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Armorers focus their studies on magical armors and how to use them effectively.
- Armor Mode
Once per short rest you can select one of 2 armor modes: • Guardian: Gain Thunder Gauntlet weapon if you have a free hand, and Defensive Field bonus action to gain temporary HP equal to Artificer level. • Infiltrator: Gain Lightning Launcher ranged attack, 5ft movement speed bonus and advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
- Armored Up
You gain proficiency with heavy armor and ignore Strength requirements of armor.
- Armorer Spells
Learn and have always prepared:
I Magic Missile, Shield
II Mirror Image, Shatter
III Hypnotic Pattern, Lightning Bolt
IV Fire Shield, Greater Invisibility
V Far Step, Hold Monster
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Armor Modification
You have learned how to use your artificer infusions to specially modify armors - now you can put weapon enhancement infusions on armor, and they will affect built-in Thunder Gauntlet and Lightning Launcher weapons. In addition, the maximum number of items you can infuse at once increases by 2.
- Perfected Armor
You improve your armor modes: • Guardian: Creatures attacked by your Thunder Gauntlet are Slowed until the start of your next turn, unless they succeed CON saving throw against Artificer's spellcasting DC. • Infiltrator: Creatures attacked by your Lightning Launcher glimmer with magical light until the start of your next turn. The glimmering creature sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls against you, as the light jolts it if it attacks you. In addition, the next attack roll against it has advantage, and if that attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d6 lightning damage.
An Artillerist specializes in using magic to hurl energy, projectiles, and explosions on a battlefield. This destructive power is valued by armies in the wars on many different worlds.
- Artillerist Spells
Learn and have always prepared:
I Shield, Thunderwave
II Scorching Ray, Shatter
III Fireball, Wind Wall
IV Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
V Cone of Cold, Sonic Boom
- Eldritch Cannon
Starting at 3rd level, you've learned how to create a magical cannon. You can take an action to magically create a small or tiny eldritch cannon in an unoccupied space on a horizontal surface within 5 feet of you. A small eldritch cannon with 1D8 + 5 * class level hit points occupies its space, and a tiny one can be held in one hand. Once you create a cannon, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot to create one. You can have only one cannon at a time. On each of your turns, you can take a bonus action to cause the cannon to activate. As part of the same bonus action, you can direct the cannon to walk or climb up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space.
- Arcane Firearm
Starting at 5th level, You know how to use a weapon you have proficiency with as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. When you cast an artificer spell through the weapon, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one of the spell's damage rolls equal to the number rolled. This damage increases to 2d8 at 15th level.
- Explosive Cannon
Starting at 9th level, every eldritch cannon you create is more destructive: • The cannon's damage rolls all increase to 3d8. • As an action, you can command the cannon to detonate if you are within 60 feet of it. Doing so destroys the cannon and forces each creature within 20 feet of it to make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 3d8 force damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.
- Fortified Position
Starting at 15th level, you're a master at forming well-defended emplacements using Eldritch Cannon: • The cannon's damage rolls all increase to 4d8. • You can now summon a cannon twice until long rest. • You and your allies have half cover while within 10 feet of a cannon you create with Eldritch Cannon, as a result of a shimmering field of magical protection that the cannon emits.
Battle Smiths focus their studies on magical weapons and how to use them effectively.
- Battle Smith Spells
Learn and have always prepared:
I Heroism, Shield
II Branding Smite, Spiritual Weapon
III Remove Curse, Beacon of Hope
IV Fire Shield, Death Ward
V Mass Cure Wounds, Telekinesis
- Inventive Weapon Use
After experimenting on weapons you learned that you can use your smarts to handle them: • You became proficient with all martial weapons • You can use Intelligence for attack and damage rolls with magic weapons.
- Steel Defender
Your experiments with weapons has borne you a Steel Defender companion. It is immune to poison, exhaustion, being charmed or surprised. In combat, the blade shares your initiative and takes its turn immediately after you. It can move and use reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll of the enemy that attacks ally within 1 cell of the defender, but it takes Dodge action on turn start, unless you use bonus action to command it. If you are incapacitated, the defender can take any action of its choice.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Force Jolt
When you hit an enemy with your attack you can channel magical energy through the strike to make target take extra 2d6 Force damage. You can use this power number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest, but no more than once per turn.
- Improved Defender
Your Arcane Jolt and steel defender become more powerful: • The extra damage and the healing of your Arcane Jolt both increase to 4d6. • Your steel defender gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class.
Grenadiers study unstable substances and their use in creating explosions of various types.
- Alchemical Bombs
Spend alchemy points to quickly mix and throw a bomb.
- Alchemy Points
You gain 6 Alchemy points at this level, and 1 more point every level.
- Fast Hands
You have learned to mix reagents and use various devices quickly. You can use a bonus action to activate any device.
- Grenadier Spells
Learn and have always prepared:
I Magic Missile, Thunderwave
II Shatter, Blindness
III Fireball, Stinking Cloud
IV Confusion, Fire Shield
V Cloudkill, Cone of Cold
- Concentrated Bombs
You can spend additional charge when creating a bomb to make it more potent. Precise bombs allow targeting more enemies. Splash bombs increase explosion radius. Cone bombs increase their damage.
- Elemental Bombs
You've learned how to change damage type of bomb into Cold, Lightning, Acid or Poison. Those bombs deal slightly less damage than Fire ones, but include additional effects.
- Refund Alchemy Charge
Gain up to 5 alchemy charges by spending spell slots.
- Advanced Bombs
You've learned how to change damage type of bomb into Force, Radiant, Necrotic, Thunder or Psychic. Those bombs deal slightly less damage than Fire ones, but include additional effects.
- Improved Concentrated Bombs
You can spend 2 additional charges when creating a bomb to make it more potent. Precise bombs allow targeting more enemies.
- Perfected Concentrated Bombs
You can spend 3 additional charges when creating a bomb to make it more potent. Precise bombs allow targeting more enemies.
All Artificers use various forms of acids and other magical means to break down ingredients, creature parts or even objects into their base components for their experiments, Some Artificers became focused on the deconstruction process, especially when using acid in this function and have experimented with how it could be used in a far greater capacity when it comes to offensive and defensive capabilities.
- Vitriolic Mixtures
You gain the ability to use a Vitriolic Mixture of your own making: • Affliction: On a hit the creature takes 2d4 acid damage and 2d4 poison damage. The creature is also poisoned until the end of their next turn. • Corrosion: On a hit the creature takes 2d8 acid damage. The creature also gets the AC reduced by 2 until the end of their next turn. • Misery: On a hit the creature takes 2d8 acid damage which lingers on their skin dealing an additional 2d4 acid damage at the end of their next turn. • Viscosity: On a hit the creature takes 2d8 acid damage. The creature is also hindered until the end of their next turn. All damage dice increase at 7th, 14th, and 18th levels. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier.
