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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

!xmipp_classify_analyze_cluster (v3.0)


Score the images in a cluster according to their PCA projection It is assumed that the cluster is aligned as is the case of the output of CL2D or ML2D


$: metadata file with images assigned to the cluster $: output metadata $--ref <img> $: write the average (image 1), standard deviation (image 2) and basis of the PCA in a stack $`--NPCA <dim`2> $`--iter <N`10> $`--maxDist <d`3> $: Don't use a circular mask

Examples and notes

xmipp_classify_analyze_cluster -i images.sel --ref referenceImage.xmp -o sortedImages.xmd --basis basis.stk

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