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Help Commands

Maxime Landon edited this page Feb 23, 2020 · 4 revisions

The Help system of Wiregost aims to be as complete and structured as possible.

Because some commands have their own subcommands and filters, they are sometimes considered "Command Categories"

When typing help in the console, you will get:


Each of these categories can be either a set of commands, or a command and its set of subcommands & arguments. By typing help category, you will get the complete help for a category.

A few examples:

Core Commands: Core-Help

Server Commands: Server-Help

Module Commands: Help-Module

Hosts Commands: Host-Help

As you may have noticed, most of these categories helps come with some examples. Also, some commands (not categories) may have their own help. This is particularly true for implant commands

NOTE: The help system when interacting with an implant is a bit different (less structured/refactored) and has a separate documentation

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