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DavidHerreros edited this page Sep 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

!xmipp_angular_discrete_assign (v3.1)


Make a projection assignment using wavelets on a discrete library of projections This program assigns Euler angles to experimental projections by matching with ideal projections. This matching is done via a DWT correlation. For every experimental projection, different in-plane rotations and shifts are tried (by exhaustive search). For each possible combination of these two variables, the best correlating ideal projection is sought using a fast multirresolution algorithm. The method is fully described at


$``: List of images to align Alignment parameters can be provided Only the shifts are taken in consideration in global searches; in local searches, all parameters in the initial docfile are considered. $--mode &lt;modeoverwrite> where <mode> can be:

    • $--label &lt;image_labelimage> $-o, --output &lt;output_file> $--save_metadata_stack &lt;output_md> $: Store the original image filename in the output metadata in column imageOriginal. $: Preserve the columns from the input metadata. Some of the column values can be changed by the program. $``: Metadata with the reference images and their angles Must be created with Angular_project_library_v3 $--sym &lt;symmetry_file> =: Symmetry file if any The definition of the symmetry is described at Transform_symmetrize_v3 $`--max_shift_change &lt;r`0&gt; $`--psi_step <ang`5> $`--shift_step <r`1>

Extra parameters $: Perform a 5D search instead of 3D+2D $`--max_proj_change &lt;ang`-1&gt; $`--max_psi_change &lt;ang`-1&gt; $`--keep &lt;th`50&gt; $`--smin &lt;s`1&gt; $`--smax &lt;s`-1&gt; $`--pick &lt;mth`1&gt; $: Show the rot-tilt process $: Show the psi-shift process $: Show final options among which the angles are selected

Examples and notes

Typical use:

xmipp_angular_project_library -i referenceVolume.vol -o reference.stk --sampling_rate 5
xmipp_angular_discrete_assign -i projections.sel -o discrete_assignment.xmd --ref reference.doc

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