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LemADEC edited this page Apr 17, 2017 · 2 revisions


Air Canisters are used to store and consume breathable air produced from an Air Generator.


You can produce 4 Air Canisters with 4 Steel bars, 2 Yellow wools, 2 Rubber plates and 1 Glass Tank. Depending on other mods installed, Steel can be replaced with Iron (no steel), and rubber can be replaced with Leather.


Air Canisters can only be used to store air from an Air Generator. When placed in your main inventory, breathing equipment will slowly consume air from it, preferably the most used one first.

Initially, an Air Canister is completely empty. At that point, thanks to modern compression technologies, it can be stacked easily for storage.
As soon as it's partially filled, the canister will take a more bulky form and can no longer be stacked.

Air Canisters are filled at a Air Generator by right clicking it.
Some armor equipment may also refill them automatically.

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