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Tutorial: HP PP text box graphics

Shadow edited this page Oct 2, 2015 · 24 revisions

HP/PP text box graphics

If your language has a different name for "Hit Points" (HP) and "Psychic Points" (PP), then you might need to change the little letters that show up in Battle, which we'll call HP/PP box. (This box also appears when you press the B button in the overworld along with the Cash text box).

However, if you try to edit the letters found in the "WindowGraphics" folder of your CoilSnake project, you'll notice that, if you change the first "P" letter, when you look at the HP/PP box, the second "P" in "PP" will also be changed to the letter you wrote instead of the first "P".

So we are going to HEX edit our ROM to fix this little problem and switch how the game reads the "H" and the "P", along with changing the Windows.png images inside "WindowGraphics".

  • Credits to Akira76, the creator of the French translation of EarthBound for this particular fix!

The map fix for the HP/PP has to be done in the rom file (unheadered) at offset 0×03e3fc just write 0×08, 0×0a, 0×18, 0×1a there and it will switch the H and the P position in the window.

Ah, and this is how your window graphics should be modified to after the fix :

Window Graphics arrangement

  • Credits to Akira76, the creator of the French translation of EarthBound for this particular fix!
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