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 2020 03 24 Minutes

kboone edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 1 revision


Name Organization
Keith W. Boone Audacious Inquiry
Katie Iser Audacious Inquiry
Christina Caraballo Audacious Inquiry
Dave Cassel Carequality
Hans Buitendijk Cerner
Amit Popat Epic
Michael Donnelly Epic
Michael Clifton Epic
Guy Vesto GE Healthcare
Chris Lindop GE Healthcare
Steve Nichols GE Healthcare
Micky Tripathi MA eHealth
Josh Mandel Microsoft
Stacy Kinkade Microsoft
Aaron Seib New Wave
folfolasoyoye New Wave
Mark Scrimshire New Wave
Dave Pyke Ready Computing
Ankit Agarwal
Donghwa Kim

General Consensus

People are willing to contribute to development of a specification, more time needed to commit to testing due to ongoing customer support and organization commitments. We agreed to meet daily for next two weeks at least to rapidly iterate and develop specification.

Interests by Company

  • Audacious Inquiry: Rapidly develop spec, test and pilot in support of public health.
  • Carequality: Interested in helping in any way they can.
  • Cerner: Can contribute to specification development, will check in on ability test.
  • Epic: Can contribute to specification development, forwarded measures they promoted to EHRA during the call.
  • GE Healthcare: Has several systems that manage equipment/beds, interested in helping to develop, may be able to get data using Mural system, but again, focused on customer demand.
  • MA eHealth: Trying to understand what is happening, offered to communicate about this effort to Argonauts.
  • New Wave: Eager to be able to get to and support aggregation of this kind of data, worked with CMS, Blue Button, CMMI.
  • Ready Computing: Working with Carequality, willing to contribute technically to spec development.

Action Items

  • Dave Pyke (Ready Computing) to coordinate with Wayne Kubik (HL7 CTO), Patient Administration Workgroup to being HL7 PSS in parallel with technical development.
  • David Cassel (Carequality) to reach out to Public Health contacts to validate requirements.
  • Stacy Kinkade (Microsoft) also suggested she might be able to get more from her contacts at Providence/St. Joseph's Health System on West Coast that developed a proprietary solution to address similar needs.
  • Joshua Mandel (Microsoft) agreed that his team could help spin up FHIR and other Servers in Azure for people interested in testing, also offered to have his team contribute to development.



Education and Presentations

Lion Teams
HL7 Project Links
Saner in the Media * [Healthcare Innovation - Interview with Scott Azfal]( * [Healthcare IT Today - Blog Post]( * [ Baltimore - Local company brings APIs to COVID Fight]( * [STAT - Ventilators will sit unused (Halamka et. al.)](
Value and Data Sets
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