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Maxime Landon edited this page Feb 23, 2020 · 4 revisions

Wiregost supports DNS communications for implants. Some setup is needed for using it.


Use the following steps to configure a domain for DNS C2 (and DNS Canaries), you can use any DNS provider you wish as long as you setup the records correctly. I recommend setting a TTL of ~5 minutes for each record.

  1. Create an A record for your pointing at your Sliver server (or redirector) IP address.
  2. Create an A record for an ns1 subdomain (i.e. that points to your Sliver server (or redirector) IP address.
  3. Create an NS record with an arbitrary subdomain, for example 1 (i.e. which is managed by
  4. You can now use as your DNS C2 domain e.g. generate --dns (always use the FQDN when issuing DNS commands).

The final configuration should look like for the domain DNS Configuration

IMPORTANT: Remember to disable Cloudflare's "cloud" when configuring these records, and to adjust the TTLs.

This setup will make you able to use DNS Canaries, or DNS Implants

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