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V0.4 Installing and Upgrading Octolapse

FormerLurker edited this page Jun 6, 2020 · 8 revisions

Installing Octolapse is not too difficult, but because it is a large and complicated plugin, there are a few steps that you must follow to get things running properly. Please read the entire guide before you install.

Read The Getting Started Guide

After your install is completed, be sure to check out the Getting Started Guide, which walks you through the whole process of using Octolapse, explaining each step along the way. It may save you a lot of grief.


I'm assuming you already have OctoPrint up and running, so I won't discuss the Prerequisites for installing OctoPrint. If you haven't yet setup OctoPrint, there are many guides available for this.

Before installing Octolapse, you may need to install the python-dev package. If you are running Python 2.7 on OctoPi, you can skip this step.

Install the Dev Package for Linux/Raspberry Pi (rasbian)

If you are NOT running OctoPi and Python 2.7 (this comes pre-installed), you may need to install python-dev.

Open a terminal window and run one of the following commands depending on the Python version you are using.

For Python 2:

sudo apt-get install python-dev

For Python 3:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev

Install the Dev Package for Windows

The Python includes are typically installed by default when running the Python installer. You should find a sub-directory within the Python installation folder called include. If you do not see this, re-run the installer and pay attention to the options. I've never found any instances where the includes were not installed, but if this happens to you please report an issue, and I'll update these instructions.

Install the Dev Package for Mac OS

Typically the Python devel package is included, but if it is not, you can install it via brew with the following command:

brew reinstall python

I do not have access to a Mac for testing, so if you have better instructions, please create an issue, and I'll update the instructions!


New Installation from the Plugin Manager

Note: At the time of this writing, Octolapse v0.4.0 is NOT available within the plugin manager. However, I am working on this right now. If you see v0.3.4 after installation, you are unlucky, because you found these instructions while I'm in the middle of releasing this version. Check back in a few days and follow the upgrade instructions to get the latest version.

  1. Open OctoPrint in your browser.
  2. Open the OctoPrint settings pages by clicking on the wrench/spanner icon.

Open the OctoPrint Settings

  1. Open the Plugin Manager by clicking on the link in the menu on the left of the settings pages, and then click Get More....


  1. Now type Octolapse in the search bar and find the Octolapse plugin.


  1. Click Install to install Octolapse. This will take a while, and it's possible that the installation will time out. However, it will continue to run and will complete in the background.
  2. Reboot OctoPrint, and Octolapse will be available after the reboot.

Upgrading from a Previous Version

Important: When upgrading from a previous version (v0.3.4), Octolapse will reset your Stabilization, Trigger (formerly called snapshot profiles), Rendering, and Logging (formerly called debug) profiles to the defaults. Unfortunately this couldn't be avoided without some serious consequences. Your Printer and Camera profiles will be upgraded.

However, since a lot has changed since version 0.3.4, so you may actually be better off using the default settings. See this section for details.

Octolapse will automatically check for new versions and will notify you when they are available. You can manually check for updates using the following steps:

  1. Open OctoPrint in your browser.
  2. Open the OctoPrint settings pages by clicking on the wrench/spanner icon.

Open the OctoPrint Settings

  1. Open the Software update plugin by clicking on the link in the menu on the left of the settings pages.
  2. Expand the Advanced options and click the Force check for update (overrides cache used for update checks) button. If a new version is available, you will see it in the list.


Should I Restore the Default Settings?

I recommend restoring the default settings after upgrading in most cases. However, some people would rather not deal with setting up Octolapse again. However, there is a way to ballance these two concerns. I recommend downloading your upgraded settings, and individually downloading any profiles that you may want to use, that way you can selectively add any profiles back to Octolapse after you restore the default settings. Here is a general procedure:

  1. Backup All settings - This is really easy, and might save you time if things go badly. Simply navigate to the Octolapse tab, click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the tab, and click the Export Settings button.
  2. Backup Individual Profiles - Even though you just backed up all of your settings, it is currently not easy to import a single profile that way. For this reason, I recommend you individually download any profiles that you might want to restore later. See this page for details on how to work with Octolapse profiles, including downloading and importing individual profiles.
  3. Restore the Default Settings - Navigate to the Octolapse tab, click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner, and click the Restore Defaults button. You will be asked to confirm this, and then the defaults will be restored.
  4. Follow the Getting Started Guide - This includes steps for adding or creating a printer profile, as well as getting your camera configured. You can always import any of the profiles you exported in step 2 above if you run into trouble.

If you do not restore the defaults, you may be missing some profiles that the guides in this wiki assume you will have, or you may be using some obsolete profile configurations. However, it is very easy to create a new profile and import settings from the Octolapse Profile Repository should you be missing any profiles that are mentioned in any of the guides.

Other Installation Options

You can also install Octolapse from a specific branch, or you can install a specific version of Octolapse. Find out how here

Pre-Release Notifications

If you need access to bug fixes or new features early, you can receive notifications when new pre-release versions are availiable. See this link for more information.

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