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LemADEC edited this page Apr 29, 2017 · 2 revisions


Air Generators are used to fill a sealed area with breathable air for humans or animals. Higher tiers cover larger areas while requiring more energy for their operation.


Air Generator are placed with the air output facing you. All other sides can be used to connect power for it.

Remember to leave the air output face empty of any block.

When sufficiently powered and in a non-breathable like space, the fans will turn.

Basic Air Generator

Basic Air generator is good to cover up to 16 m around it. Due to the spherical area of effect, it's recommended to place other Basic Air generators in diagonals every 12 blocks. Adding more will consume power and look nice, without much added area coverage.
You can produce 1 from 4 Activated Carbons, a Glass Tank, a LV motor, a Power Interface, a Compressor and an LV Machine Casing. Depending on other mods installed, Compressor can be replaced with Fluid Transposer (TE), Reservoir (EnderIO) or a Glass Tank.

Advanced Air Generator

Advanced Air generator is good to cover up to 48 m around it, effectively replacing a cube filled by nearly 30 Basic Air Generators!
Due to the spherical area of effect, it's recommended to place other Advanced Air generators in diagonals every 36 blocks. Adding more will consume power and look nice, without much added area coverage.

You can produce 1 from 7 Basic Air Generators, a MV motor, and an MV Machine Casing.

Superior Air Generator

Superior Air generator is good to cover up to 144 m around it, effectively replacing hundreds of Basic Air Generators!
Due to the spherical area of effect, it's recommended to place other Advanced Air generators in diagonals every 108 blocks. Adding more will consume power and look nice, without much added area coverage.

You can produce 1 from 7 Advanced Air Generators, a HV motor, and an HV Machine Casing.


You can switch on/off an air generator using the LUA enable() method.

Air generators are way more efficients in a sealed volume.

Tips and tricks

When covering large areas, you want to have some redundancy, with air generators placed in opposing walls.

After closing a leak, it may take a few minutes to refill the area, especially with large rooms. It might be faster to completely shutdown all air generators, wait 5 minutes then restart them.

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