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Odd edited this page Oct 2, 2013 · 10 revisions


We discovered that we could just order 40x2 headers and break them down to whatever size we require.

We also came to an agreement that we should get through hole mounted headers.

All thanks to wikipedia.

Thanks Wikipedia!


All right this is round two. It's just them LEDs and me now, baby.

We already have two differently coloured SMD LEDs (See 20130930o) that typically run at 3.3V.

We're going to get a low profile LED for the PSU and then blue or green for the rest of it.

Because that's what is up.


  • Find the low profile LED Rune wants on Farnell.

  • Here's a possible contender:, Datasheet

  • Yeah that's okay. We're going for red. Everything looks better in red. Also in black, but the UV LEDs were expensive.

  • We're getting the green LEDs I found on monday.

  • Wait, that's yesterday. Haha. Time, man. It's hella weird.

  • See LEDs for more about the LEDs.

  • Find footprints for the LEDs

  • wait no I don't have to do this now. I can do that later.

  • Find capacitor components (see power_suppyl.schdoc)

  • Find resistor components (see power_suppyl.schdoc)

Rewriting the components list

because that shit was out of hand.

Eirik's components

Eirik updated components before he left for the day. I've translated his submission into a more table-like format.

What farnell code* Specs comment Count(?)
TVS-Diodes WE-TVS 824 011 Size SOT23-5L : 2pF CI/O : 5V VRWM : 5A IPP Protection of 2 I&O lines and VDD line(3x) 5(?)
ESD Suppressors WE-VE 823 07 050 029 0.2pF Ctyp : 5V VRWM : 17V VCL 1
ESD Suppressors WE-VE 823 06 050 029 0.2pF Ctyp : 5V VRWM : 30V VCL 1
Common Mode Chokes WE-CNSW 744 232 090 Size 1206 : 370mA IDC : 300 mRDC : 90W Impedance 2
Chip Bead Ferrites WE-CBF 742 792 641 Size 0603 : 2 000mA IDC : 150 mRDC : 300W Impedance 2
SD Card Receptacle, MULTICOMP - 412D02F-09PC003SV - - 1
pullupresistors 1857236, PNM1206E5002BST5 RES, THIN FILM, 50K, 0.1%, 400MW, 1206 5
  • not actually the farnell unit code for some of these

Original text:

  • TVS-Diodes WE-TVS:
  • 824 011: Protection of 2 I&O lines and VDD line(3x): Size SOT23-5L | 2pF CI/O | 5V VRWM | 5A IPP
  • ESD Suppressors WE-VE:
  • 823 07 050 029: Size 0402 1x | 0.2pF Ctyp | 5V VRWM | 17V VCL
  • 823 06 050 029: Size 0603 1x| 0.2pF Ctyp | 5V VRWM | 30V VCL
  • Common Mode Chokes WE-CNSW:
  • 744 232 090: Size 1206 2x| 370mA IDC | 300 mRDC | 90W Impedance
  • Chip Bead Ferrites WE-CBF:
  • 2x 742 792 641: Size 0603 | 2 000mA IDC | 150 mRDC | 300W Impedance
  • MULTICOMP - 412D02F-09PC003SV - RECEPTACLE, SD CARD, SMT(from io wiki)
  • sd card:
  • 5x pullupresistors- VISHAY THIN FILM - PNM1206E5002BST5 - RES, THIN FILM, 50K, 0.1%, 400MW, 1206

Yeah I finished with the rewriting at about 0150.

Finding Resistors and capacitors

For the LEDs

Since we found LEDs that have the same voltage specs as the ones 256SoG used on their PSU I am just going to assume that we can use the same resistors as they did as well. Although perhaps we should do some calculations because our PSU-LEDs are 20mA while 256SoG's were 25mA. I don't know.

The other LEDs. During today's (yesterday's) meeting Sigve suggested that I google a "LED resistance calculator". It was a very clever idea because the search returned which is what I've used to decide what resistors we are getting for them other LEDs based on their typical forward voltage (3.3V), the source voltage (3.3V) and typical forward current (20mA).

Oh, right. 1 Ohm resistors. That's what we're getting for the non-PSU LEDs. Lots and lots of 1 Ohm resistors.

For the PSU (- LEDs)

Resistors needed in PSU:

  • 0 ohm x 2
  • 65 ohm x 1
  • 105 ohm x 1
  • 120 ohm x 4
  • 190 ohm x 1
  • 360 ohm x 1


  • cap semi
  • 100 nF x 13
  • cap poll
  • 10 uF x 8

Note: the "cap poll" are the big through-hole things on Festina Lente's board

Note 2: I decided that the "semi" capacitors were in the category "Ceramic Multilayer MLCC Capacitors- SMD" because that's the category 256SoG ordered their non-poll capacitors from (on Farnell).

Note 3: 100nF = 0.1 uF

Note 4: Wait, why don't I just look at Festina Lente's report and get the same components? That's brilliant. I am doing that.

What category are the poll capacitors supposed to be in? Supercapacitors / Ultracaps / Double Layer?

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