- Vitriolist Spells
Learn and have always prepared:
I Caustic Zap, Shield
II Acid Arrow, Blindness
III Protection from Energy, Stinking Cloud
IV Blight, Stoneskin
V Cloudkill, Contagion
- Vitriolic Infusion
Your consistent exposure to acid has infused your body with Acid Resistance. Your exposure to acid has also granted you an affinity for it and you now add your proficiency bonus as extra damage to any dealt acid damage.
- Vitriolist Arsenal
You have learned how to break down your own magic to create additional Vitriolic Mixtures. As an action you can convert a spell slot into uses of your Vitriolic Mixture feature. You regain one use per spell slot level converted. You have learned to make your Vitriolic Mixture's so potent that they are able to bypass acid resistance and deal half damage to creatures with acid immunity. Additionally due to their increased potency each Mixture now also shocks the targets system removing their ability to use reactions until the start of their next turn.
- Vitriolist Paragon
You have mastered your Vitriolic Mixtures. Whenever a creature is affected by any of your Vitriolic Mixtures it must now also succeed a Constitution Saving throw, or it will become Incapacitated as your mixture slowly consumes it.
A vivisectionist studies bodies to better understand their function. Unlike a surgeon, a vivisectionist's goals are not always related to healing, but rather to experimentation and knowledge with body parts.
- Emergency Surgery
You can take an action to heal an ally within 5 feet for an amount equal to your medical accuracy dice + your Intelligence modifier. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses recharge after a long rest.
- Medical Accuracy
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with a weapon attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. The damage increases to 2d6 at 7th level, 3d6 at 11th, 4d6 at 15th, and 5d6 at 19th level.
- Vivisectionist Spells
Learn and have always prepared:
I Bless, Inflict Wounds
II Enhance Ability, Lesser Restoration
III Remove Curse, Revivify
IV Death Ward, Identify Creatures
V Contagion, Raise Dead
- Emergency Cure
You can take a bonus action to use Lesser Restoration or Remove Curse on an ally within 5 feet. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses recharge after a long rest.
- War Magic
You can use your bonus action to attack using the weapon in your main hand after casting a spell (or a cantrip if enabled on mod ui rules).
- Organ Donation
Regain one use of your Emergency Surgery and your Emergency Cure when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points. You may do this once per short rest.
- Stable Surgery
When casting a healing spell your minimum healing dice roll is 2.
- Master Emergency Cure
You can take a free action to use Lesser Restoration or Remove Curse on an ally within 5 feet. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses recharge after a long rest.
- Master Emergency Surgery
You can take a bonus action to heal an ally within 5 feet for an amount equal to your medical accuracy dice + your Intelligence modifier. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses recharge after a long rest.
The Path of the Berserker is a path of untrammeled fury, slick with blood. As you enter the berserker's rage, you thrill in the chaos of battle, heedless of your own health or well-being.
- Frenzy
You can go into a frenzy when you rage. If you do so, for the duration of your rage you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each of your turns after this one. When your rage ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion unless you make a successful DC 10 CON saving throw. The DC increases by 5 each time until you complete a short or long rest.
- Mindless Rage
You can't be charmed or frightened while raging.
- Intimidating Presence
Frighten a creature until the end of your next turn if it fails a WIS check opposed by your CHA.
- Retaliation
Whenever an opponent attacks you from a nearby cell, you are granted an immediate melee attack against that opponent.
It is an open secret that Barbarians of the Path of the Claw are the descendants of an old clan that mingled with dragons. Whenever they enter a rage, their ancestry comes rushing out and takes over their senses, allowing them to perform incredible feats of power.
- Dragon Ancestry
You choose one type of dragon as your ancestor. The damage type associated with your choice is used by the features you gain later.
- Dragon Scales
While raging, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and resistance to the damage type of your draconic ancestor.
- Draconic Wrath
You can use a bonus action to breathe a 3-cell cone of elemental damage equal to half your level (rounded up) in d8. Every creature in the area must make a dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your constitution modifier, taking only half damage on a success.
- Dragon's Blessing
While raging, your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 elemental damage.
- Frightful Strike
While raging, the first creature you hit with a melee attack each turn must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + STR modifier) or become frightened until the end of their turn.
Barbarians who follow the Path of the Elements learned to harness the destructive powers of nature, transforming their rage into a mantle of primal magic that swirls around them. When in a fury, a barbarian of this path taps into nature to create devastating elemental calamities.
- Elemental Fury
Starting at 3rd level, choose one elemental calamity. The calamity dictates the type of magical mantle you create while raging, as well as features you get on higher levels while following this path. If any effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. • Storm: While you are raging, all enemies within 5 feet of you take 1D6 lightning damage when you end your turn. • Blizzard: While you are raging, all enemies within 5 feet of you take 1D6 cold damage when you end your turn. • Wildfire: While you are raging, all enemies within 5 feet of you take 1D6 fire damage when you end your turn. These damages increase to 1d10 at 6th level, 2d6 at 10th level, and 2d10 at 14th level.
- Elemental Blessing
Starting at 6th level, your devotion to the elemental calamity chosen at 3rd level provides both you and your allies with resistance to that damage type. • Storm: While you are raging, you and all allies within 10 feet of you gain lightning resistance. • Blizzard: While you are raging, you and all allies within 10 feet of you gain cold resistance. • Wildfire: While you are raging, you and all allies within 10 feet of you gain fire resistance.
- Elemental Burst
Starting at 10th level, you gain additional powers depending on the elemental calamity chosen at 3rd level. • Storm: While you are raging, you can target a 3x3 area within 60 feet and use your bonus action to call a bolt of lightning. On a failed Dexterity saving throw, each enemy creature within that area receives 3d10 lightning damage and becomes unable to use reactions for 1 round (save for half damage, save to prevent reaction loss). You can use this feature once per short rest. The damage increases to 4d10 at 13th level, and 5d10 at 17th level. • Blizzard: While you are raging, you can target a 3x3 area within 60 feet and use your bonus action to send a gust of freezing wind. On a failed Strength saving throw, each enemy creature within that area receives 3d8 cold damage and becomes prone (save for half damage, save to prevent becoming prone). You can use this feature once per short rest. The damage increases to 4d8 at 13th level, and 5d8 at 17th level. • Wildfire: While you are raging, you can target a 3x3 area within 60 feet and use your bonus action to hurl waves of intense heat. On a failed Dexterity saving throw, each enemy creature within that area receives 4d6 fire damage and becomes ignited (save for half damage, save to prevent being on fire). You can use this feature once per short rest. The damage increases to 5d6 at 13th level, and 6d6 at 17th level.
