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License Validation

Daniel Odievich edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 7 revisions

Validation Process

AppDynamics DEXTER includes a license file called LicensedFeatures.json. It looks like that:

  "Signature": "qul0RySU...<snip>...==",
  "LicensedFeatures": {
    "ExpirationDateTime": "2031-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "ApplicationSummary": false,
    "Configuration": true,
    "Dashboards": true,
    "DetectedEntities": true,
    "EntityDashboards": true,
    "EntityDetails": true,
    "EntityMetricGraphs": true,
    "EntityMetrics": true,
    "Events": true,
    "FlameGraphs": true,
    "HealthCheck": false,
    "Licenses": false,
    "Snapshots": true,
    "UsersGroupsRolesPermissions": true

The entitlement parameters map to the contents of Output section in Job File.

The file contains the expiration date. Default expiration is set at the end of 2030.

License file is signed with a private key and the signature checked with the public key in the AppDynamics.DEXTER.public.cer file.

The default entitlements give access to all the reports except for Health Check and Licenses.

To get the license for things like Health Check and Licenses, contact AppDynamics Professional Services via Getting Support who will issue the right LicensedFeatures.json to you. Replace the one in the executable folder with the new file and you will be all set.

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