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Andris Raugulis edited this page Oct 1, 2015 · 1 revision

Other Applets

Below is a summary of the other Emerge Desktop applets.

To see a list of all the applets, open the right-click Desktop menu > Settings > Configure Core, click on the Add Launch Applet button and the Browse for Launch Applets button and the Browse window below opens.

Applets, not described in the tutorial, are:

  • emergeCore, which, although not listed in the Launch Applet configuration dialog box, is actually running. This is the program which was initially installed and keeps the Emerge Desktop applets together.
  • emergeWorkspace, also already running, which provides the RightClick and MiddleClick Desktop menus, customizable by clicking in the Desktop menu > Settings > Configure Workspace as described at the beginning of this tutorial.
  • emergePower, which reports the battery level for laptops.
  • emergeSysMon, which shows some of the computer’s resources.
  • emergeVWM, which stands for Virtual Windows Manager, and simulates more than one “virtual desktop” on one monitor.

Configuration of the other running applets:

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