- Elemental Conduit
Starting at 10th level, you gain additional powers depending on the elemental calamity chosen at 3rd level. • Storm: While you are raging, you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed. • Blizzard: While you are raging, any creature damaged by blizzard 3rd level feature must pass a Strength saving throw or have their movement speed be reduced to 0, until the end of their next turn. • Wildfire: While you are raging, whenever an enemy creature hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes fire damage equal to your barbarian level.
Barbarians who follow the Path of the Light illuminate the darkness and protect their allies from dangers that lurk within it.
- Illuminating Strike
While you're raging, the first creature you hit with an attack on your turn takes an additional 1d6 radiant damage and becomes magically illuminated until the start of their next turn. Additionally, the creature has disadvantage on any attack roll that isn't against you and cannot become invisible.
- Pierce the Darkness
You gain superior darkvision.
- Light's Protection
You regain hit points equal to half your barbarian level when a hostile creature affected by your Illuminating Strike dies. Additionally, you no longer provoke opportunity attacks from creatures affected by your Illuminating Strike.
- Eyes of Truth
You are always under the effects of a See Invisibility spell.
- Illuminating Strike Improvement
The additional damage dealt by Illuminating Strike increases to 2d6.
- Illuminating Burst
On the turn that you enter your rage, you can choose to illuminate up to three enemies within 30 ft of you. They must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or take 4d6 radiant damage and be illuminated by your Illuminating Strike for 1 minute. A creature illuminated in this way makes another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the effect ends for it.
Followers of this path have developed a profound hatred for magic and magic-users. For them, physical prowess is the only decent way. They despise and distrust magic and magic-users.
- War Cry
While raging, a Magebane who takes damage from spells or other magical attacks can use their reaction to unleash a powerful warcry, dealing psychic damage, equal to 1d6 + CON modifier, to all enemies within 6 cells.
- Enemy Of Magic
While raging, Magebanes roll an additional weapon damage die when making a successful melee attack against a creature capable of spellcasting.
- Reject Magic
Advantage on saving throws against spells
- Spell Crusher
When raging, you can dispel a magical effect on a creature or object as a bonus action, as if you were casting Dispel Magic with Constitution as the spellcasting ability. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
The Path of the Ravager is a path of untrammeled fury, slick with blood. As you enter the ravager's rage, you thrill in the chaos of battle, heedless of your own health or well-being.
- Frenzy
Once during your turn, if you use your Reckless Attack while you are raging, the first Strength-based weapon attack that you hit an enemy with deals 2d6 extra damage of the same type as your weapon. This damage is increased to 3d6 at 9th level, and 4d6 at 16th level.
- Mindless Rage
You can't be charmed or frightened while raging.
- Retaliation
Whenever an opponent attacks you from a nearby cell, you are granted an immediate melee attack against that opponent.
- Intimidating Presence
Whenever you start raging, and while you are raging on subsequent turns as a bonus action, you can strike terror into others with your intimidating presence. Each enemy creature within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failed save, a creature has the Frightened condition for 1 minute. At the end of each of the Frightened creature's turns, the creature repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest. If you've run out of uses of this feature, you can expend a use of your Rage to use it again.
All Reavers undergo a ritual that involves drinking tainted blood of a dragon, permanently infusing their bodies with a sliver of draconic might and voracity, at the cost of gradually increasing corruption. These fearsome warriors revel in death, regaining energy from the suffering of their enemies.
- Draconic Resilience
Your hit point maximum increases by 3, and increases by 1 whenever you gain a level in this class.
- Voracious Fury
Starting at 3rd level, you can channel your inner corruption into your melee weapon strikes. While you're raging, the first creature you hit on each of your turns with a melee weapon attack takes extra necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain an equal amount of hit points. Additionally, both extra damage and healing of this feature are increased by the same amount when you are below half your maximum hit points or when you critically hit a creature. These bonuses stack.
- Profane Vitality
Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage.
- Bloodbath
Starting at 10th level, while you are raging, whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points using a melee weapon attack, you can eviscerate that creature, regaining a number of hit points equal to 2x your Barbarian level. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Corrupted Blood
Starting at 14th level, your blood becomes permanently corrupted, damaging creatures that come in contact with it. Whenever a creature within 5 feet strikes you with a melee attack, that creature suffers necrotic damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
Barbarians who walk the Path of the Savage are forces of nature, fighting less like men, and more like wild beasts. They strike with explosive speed and power, leveraging twin blades akin to a wild animal fighting with claws and fangs.
- Primal Instinct
You can use Rage as free action instead of a bonus action.
- Savage Strength
Starting at 3rd level, you can dual-wield non-light melee weapons as well as add your ability bonus to the secondary attack.
- Furious Defense
Starting at 6th level, while you are raging, whenever you roll a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your Strength saving throw instead. You gain +2 AC while you are raging and dual-wielding two melee weapons.
- Wrath and Fury
Starting at 10th level, while you are dual-wielding melee weapons, increase the damage category of each equipped weapon by 1 (d4 turns to d6, d6 turns to d8, etc.). Whenever you use your Reckless Attack feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to half your barbarian level (rounded up).
- Unbridled Ferocity
Starting at 14th level, while you are raging, whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack and don't deal a critical hit, you increase your critical threat range by 1. This effect stacks. Once you deal a critical strike, the bonus resets to 0.
Barbarians following this path draw their strength from their connection to stone. They are known for their doggedness. They never give up in the face of adversity and thrive in hostile environments.
- Stone Resilience
While raging, you gain temporary HP equal to twice your proficiency bonus at the end of your turn.
- Strength from Within
Your Constitution Saving Throw is used for any Saving Throw, if it's higher than the one normally used.
- Rock Solid
While raging, you gain +1 to AC per hostile opponent that you can see within one cell of you, up to a maximum of +4.
- Last Stand
You gain a bonus to your melee weapon damage roll equal to your proficiency.
Barbarians who follow the Path of the Totem Warrior accept a spirit animal as guide, protector, and inspiration, that fills them with supernatural might, adding magical fuel to the barbarian rage.
- Animal Spirit
Starting at 3rd level, when you adopt this path, you choose an animal spirit as a guide and gain its feature.
- Spirit Seeker
When you adopt this path, you gain the ability to cast Animal Friendship and Find Traps once per short rest as a bonus action. You use your Wisdom as spellcasting modifier to cast these spells.
- Animal Aspect
Starting at 6th level, you gain a magical aspect based on the spirit animal of your choice. You can choose the same animal you selected at 3rd level or a different one.
- Spirit Walker
Whenever you start raging, you can also cast Spirit Guardians spell as a part of Rage feature that lasts for one minute without any components and without requiring concentration. You can use this feature once per long rest. If you start raging and are out of use of this feature, you can instead, expend one Rage charge to use it again.
