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Releases: igorseabra4/IndustrialPark

Industrial Park v0.1.1

28 Apr 03:43
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  • Adds presets on PIPT editor

Industrial Park v0.1

24 Apr 23:42
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  • User Templates: now they can be composed of multiple assets! To use them, simply copy one or more assets and then paste them in the User Template Manager. You can rename the template to anything you want, select it from the context menu (right-clicking the main view window) and place it just like a normal template. References (such as events sent between the assets of the template) will be updated accordingly when placed.
  • SND/SNDS assets: allows playing sounds with the Play button in the Asset Data Editor. This works for all games on Xbox and BFBB and Scooby on GameCube (untested on PS2), but it needs vgmstream (not included in the download) under \Resources\vgmstream.
  • Download vgmstream: available from Tools menu. Downloads vgmstream (about 10 MB) to the correct location to enable playing sounds.
  • Stop Sound: available from Tools menu. If you don't click on this, the previewed sound will only stop playing if you close Industrial Park.
  • Fixed copy/paste of SND/SNDS in GameCube Movie/Incredibles/ROTU.
  • Experimental: allows exporting FSB3 file with individual sound from the SND/SNDS Asset Data Editor in GameCube Movie/Incredibles/ROTU.
  • Fixed issue with placing VIL_Generic template.
  • Fixed issue with changing color of TRIG asset under Options (yes you can do that!).
  • Silent txdgen window (no more console window appearing when textures are being converted).

Industrial Park Preview 59.1

20 Apr 05:22
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  • Fixes issue with Duplicate messing up asset IDs

Industrial Park Preview 59

18 Apr 06:50
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  • BUTN, CAM, PLAT Asset Editors: Removed second/third property grid and moved properties to editable structs.
  • MODL, BSP, JSP Asset Editors: Added Ignore Mesh Colors and Flip UVs checkboxes (previously only on Import Models dialog).
  • Updated PARE, PARP, PARS Asset Editors.
  • SND/SNDS Asset Editor: Experimental support for importing FSB3 for Movie/Incredibles/ROTU.
  • New templates: CamTweak, UI_Generic, UIFT_Generic, SFX_OnEvent, SFX_OnRadius, Hangable_Generic, NPC_Generic, Flythrough, LightEmitter_Generic.
  • Values on Asset Editor update in real time when moving with Gizmos.
  • Import Models dialog: enable ledge grab on SIMPs (checkbox).
  • Update References on Copy: now applies to Duplicate as well.
  • Updated model importer: fixes models disappearing when on edge of screen.
  • Fixed bug when editing PreciseCollision.

Industrial Park Preview 58

10 Apr 23:09
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  • Refresh Textures and Models (under Options): use this if models and textures don't show up properly after importing a HIP, textures or models, or after closing an archive.
  • Update References on Copy/Paste (toggleable under Options, defaults to active): when copying and pasting multiple assets, if they have references such as events to each other, the reference will be updated to point to the copy. This is not done for the following asset types: BSP, JSP, MODL, RWTX, SND, SNDS, SNDI and TEXT.
  • Adds shortcuts for Target Asset in Link Editor: Self (makes the event point to the sender asset) and +1 (adds 1 to the number at the end of the target asset name).
  • Ignore Mesh Colors: checkbox in the Import Models dialog. With this checked, IP will ignore unwanted mesh colors (usually set by DAE and FBX exporters, they end up making the models darker than they should be).
  • Updates asset format converter (editing an archive's PACK (to change the game/platform) or copying/pasting assets between archives of different formats) with the following asset types: ATBL, PARS, PARP, SHRP, SURF.
  • Adds support for importing custom textures for Scooby.
  • Fixes user or clipboard pasted templates of box triggers.
  • Updates asset editors: PARE, PARP, PKUP, BSP/JSP/MODL.
  • Adds skybox movement to Movement Preview.
  • Some settings (Use LODT for Rendering, Use PIPT for Rendering, Hide Invisible Meshes, Persistent Shinies, Update References on Copy/Paste and Hide Help in Asset Editors) are now saved in the global IP settings instead of project settings.

Industrial Park Preview 57.1

30 Mar 01:05
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  • Fixes two errors which caused crashes when opening certain archives
  • New template: blank BSP (for Scooby)

Industrial Park Preview 57

28 Mar 05:48
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  • Adds standalone Archive Editor window, which can be used to open one HIP/HOP archive without a renderer separately from Industrial Park. Some functions (such as using asset names instead of IDs and editing models and textures) are not available in this mode.
  • Asset list in Archive Editor now has columns with asset name, ID, type and size in bytes and allows sorting ascending or descending by any of the columns.
  • Adds asset editor: WIRE (used in Incredibles) which can import and export .OBJ files with splines for the "wireframe models". This function is still experimental.
  • Adds asset editor: JSP for JSPINFO. This function is still experimental.
  • Adds option: Hide Invisible Meshes. This will hide meshes which are set to be invisible in MODL and JSP assets.
  • Adds editing of Atomic Flags for both MODL and JSP assets. This allows you to set collision and visibility for individual meshes of the models.
  • Run Game (F5) now sets the boot level (in the sb.ini file) to the level of the currently opened HIP/HOPs (if multiple are open, the first one will be used).
  • Fixes adding new user templates in the User Template Manager
  • Attempted fix of converting UIFT asset between GC/XBOX
  • Removed "Name Display Mode" setting from Options
  • Randomizer: adds two new options (Invisible Level and Invisible Objects)

Industrial Park Preview 56

19 Feb 00:33
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  • Implements grid for gizmo movement. While moving an object with the gizmos, hold the T key to snap objects to grid. Scale of grid (defaults to (1, 1, 1)) can be set in the View Config dialog (F1). Grid works for all 4 gizmo types. Grid size is saved in Project JSON.
  • Importing a HIP with textures will enable texture display for the imported textures.
  • New function: Save all open HIPs (F4, also available from Tools menu). Does exactly what the name says.
  • New function: Run Game (F5, also available from Tools menu). This method is only for GameCube/Dolphin (latest dev, not 5.0). It will attempt to close the running instance of Dolphin and launch a new one with the DOL of the game. The process will be canceled after 10 seconds of unsuccessful tries!
  • Improved PIPT editor: allows proper editing of all PIPT entry settings, thanks to Seil.
  • Fixed bug in which using Collapse Layers could display an incorrect layer/asset list.
  • Fixed broken triggers in Checkpoint and Bus Stop templates.
  • Fixed bug which caused gizmos to display incorrectly when multiple assets were selected and one or more of them were DYNAs without position values.
  • Fixed bug which did not allow editing of PICK asset.

Industrial Park Preview 55.1

22 Dec 22:41
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  • Randomizer update. Restores Enemies_Allow_Any_Type to a more stable algorithm.

Industrial Park Preview 55

18 Dec 20:39
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  • PIPT rendering: allows rendering of models according to flags set in pipe info table (PIPT) asset. This feature is not perfect as Industrial Park's renderer and the game's are not the same.
  • Updated PIPT editor: allows editing of individual source and destination flags.
  • Updated gizmos: gizmos are sized according to screen position and not model. This keeps their size consistent and much easier to handle. Rotation and scale gizmos allow editing of multiple assets at once (but the transform origin is still local to each object).
  • Update for box triggers: new gizmo allows editing all 6 box coordinates (minimums and maximums) plus trigger pivot point. This allows for more precise placement of box triggers (specially with rotation). Maximums and minimums are also automatically set.
  • Includes under Resources/Scripts.
  • Auto updater on this version might not work for some users. In this case, please download manually from the web page.