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Cibbi edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the Toony standard official wiki!

In here you can find everything you need to know about what the different shader properties do.

Main Section

Minimum Inspector Level Basic
Available since 1.0

This section is not under any dropdown cause contains some basic parameters that you will most likely always use (you use at least a texture, right?).

Here's the list of all the properties in this section:

On the basic inspector level this sections also has a couple more parameters that have been put here from the toon ramp options, since that section is not available at this level.

On the expert inspector you will get this additional parameters

Toon Ramp options

Minimum Inspector Level Normal
Available since 1.0

This section contains everything that has to do with the direct toon lighting.

NOTE: when this section is not enabled, the shader will revert to a standard like diffuse. This gives the ability to use this shader for more pbr like approaches but still having all the other settings.

Rim light options

Minimum Inspector Level Normal
Available since 1.0

This section is used to modify the rim light of the model.

Specular options

Minimum Inspector Level Normal
Available since 1.0

This section is for adding and customizing the specular reflections of the material.

Detail options

Minimum Inspector Level Normal
Available since 1.0

This sections contains options to set detail maps that are highly tiled for adding more details to certain parts of the material.

Subsurface scattering options

Minimum Inspector Level Normal
Available since 2.0

This section is used to add the subsurface scattering effects on the material, useful for skin.

Outline options

Minimum Inspector Level Basic
Available since 2.0

This section is used to add and modify the outlines of the material.

This section is available only on Opaque, Cutout and Dither blend modes.

Stencil options

Minimum Inspector Level Expert
Available since 2.0

This section is used to modify the stenciling parameters for both the material and it's outlines (if outlines are enabled).

If you have outlines enabled you will have 2 sets of the following parameters, one for the material itself and one for outlines.

Specular options (basic version)

Minimum Inspector Level Basic
Available since 1.0

This is the basic inspector level of the specular section and has only some features enabled.

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