- Honed Animal Aspect
Starting at 14th level, choose an animal to hone your spiritual connection to, gaining more features.
Barbarians following the Path of the Yeoman ignore melee weapons to master the longbow. No less strong than barbarians that follow other paths, their arrows fell the mightiest of foes and their single-minded focus increases their already formidable defenses to incredible heights.
- Fletcher
Gain proficiency with Smith's Tools.
- Strong Bow
You can use your Strength modifier for attack and damage when wielding a longbow, and while raging and not wearing heavy armor, add your rage damage bonus to attacks using longbows.
- Keen Eye
Reckless Attack gives advantage to your attacks using a strength attack with a longbow. When you unlock Brutal Critical, it also applies to your strength attacks made with longbows.
- Staggering Blow
While raging, not wearing heavy armor, and wielding a longbow, you may shove as a bonus action.
- Bulwark
You may use a bonus action on your turn to assume a braced stance for one minute. The stance only ends early if you fall unconscious. While braced your movement speed is set to 0 and cannot be increased, and you gain the following benefits: • Enemies adjacent to you do not impose disadvantage on attacks you make with a longbow. • Enemy ranged attacks with weapons against you have disadvantage. • You may use your reaction to perform an opportunity attack with a longbow against an enemy that moves within 5 feet of you.
- Mighty Shot
Increase the damage dice of longbows from d8 to d12. While raging and not wearing heavy armor, when you hit an enemy with an attack from a longbow, enemies within 15 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take thunder damage equal to your rage damage bonus plus your Strength modifier.
The College of Elegance is the home of bards who mastered the art of bodily motion. They see exquisite beauty in dancing and expressing oneself through mesmerizing gestures, wearing flashy outfits and oftentimes looking to be the center of attention. In combat, these bards weave elegant steps seamlessly into battle maneuvers, pairing them with a weapon of choice and creating an unforgettable spectacle for friends and foes alike.
- Elegant Fighting
You express your battle arts through nimbleness and movement. While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, you gain the following benefits: • Your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. • You can expend a Bardic Inspiration die and use your bonus action to gain benefits of Dash, Disengage or Dodge actions.
- Grace
When you make a Charisma (Performance) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
- Evasive Footwork
Whenever an attack is about to hit you, and you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, you can use your reaction to add your Bardic Inspiration die to your Armor Class for that attack, potentially causing it to miss.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Amazing Display
Whenever you take the Attack action, you can perform an impressive set of moves that leave your enemies in amazement. All enemy creatures within 30 feet of you that can see you must pass a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting DC or become amazed until the end of your next turn. Amazed creatures cannot use reactions and have their movement speed reduced to 0. Creatures that are immune to charm are also immune to this effect. Whether a creature passes or fails the saving throw, it becomes immune to further amazed effects. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
Bards of the College of Eloquence use music and unwavering determination to embolden the hearts of their allies, while demoralizing their enemies. Drawing inspiration from the stories of heroes of old, great deeds and extraordinary events, these bards courageously fight to preserve their ideals, leaving a long-lasting impression on those around them.
- Disheartening Performance
Your valiance in battle demoralizes your enemies. As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration and choose one hostile creature you can see within 60 feet of you. Roll the Bardic Inspiration die. The creature must subtract the number rolled from the first saving throw it succeeds on before the end of your next turn.
- Silver Tongue
You leave a lasting impression on people around you. When you make a Deception or Performance check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
- Recall Language
You picked up knowledge of many different languages through reading foreign written works, and you can magically become fluent in those languages, adding Tongues spell to the list of spells known.
- Steadfast Inspiration
Your inspiring words are so encouraging that others feel driven to succeed. When a friendly creature adds one of your Bardic Inspiration dice to its ability check, attack roll, or saving throw and the roll fails, the creature can keep the Bardic Inspiration die.
- Heroic Inspiration
You can use your bonus action to activate Heroic Inspiration. Heroic Inspiration grants all the benefits of Bardic Inspiration without consuming any Bardic Inspiration usages, and can target two friendly creatures within 60 feet instead of only one. You can use this feature 2 times per long rest.
Some bards inflame their audience, or a crowd, using words, music, or song! Bards of the College of Heroism sing the song of battle and dance the dance of death, inspiring crowds with their deeds.
- Bolster Morale
When an ally uses one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, they roll twice and pick the best number.
- Heroic Tale
You can use an action to bolster an ally you can see within 6 cells for 1 minute, who gains immunity against frightened/fear effects and advantage on all saving throws. You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Thundering Voice
Whenever you grant a Bardic Inspiration to an ally, the closest enemy within 12 cells must make a successful WIS saving throw or take thunder damage equal to 1d8 + your CHA modifier and have disadvantage on their next attack roll (half damage on save).
- At Road's End
When an ally you can see within 12 cells is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to instantly heal them for 4d12 + CHA mod HP. You can use this feature once per short or long rest.
The bards of the College of Hope are bringers of comfort and dispellers of fear. Their songs raise the spirits of those who hear them, healing bodies as well as soothing fears.
- Healing Ballad
Song of Rest heals additional hit points equal to your charisma modifier. At the end of a short rest, it also grants allies temporary hit points equal to one Bardic Inspiration die plus your charisma modifier.
Wandering Healer
II Prayer of Healing
III Mass Healing Word, Revivify
- Words of Hope
When giving a Bardic Inspiration die to an ally, they also roll a Song of Rest die to heal up to half their maximum health.
- Song of Hope
Sing a song of hope to allies within 6 cells, granting them resistance to all damage, and advantage on all their saving throws until the start of your next turn.
- Start a Song of Hope
Starting on your next turn, as an action, you will be able to sing a song of hope to help allies within 6 cells, granting them resistance to all damage, and advantage on all their saving throws until the start of your next turn. If you take damage, you must make a CON saving throw (DC equal to half the damage with a minimum of 10) or Song of Hope will end.
Masters of manipulating both matter and life energy.
- Reality Bending
When casting Transmutation or Necromancy spells they are cast at a spell slot 2 levels higher than the one used.
- Necrotic Resistance
Your Transmute Force grants you Necrotic Resistance.
- Transmute Force
You can enact your will on reality with special powers a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus: • Constitution Saves: Use your Transmute Force to grant proficiency with Constitution Saves until the next long rest. • Elemental Resistance: Use your Transmute Force to grant resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison and thunder damage until the end of your next long rest. • Fly: Use your Transmute Force to grant the ability of flight. • Heal: Use your Transmute Force to heal up to 6 targets. • Revive: Use your Transmute Force to revive a character within 1 minute of death. • Superior Darkvision: Use your Transmute Force to grant Superior Darkvision until the next long rest.
- Command Undead
You can use your action a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus, to bring undead under your control. The undead must make a Charisma save (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your spellcaster attribute modifier) or be controlled for 1 minute.
