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Profession Variants

Lukas Obermann edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

Worksheet Name




  • Type: number
  • Description: An increasing integer. The respective string ID will have the PV_ prefix.

name l10n

  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the profession variant. If the language differenciates between male and female versions of the name, this field will contain the male version.

nameFemale l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The female version of the name field. If the female version equals the male version, leave this field empty.

cost univ

  • Type: number
  • Description: The AP value you have to pay for the variant. This value will be added to the AP costs of the base profession – a negative value will reduce the cost of the base package.

dependencies univ

  • Type: Array<SexRequirement | RaceRequirement | CultureRequirement, &>?
  • Description: A list of prerequisites that have to be met before selecting the profession. Entries will overwrite existing entries with the same id property.

prerequisites univ

  • Type: Array<ProfessionActivatableObject | ProfessionIncreasableObject, &>?
  • Description: A list of prerequisites that have to be met after selecting the profession. The listed entries will be bought once RCP selection is confirmed. Entries will overwrite existing entries with the same id property.

selections univ

  • Type: Array<SpecializationSelection | LanguagesScriptsSelection | CombatTechniquesSelection | CombatTechniquesSecondSelection | CantripsSelection | CursesSelection | TerrainKnowledgeSelection | SkillsSelection, &>?
  • Description: A list of selections that have to be made before confirming race, culture and profession. CombatTechniquesSecondSelection must not be used if CombatTechniquesSelection is not used. The active property may be used: If it is false, the entry with the respective ID will be excluded from the profession package. If you want this you will have to specify the id property only. Entries will overwrite existing entries with the same id property.

specialAbilities univ

  • Type: Array<ProfessionActivatableObject, &>?
  • Description: The list of special abilties contained in the profession package.

combatTechniques univ

  • Type: Array<combatTechnique: [id: number, value: number]<?>, &>?
  • Description: The combat technique values of the profession package. If you buy the profession package, the value will be added to the current CTR, which starts at 6. Example: 1?6 would result in CTR 12 for CT_1. The value is set off against the base profession value; it does not overwrite.

skills univ

  • Type: Array<skill: [id: number, value: number]<?>, &>?
  • Description: The skill values of the profession package. If you buy the profession package, the value will be added to the current SR. The value is set off against the base profession value; it does not overwrite.

spells univ

  • Type: Array<spell: [id: number | Array<id: number, |>, value: number]<?>, &>?
  • Description: The spell values of the profession package. If you buy the profession package, the value will be added to the current SR and the spell will get activated. The value is set off against the base profession value; it does not overwrite.

liturgicalChants univ

  • Type: Array<liturgicalChant: [id: number | Array<id: number, |>, value: number]<?>, &>?
  • Description: The chant values of the profession package. If you buy the profession package, the value will be added to the current SR and the chant will get activated. The value is set off against the base profession value; it does not overwrite.

blessings univ

  • Type: Array<blessingId: number, &>?
  • Description: The list of blessings to activate for the profession package.

precedingText l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: Prepends the field value to the calculated string. No effect when fullText is defined.

fullText l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: Replaces the calculated string with the field value.

concludingText l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: Appends the field value to the calculated string. No effect when fullText is defined.

errata l10n

  • Type: Array<change: [date: Date, value: string]<?>, &>?
  • Description: A list of errata for the entry in the specific language.


interface ProfessionActivatableObject {
  id: string;
  active: boolean;
  sid?: string | number;
  sid2?: string | number;
  tier?: number;

interface ProfessionIncreasableObject {
  id: string;
  value: number; // skill/combat technique has to have this specific SR/CTR after RCP selection

interface SexRequirement {
  id: 'SEX';
  value: 'm' | 'f';

interface RaceRequirement {
  id: 'RACE';
  value: number | number[]; // Either specified numeric race ID or array containing numeric race IDs (one-of)

interface CultureRequirement {
  id: 'CULTURE';
  value: number | number[]; // Either specified numeric culture ID or array containing numeric culture IDs (one-of)

interface SpecialisationSelection {
  active?: boolean;
  sid: string | string[]; // A skill ID or an array of skill IDs. If it is an array, the user can choose between the different skills.

interface LanguagesScriptsSelection {
  active?: boolean;
  value: number; // AP

interface CombatTechniquesSelection {
  active?: boolean;
  amount: number; // Number of selectable CTs
  value: number; // The value by which the CTs will be increased (The base CTR is 6, to get e.g. a CTR of 8, "value" equals 2)
  sid: string[]; // An array containing the combat technique IDs

interface CombatTechniquesSecondSelection {
  active?: boolean;
  amount: number; // Number of selectable CTs
  value: number; // The value by which the CTs will be increased (The base CTR is 6, to get e.g. a CTR of 8, "value" equals 2)
  sid: string[]; // An array containing the combat technique IDs

interface CantripsSelection {
  id: 'CANTRIPS';
  active?: boolean;
  amount: number; // Number of selectable cantrips
  sid: string[]; // An array containing the cantrip IDs

interface CursesSelection {
  id: 'CURSES';
  active?: boolean;
  value: number; // Total number of activations and/or increases.

interface SkillsSelection {
  id: 'SKILLS';
  gr?: number; // If specified, you may only choose from skills of the specified group.
  value: number; // The AP value the user can spend.

interface TerrainKnowledgeSelection {
  sid: number[]; // A list of possible terrains. The ids equal the ids used by the special ability.
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