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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

!xmipp_reconstruct_significant (v3.1)


Generate 3D reconstructions from projections using random orientations


$: Metadata file with input projections $`--numberOfVolumes <N`1> $`--initvolumes <md_file`> $`--odir <outputDir`.> $`--sym <symfile`c1> $`--iter <N`10> $`--alpha0 <N`0.05> $`--alphaF <N`0.005> $: Keep the volume of each iteration $--angularSampling <a5> $--maxShift <s-1> $--minTilt <t0> $--maxTilt <t90> $: Use Imed for weighting $: Images not significant for a direction are also discarded $--angDistance <a10> $``: Do not select directions using Fisher

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