- Harden to Necrotic
You have immunity to necrotic damage, and your hit point maximum can't be reduced.
The College of Lore has gathered knowledge from all over the world, from ancient ballads, peasant folktales, scholarly tomes, and more. They pursue truth and beauty with unending devotion.
- Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Lore at the 3rd level, you gain proficiency with three skills of your choice.
- Cutting Words
As a bonus action, you can spend one use of Bardic Inspiration and target a creature that you can see within 12 cells. Roll a Bardic Inspiration die. Until the start of your next turn, the target creature decreases all its ability checks, and attack and damage rolls by the value of the Bardic Inspiration die.
- Additional Magical Secrets
Choose two spells from any class and include them in your spell list.
- Peerless Skill
You can now cast Bardic Inspiration on yourself.
Bards of the College of Swords entertain through daring feats of weapon prowess. They perform stunts such as sword swallowing, knife throwing and juggling, and mock combats. Though they use their weapons to entertain, they are also highly trained and skilled warriors in their own right.
- Audacious Whirl
Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the end of the turn, and if a melee weapon attack that you make as part of this action hits a creature, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to cause the weapon to deal extra damage to the target you hit. The damage equals the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die. You also choose a particular maneuver: • Defensive Whirl: You add the Bardic Inspiration die roll to your AC until the start of your next turn. • Slashing Whirl: You deal the extra damage to all other enemy creatures within 5 feet of you. • Mobile Whirl: You gain benefits of disengage until the end of your turn.
- Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with medium armor and the scimitar. You can also use your weapon as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.
- Fighting Style
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose either Dueling or Two Weapon Fighting.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Masterful Whirl
Whenever you use an Audacious Whirl option, you can roll a D6 and use it instead of expending a Bardic Inspiration die.
College of Thespian bards see no distinction between art and war. They see it as their duty to keep the legend of the great battle of the Cataclysm alive through their performance, either on stage, or on the battlefield.
- Combat Inspiration
You are inspired when bathing in the heat of a fight. Once during your turn as a free action, you can roll a bardic inspiration, adding the roll to your movement speed and gaining advantage on the next attack roll you make before your turn ends.
- Macabre Instruments
You can use your weapons as spellcasting focus and are able to perform somatic components of spells while holding items.
- Terrific Performance
You strike down your enemies in a terrifying way that instills fear in those who are still alive. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee weapon attack, all other enemy creatures within 15 feet of it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell DC or become frightened until the end of your next turn.
- Two-Weapon Fighting Style
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Finale
You regain a bardic inspiration die whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points.
- Improved Terrific Performance
Any creature that fails its saving throw against your Terrific Performance also receives psychic damage equal to two bardic die rolls in addition to being frightened.
The College of Traditions is descended from an order of song-wizards who served the Manacalon empire. While their allegiance has changed, their fascination with magic has not - and neither has their skill.
- Ancient Tradition
Cast Mage Armor on yourself at will: your AC becomes 13 + DEX modifier if you are unarmored.
- Aura of Preeminence
When you make an Intimidation or Insight check, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
- Verbal Onslaught
As a reaction, after a creature you can see within 12 cells damages you, you can expend one of your Bardic Inspiration. On a failed intelligence saving throw, they take psychic damage equal to 2x your bardic inspiration die + charisma modifier and be stunned until the end of their next turn. The damage is halved on a successful saving throw.
- Manacalon Perfection
Once per short rest, as a bonus action, grant yourself and an ally the benefits of a bardic inspiration die without spending one of its uses. It will always roll its maximum value.
Bards of the College of Valor gather in mead halls or around great bonfires to sing the deeds of the mighty, both past and present. They travel the land to witness great events firsthand and to ensure that the memory of those events doesn't pass from the world. With their songs, they inspire others to reach the same heights of accomplishment as the heroes of old.
- Armor and Weapons
You can wear Light Armor, Medium Armor and Shield and also gain proficiency with martial weapons.
- Improved War Casting
Advantage on concentration checks, be able to use your weapons as spellcasting focus, be able to perform somatic components of spells while holding items, and no disadvantage when enemies are within melee range.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Gut Deflection
You can use your arcane powers to shield yourself as a reaction. This gives you +3 to your armor class until your next turn.
The Battle domain grants powerful combat spells. Its clerics can deal damage as well as providing front-line healing.
- Battle Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Magic Missile, Shield of Faith
II Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere
III Fireball, Haste
IV Stoneskin, Phantasmal Killer
V Hold Monster, Insect Plague
- Battle Magic
Can cast spells with a somatic component without a free hand, provided a weapon or shield is being wielded.
- Bonus Proficiency
Martial Weapons
- Divine Fortitude
As an action, gain 3 temporary HP per cleric level. Recovered after a long rest.
- Decisive Strike
On a successful attack, Channel Divinity to add 1d6 to your damage and stun your target (save negates). Increases by 1d6 every 3 levels above level 2.
- Herald of Battle
Allies in adjacent cells gain +1 on attack rolls, damage, AC, and saving throws.
- Scholar of Battle
You can attack twice, rather than once, when you use the attack or shove actions.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Paragon of Battle
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. In addition, the range of Herald of Battle is increased to 15 feet.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
Defilers worship patrons of death, corruption, and blight, seeking power and corruption for their own ends: to please their gods, or for more selfish reasons.
- Bonus Cantrip
Learn Wrack cantrip.
Expanded Spells
I False Life, Inflict Wounds
II Blindness, Ray of Enfeeblement
III Corrupting Bolt, Fear
IV Blight, Phantasmal Killer
V Cloudkill, Contagion
Insidious Death Magic
Creatures you deal necrotic damage to through spells, abilities, or weapons can not receive healing until the end of your next turn.
- Channel Divinity: Defile Life
Unleash a wave of necrotic energy around you. Each non-undead hostile creature in a 30-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw. Affected creatures take 2d10 + cleric level necrotic damage on a failed saving throw, or half that amount on a successful one.
- Beacon of Corruption
You gain resistance to necrotic damage and necrotic damage dealt by your spells and powers ignore resistance to necrotic damage.
- Divine Strike
Once per turn, deal 1d8 necrotic damage on weapon attacks. This damage increases to 2d8 at 14th level.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Dying Light
You learn Circle of Death and Finger of Death spells, and it is added to the list of spells known. They are always prepared, don't count towards your prepared spells limit, and are treated as cleric spells for you. Whenever you deal necrotic damage, you can deal maximum damage instead of rolling. You can use this feature once per long rest.
The Elemental domain allows a cleric to become one with the elements. The fire sub-domain makes you less vulnerable to fire damage and grants you fire-based attacks.
