We also decided that we needed a separate meeting for just capstone assignments so that we were all on the same page of who needed to do what. The volunteers could meet up with us with the Avionics team. This would make it more interactive and we would still be able to get the assignments started. So far we have been a bit anxious about starting on the actual hardware. Unfortunately we do not have a Raspberry Pi yet but we have been drawing out designs plans and having the volunteers do proof of concepts of it.

Morgan, Albert


The plans for the coming week are to:

  1. Finish the requirements document
  2. Develop a better workflow process to prevent near-disasters during busy weeks


This week, we wrote the draft for the requirements document. Given the open-ended nature of our project, it was difficult to decide what should go in this document and what should go in a design document. We ended up leaving many implementation details, which are already planned but not part of the actual requirements of the project, for the design document.


It was a crazy week with the career fairs, and we almost didn't get everything done that we needed to. We managed to pull through, though.

Lee, Terrance

###Progress We were able to get some feedback from the other sub-teams about what they require from us on the software side. Did some research about about what is needed from real software engineers just to get a little more familiar on how it works when dealing with multiple teams. I found out the biggest issue is communication and everyone wants their section to come first at the beginning. What successful teams do is come to a realization on one overall plan and do what is best for the overall team not for themselves.

###Plans Next week do a little more research for the final product of the requirements document. This way it will be clean and concise. When that is finished start thinking about the next document if we have time.

###Problems The requirements document was more difficult then I thought it would be. Since we are getting request from other sections of the team. We have to decipher what should and what should not go into this. Also it makes you actually think about what needs to go into something that needs to work not just for you or your team but for a whole project on a big scale. Since this is something that no other collegiate team has done we don't have much to go with so we are thinking about this should work at this moment but we may research something later and it may not work later. It kind of sticks a little bit in the back of your mind is this a waste of time or is this the right thing that we are doing. The nice thing about research type things like this you will never know until you try.