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Blog 2017 02 24 Winter

anisimon edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 4 revisions

Anisimova, Natasha

###Progress We have the correct height map and Albert was able to help me deal with opening the .xtr file I received from Professor Mike Bailey. I was also able to create a demo with Oregon's terrain. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find suitable satellite images of Spaceport America and Google Maps is being quite difficult with downloading high definition images of the area. Due to this I have decided to just do the color of the area based off of height. Also, I have a final version of the patch created for the High-Altitude Rocketry Team.

###Plans The ECE team has put a magnetometer on the rocket so it will be easier to know which direction is magnetic North, making sure that the display actual flies in the same direction that the real version does. The rocketry team is planning on doing a test launch soon. This will give us a good idea of what kind of data we will be receiving and what the display will look like. At the same time we can also take a lot of feedback from the rest of the team about our interface.

###Problems I had a problem opening the .xtr file but Albert helped me out. Finding high definition satellite images has been quite near impossible of Spaceport America, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Due to this I want to just colorize the area based off of purely height data.

Lee, Terrance

###Progress We found out from the EE team that they are getting a magnetometer on the sustainer. This will help us know which way the rocket is pointing and we do not have to do any crazy calculation to figure that out. I am still working on the recovery system. Because I have to code it in Linux it is taking me a little bit longer.

###Plans I am speaking to some of my friends from the LUG group to make sure I am doing the recovery system correct. I hope to have this complete by early next week. Then look into the telemetry mocker, that is another issue that we have to get working on. We are going to make up some data just in case we cannot get any from the test launch. This way we still have some to show our software is working.

###Problems The main problem that I am having is I am not fluent with Linux at all so I am trying to make sure that this recovery system is correct. I really do not want to mess it up. I have to go off what others have done and convert it to what we are doing. Since I am not great at Linux I have to rely on my friends and teammates to double check my work to make sure it is good.

Morgan, Albert

###Progress This week we got the Raspberry Pi set up in headless mode so that we can SSH into it without hooking it up to a keyboard or monitor. This will help our development efforts considerably, because finding a place to plug in the Raspberry Pi to work on it can be difficult. I also assisted Natasha in decoding some elevation data we can use for the 3D visualization of our launch site.

###Plans Now that the Raspberry Pi is set up, this week I plan on finishing getting the USB library up and running as well as implementing the telemetry protocol. Now that we've figured out how to configure the Raspberry Pi, we can set up one of them as a "telemetry mocker" to feed fake data to either the other Raspberry Pi or our PCs running the server.

###Problems Getting the Raspberry Pi set up in headless mode with limited access to a display was a challenge, but there were no other major problems this week.