- Bonus Cantrip (Fire)
Fire Bolt
- Elemental Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Thunderwave, Fog Cloud
II Levitate, Misty Step
III Lightning Bolt, Fly
IV Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
V Cone of Cold, Conjure Elemental
- Primal Harmony (Fire)
Resistance to Fire: damage is halved
- Channel Divinity: Fire Burst
Channel Divinity to cause 3d8 fire damage to a target within 12 cells. A successful Dexterity save halves the damage.
- Scholar of the Elements
Use your reaction to become immune to your domain element so it heals you instead of wounding you.
- Call Upon Fire
The target suffers fire damage and must succeed a STR save or be pushed. Can be used a number of times equal to your WIS bonus until a long rest.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Summon Inferno
As an action, you can summon 2 fire elemental. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
The Elemental domain allows a cleric to become one with the elements. The ice sub-domain makes you less vulnerable to cold damage and grants you ice-based attacks.
- Bonus Cantrip (Cold)
Ray of Frost
- Elemental Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Thunderwave, Fog Cloud
II Levitate, Misty Step
III Lightning Bolt, Fly
IV Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
V Cone of Cold, Conjure Elemental
- Primal Harmony (Cold)
Resistance to Cold: damage is halved
- Channel Divinity: Ice Lance
Use Channel Divinity on a target within 12 cells. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or be pushed away by 2 cells and suffer 2d8 cold damage.
- Scholar of the Elements
Use your reaction to become immune to your domain element so it heals you instead of wounding you.
- Call Upon Cold
The target suffers cold damage and must succeed with a STR save or become restrained until the end of its next turn. Can be used a number of times equal to your WIS bonus until a long rest.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Summon Blizzard
As an action, you can summon 2 ice elemental. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
The Elemental domain allows a cleric to become one with the elements. The lightning sub-domain makes you less vulnerable to lightning damage and grants you lightning-based attacks.
- Bonus Cantrip (Lightning)
Shocking Grasp
- Elemental Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Thunderwave, Fog Cloud
II Levitate, Misty Step
III Lightning Bolt, Fly
IV Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
V Cone of Cold, Conjure Elemental
- Primal Harmony (Lightning)
Resistance to Lightning: damage is halved
- Channel Divinity: Lightning Blade
Channel Divinity to cause 1d8 lightning damage to a target within 12 cells. On a failed Dexterity save, the target is also stunned until the end of its next turn.
- Scholar of the Elements
Use your reaction to become immune to your domain element so it heals you instead of wounding you.
- Call Upon Thunder
Creatures in the area of effect must make a successful CON save or suffer thunder damage equal to 2D8 + your WIS bonus and become restrained until the end of their next turn. Can be used a number of times equal to your WIS bonus between long rests.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Living Tempest
As a bonus action, you can give yourself a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
Holy smiths who channel their faith through steel and forges. Reinforcing allied armor and heavily armoring themselves.
- Bonus Proficiencies
Gain proficiency in smith tools and heavy armor.
Expanded Spells
I Identify, Searing Smite
II Heat Metal, Magic Weapon
III Protection from Energy, Elemental Weapon
IV Wall of Fire, Stoneskin
V Flame Strike, Hold Monster
Reinforce Armor
Once per short rest, you may reinforce a non-magical piece of armor or shield. The reinforced object gains an additional +1 AC.
- Channel Divinity: Adamant Benediction
Using an action, bolster the armor of allies in a 30ft radius. Their armor gains the Strength of adamantine armor, gaining immunity to critical for 1 minute.
- Forge Mastery
Gain fire resistance and while wearing armor gain +1 AC.
- Reinforce Armor
Once per short rest, you may reinforce a non-magical piece of armor or shield. The reinforced object gains an additional +2 AC.
- Divine Strike
Once per turn, deal +1d8 fire damage on weapon attacks. This damage increases to 2d8 at 14th level.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Reinforce Armor
Once per short rest, you may reinforce a non-magical piece of armor or shield. The reinforced object gains an additional +3 AC.
- Reinforce Armor
Once per short rest, you may reinforce a non-magical piece of armor or shield. The reinforced object gains an additional +4 AC.
- Blessed Metal
Your blessed affinity with fire and metal becomes more powerful. While wearing armor, you gain the following benefits: • You gain immunity to fire damage. • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks.
The Insight domain focuses on learning, memory, and deduction. Those who embrace this domain are renowned for their knowledge and wisdom.
- Divine Intuition
Advantage on ability checks using Arcana, History, and Nature
- Insight Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Detect Evil and Good, Identify
II Find Traps, See Invisibility
III Slow, Remove Curse
IV Identify Creatures, Phantasmal Killer
V Dispel Evil and Good, Dominate Person
- Inspired Diplomat
You always know the odds when choosing between dialog choices that include an Ability Check (Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation).
- Channel Divinity: Foreknowledge
Channel Divinity to see the immediate future and dodge your enemy's attacks better. For 1 minute, the first attack (except shove) made against you after your turn suffers disadvantage.
- Divine Eye
Advantage to detect traps, hidden doors, and objects
- Divine Lore
You know all languages, written and spoken. In addition, you can identify a magical item once per long rest.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Avatar of Knowledge
• You gain proficiency with Intelligence based saving throws. • You can now channel your Foreknowledge divinity to you and all allies within 15 ft.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
The Law domain focuses on protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty, granting powers and spells to control and tame the unlawful.
- Commanding Presence
Proficient with Intimidation. Advantage on Intimidation checks
- Law Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Heroism, Shield
II Branding Smite, Hold Person
III Counterspell, Lightning Bolt
IV Banishment, Guardian of Faith
V Hold Monster, Dispel Evil and Good
- Unyielding Enforcer
Advantage on rolls to resist being shoved or moved by magical means
- Channel Divinity: Force of Law
Channel Divinity when casting an attack spell to impose disadvantage on your target's saving throw.
- Channel Divinity: Holy Retribution
When a melee attack damages you, you can use your reaction to Channel Divinity and strike back using a melee weapon, adding (2d6 + cleric level) psychic damage.
- Word of the Law
Break the spellcasting concentration of an enemy
- Anathema
On a failed WIS saving throw, restrains a creature and inflicts force damage each turn equal to your WIS modifier. The creature can make a WIS saving throw at the end of their turn. Can be used once per short rest. At level 14 or above, can be used twice per short rest and the damage is increased by an additional +2d6.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Anathema
On a failed WIS saving throw, restrains a creature and inflicts force damage each turn equal to your WIS modifier. The creature can make a WIS saving throw at the end of their turn. Can be used once per short rest. At level 14 or above, can be used twice per short rest and the damage is increased by an additional +2d6.
- Final Word
Whenever you break the spellcasting concentration of an enemy, that enemy becomes silenced until the end of your next turn.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
The Life domain focuses on the vibrant positive energy - one of the fundamental forces of the universe - that sustains all life, and grants unrivaled healing abilities.
