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Durations of Job Steps

Daniel Odievich edited this page Mar 16, 2019 · 8 revisions

The timing report is output to Reports folder as StepDurations.csv.

Duration of Extract Phase

The duration of the Extract phase depends on:

  • The number of Applications to query
    • More Applications => More work to retrieve anything)
  • The complexity of Applications being queried
    • More Tiers, Business Transactions, Configuration rules and so on => More time to retrieve Metrics and Flowmaps
  • The busy-ness of Applications being queried More Snapshots => More time to retrieve Snapshots
    • More Events => More time to retrieve Events
  • Whether sequential or parallel mode is chosen
    • Sequential => Longer
  • Ability of Controller to respond to queries in timely interval, especially for Snapshot retrieval
    • Slower Controller => Longer
  • Your network connection
    • Slower => Longer
Phase Duration
ExtractController, ExtractControllerConfiguration 1-4 seconds per Controller
ExtractControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions ~10 seconds per Controller
ExtractDashboards 10-15 seconds per 50 dashboards
ExtractApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations 10-30 seconds for each Application
Extract***Configuration 2-3 seconds per Application
Extract***Entities 5-10 seconds per Controller
ExtractAPMMetrics 5-20 seconds per Entity Type (Tier, Node, Backend, etc.), depending on number of metric sets requested and number of time ranges
ExtractAPMFlowmaps 1-2 minutes for each 200 Entities per Application or ~100 ms per entity (Tier, Node, Backend, etc.)
ExtractAPMSnapshots 0.5-5 seconds per Snapshot, depending on Snapshot size

Duration of Index Phase

During Index phase, large number of small JSON files are read, converted in memory and results are output to CSV files.

The duration of Index phase is driven by number of CPUs and CPU speed and speed of local IO system for reading. Local SSD is highly recommended. More CPUs => More work done.

Setting Duration
IndexControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions 2-5 seconds per Controller
IndexDashboards 1-2 seconds per 50 dashboards
IndexApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations 3-5 seconds for each Application
Index***Configuration 2-3 seconds per Application
Extract***Entities 1-2 seconds per Application
IndexApplicationConfigurationComparison 2-3 seconds per Application
IndexAPMMetrics 5-20 seconds per Application
IndexAPMFlowmaps 5-10 seconds for each 200 Entities per Application Or ~100 ms per entity (Tier, Node, Backend, etc.
IndexSnapshots ~20 ms per Snapshot

Duration of Report Phase

Setting Duration
ReportUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions 5-10 seconds
ReportControllerAndApplicationConfiguration 2-5 seconds per Application
ReportApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations 1-2 second per Application
Report***Entities 2-5 seconds per Application
ReportApplicationAndEntityMetrics 5-10 seconds per Application, and longer the more time intervals are present
ReportApplicationAndEntityMetricGraphs 30-60 seconds per Entity Type, and longer the more time intervals are present
ReportSnapshots Up to several minutes, if > 10K snapshots
ReportSnapshotsMethodCallLines Up to several minutes, if > 10K snapshots
ReportIndividualApplicationAndEntityDetails 5-10 seconds per Entity
ReportFlameGraphs 5-10 seconds per Application
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