- Bonus Proficiency
Proficient with Heavy Armor.
- Disciple of Life
When casting a healing spell, the target regains additional HP equal to (2 x spell level).
- Life Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Bless, Cure Wounds
II Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon
III Revivify, Mass Healing Word
IV Death Ward, Guardian of Faith
V Mass Cure Wounds, Raise Dead
- Channel Divinity: Preserve Life
Restore hit points (5 x cleric level) to one or more allies within 6 cells, up to half their hit point maximum.
- Blessed Healer
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores hit points to a creature other than yourself, you regain hit points equal to (2 + spell level).
- Divine Strike
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target. When you reach level 14, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Supreme Healing
When you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
The Mischief domain is followed by those who pursue joy, pleasure, and wealth through trickery, luck, and manipulation.
- Borrowed Luck
When you fail a saving throw where you did not have disadvantage, you can use your reaction to roll again. If you succeed, you will have disadvantage on your next saving throw.
- Mischief Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat
II Blur, Invisibility
III Hypnotic Pattern, Slow
IV Confusion, Greater Invisibility
V Dominate Person, Hold Monster
- Trickster
Proficiency with Stealth and Deception
- Channel Divinity: Strike of Chaos
When you hit a creature with a melee or ranged weapon attack, you can Channel Divinity to add 1d6 points of psychic damage, and impose a random condition if the target fails a wisdom saving throw. The condition can be: advantage on attack rolls, disadvantage on attack rolls, blinded, restrained, paralyzed, or none. The additional damage is increased by 1d6 for every 3 levels above level 2 (level 5: 2d6, level 8: 3d6, etc.) The target must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, this effect ends; otherwise, it remains for a maximum duration of 1 minute.
- Elusive Target
Starting at level 6, you are extremely hard to corner in close combat. When a melee attack hits you, you can use your reaction to gain the benefits of Dodging and Disengaging until the end of your next turn.
- Divine Strike
Once, on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the target. When you reach level 14, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Fortune Favors The Bold
Whenever you use your Channel Divinity: Strike of Chaos feature, you randomly gain one of the following effects for 1 minute: nothing, disadvantage on next attack roll, advantage on the next attack roll, temporary hit points equal to cleric level, +4d8 psychic damage on the next attack roll that hits, effects of Mirror Image spell.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
Gods of nature are as varied as the natural world itself; from inscrutable gods of the deep forests to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves. Druids revere nature as a whole and might serve one of these deities, practicing mysterious rites and reciting all-but-forgotten prayers in their own secret tongue. But many of these gods have clerics as well, champions who take a more active role in advancing the interests of a particular nature god. These clerics might hunt the evil monstrosities that despoil the woodlands, bless the harvest of the faithful, or wither the crops of those who anger their gods.
- Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with heavy armor.
Expanded Spells
I Animal Friendship, Entangle
II Barkskin, Spike Growth
III Conjure Animal, Wind Wall
IV Dominate Beast, Freedom of Movement
V Insect Plague, Cloudkill
Nature's Acolyte
• You learn one cantrip of your choice from the druid spell list. This cantrip counts as a cleric cantrip for you, but it doesn't count against the number of cleric cantrips you know. • You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival.
- Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants
As an action, you present your holy symbol and invoke the name of your deity. Each beast or plant creature that can see you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
- Dampen Elements
When you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to grant resistance to the creature against that instance of the damage.
- Divine Strike
You gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra random 1d8 cold damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Channel Divinity: Master of Nature
As an action, you present your holy symbol and invoke the name of your deity. Each beast or plant creature that can see you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is mind controlled by you for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
The Oblivion domain shows the darker aspect of Maraike, that of the goddess of death. Clerics who choose this domain consider life and death as part of the same, greater cycle, and can use necromantic spells as well as any other.
- Bonus Cantrip
Chill Touch
- Gate Keeper
As long as you are conscious, you and your fellow party members within 6 cells have advantage on death saving throws.
- Oblivion Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Sleep, Inflict Wounds
II Blindness, Ray of Enfeeblement
III Vampiric Touch, Fear
IV Black Tentacles, Confusion
V Contagion, Cloudkill
- Channel Divinity: Herald of Pain
Channel Divinity to cause pain to enemies within 6 cells. Enemies failing a Wisdom save receive 1d8 necrotic damage and are poisoned.
- Peaceful Rest
While camping, reduces the chances of being attacked and prevents from being surprised.
- Strike of Oblivion
+1d6 necrotic damage on your first attack of your turn.
- Mark of Fate
Mark a creature you see so it receives additional necrotic damage equal to your WIS bonus from each attack. Can be retargeted upon the creature's death. You need to take a short rest or long rest to recover this power. Starting at level 14, you can use it twice before taking a rest.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Mark of Fate
Mark a creature you see so it receives additional necrotic damage equal to your WIS bonus from each attack. Can be retargeted upon the creature's death. You need to take a short rest or long rest to recover this power. Starting at level 14, you can use it twice before taking a rest.
- Keeper of Oblivion
You steal the life-force from your foes as they step to the gates of oblivion, to grant your allies a moment's respite. When an enemy you can see dies within 30 feet of you, allies within 30 ft of you regain hit points from a pool equals to your Cleric level. Allies with the lowest health are healed first until the pool is fully consumed. Once you use it, you can't do so again until the start of your next turn.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
The Sun domain encompasses the powers of cleansing light and warmth of the sun itself. Clerics who embrace this domain are beacons of light in a world of darkness.
- Bonus Cantrip
- Holy Radiance
When you cast Sacred Flame, your target has disadvantage on the saving throw.
- Sun Domain Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Burning Hands, Faerie Fire
II Scorching Ray, Darkvision
III Daylight, Hypnotic Pattern
IV Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
V Flame Strike, Greater Restoration
- Channel Divinity: Herald of the Sun
Channel Divinity to engulf a visible enemy within 6 cells with radiant light, causing 1d8 radiant damage + 2 per cleric level (half damage on a successful Constitution saving throw) and cause the blinded condition for 1 minute (negated if saving throw was successful).
- Channel Divinity: Indomitable Light
Channel divinity to summon a sphere of sunlight, which affects light sensitive creatures and negates areas of darkness.
- Soothing Hand
Heal an ally and remove one detrimental condition.
- Divine Strike
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target. When you reach level 14, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Rising Dawn
You have resistance to fire and radiant damage, and you bypass fire and radiant damage resistances with your attacks and spells.
- Improved Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a 100% chance of success.
Gods whose portfolios include the Tempest domain govern storms, sea, and, sky. They include gods of lightning and thunder, gods of earthquakes, some fire gods, and certain gods of violence, physical strength, and courage. In some pantheons, a god of this domain rules over other deities and is known for swift justice delivered by thunderbolts. In the pantheons of seafaring people, gods of this domain are ocean deities and the patrons of sailors. Tempest gods send their clerics to inspire fear in the common folk, either to keep those folk on the path of righteousness or to encourage them to offer sacrifices of propitiation to ward off divine wrath.
- Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with heavy armor and martial weapons.
Expanded Spells
I Fog Cloud, Thunderwave
II Shatter, Rime's Binding Ice
III Call Lightning, Sleet Storm
IV Ice Storm, Blessing of Rime
V Insect Plague, Destructive Wave
Wrath of The Storm
You can thunderously rebuke attackers. When a creature within 5 feet of you that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice) on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). The damage increases to 3d8 at 5th, 4d8 at 11th and 5d8 at 17th level. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath
You can use your Channel Divinity to wield the power of the storm with unchecked ferocity. When you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling.
- Thunderous Strike
During your turn, when you deal thunder damage to a large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet away from you.
- Divine Strike
You gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
- Divine Intervention
You attempt to request the help of your deity, with a success chance of 1% per cleric level.
- Stormborn
You can use your bonus action to gain flying speed equal to your walking speed for one hour.
Some say that druids from the Circle of Balance are gentle healers, while others tell of merciless executioners. The truth is, both are right: nature giveth, and nature taketh away.
- Circle of Balance Spells
In your list and always prepared:
II Prayer of Healing, Calm Emotions
III Mass Healing Word, Revivify
IV Banishment, Blight
V Mass Cure Wounds, Cloudkill
- Gift of Life
Whenever you use a level 1 or higher spell to restore hit points to a creature, they also regain an additional number of hit points equal to your level at the start of their next turn.
- Survival of the Wisest
Your spells are more effective against creatures you already faced. You gain a bonus equal to half your knowledge level (rounded up) to your spell DC and spell attack modifier against them.
- Cold Embrace
Whenever you damage an opponent with a spell, they are unable to heal any HP until the start of your next turn.
- Balance of Power
When you reach level 14, you can use your bonus action to grant all allies within 12 cells advantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn. You and your allies who are under the effect of Balance of Power can be attacked with advantage by all enemies until the start of your next turn. You can use Balance of Power a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
You have forged a relationship with a powerful nature entity: Ancient Dryads, Arch-druids, Manifestations of the Feywild bleeding into the material plane, Forgotten gods from a primal age. It may wish for you to protect the natural world, travel to far off lands that it cannot, or it may have another motive that seems inscrutable to short-lived mortals.
- Ancient Forest Bonus Cantrips
Your learn secrets on the nature of how natural magic and life energy are connected. Your learn Shillelagh and Chill Touch.
Expanded Spells
I Goodberry, Entangle
II Protection from Poison, Spike Growth
III Revivify, Stinking Cloud
IV Blight, Giant Insect
V Contagion, Insect Plague
You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your Druid level × 5.
- Herbal Brewing
You can create herbal brews, each of which lasts until the next long rest. You create a total of brews equals to your proficiency bonus. For each brew, choose one of the following effects: Fortifying Brew: grants resistance to different damage types for 1 hour. Quickening Brew: provides 2d4 hit points. Toxifying Brew: acts as poison that can be applied to a weapon that lasts for 1 minute. If the hit lands the target takes 1d4 poison damage on each hit.
- Life Sap
When you damage an enemy with a spell, you heal HP equal to half your level once per turn. If you are below half HP, you instead heal HP equal to your level instead, but only up to half of your maximum HP.
- Photosynthesis
You can absorb energy from sunlight. While you are in direct bright light, you gain 2 HP per round.
- Rooted
Arboreal tendrils grow from your ft and dig into the ground. Your speed becomes 0, and you gain advantage on any saving throws to push you, pull you, or knock you prone.You can cast entangle at will.
- Barkskin
Armor class is set to 16.
- Forest Barrier
Cast Wall of Thorns a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus.
The Circle of the Eternal Grove strives to protect and preserve as many living beings as it can. These druids understand the significance of every life form in the natural cycle, be it large or small, and that every one of them is worth saving.
Expanded Spells
I Cure Wounds, Goodberry
II Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing
III Beacon of Hope, Mass Healing Word
IV Freedom of Movement, Stoneskin
V Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds
Starting at 2nd level, whenever you heal a creature using a level 1 healing spell or higher, or affect them by Lesser and Greater Restoration spells, that creature also restores a number of hit points equal to the spell casting level, at the start of it's turn, for 3 rounds. If a creature falls unconscious, the healing is removed. This effect stacks.
- Seed of Life
Starting at 6th level, you conjure a magical seed and merge it with the soul of one creature. As a bonus action, select one allied creature. The targeted creature gains the following benefits for one minute: • At the start of each of the creature's turns, the creature restores a number of hit points equal to your proficiency. • If the creature falls to 0 hit points all other effects of Seed of Life also end. • If the effect expired naturally after a minute, the creature is healed for 2x your Druid level. You can use this feature twice per long rest.
- Revitalizing Boon
Starting at 10th level, creatures affected by Verdancy or Seed of Life gain advantage on Constitution saving throws and resistance to necrotic damage.
- Harmonious Bloom
Starting at 14th level, all healing spells you cast count as being cast at one slot level higher, and your Verdancy feature lasts for 5 rounds instead of 3.
Circle of the Forest Guardian Druids are sworn to protect the forests and all that dwell within them. Skilled in the use of Abjuration magic and martial combat, members of this druidic circle are fearsome opponents on the battlefield.
- Bark Ward
You can use your bonus action and expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to cover yourself with regenerating bark. While the bark is active, you gain 4 temporary hit points at the start of each of your turn, including the turn when you used this feature. The temporary hit points are increased to 6 at 6th level, and the power is improved at 10th. The bark lasts for one minute, or until you become incapacitated.
Expanded Spells
I Ensnaring Strike, Shield
II Lesser Restoration, Spike Growth
III Protection from Energy, Dispel Magic
IV Aura of Life, Freedom of Movement
V Greater Restoration, Hold Monster
Sylvan Magic
Your non-two-handed weapon attacks count as magical, and you use your spell casting modifier for your attack and damage rolls. If you have the Two Weapon fighting style, these changes also apply to your offhand attack.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Improved Bark Ward
You can use your bonus action and expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to cover yourself with regenerating bark. While the bark is active, you gain 8 temporary hit points at the start of each of your turn, including the turn when you used this feature. The temporary hit points are increased to 10 at 14th level. In addition, you have poison immunity while Bark Ward is active, and whenever a creature damages you with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft of you and while you have any temporary hit points, the creature receives 2d8 piercing damage. The improved bark lasts for one minute, or until you become incapacitated.
- Nature's Guardian
When you activate Bark Ward, and on subsequent start of each of your turns while your Bark Ward is active, all allies that you can see within 15 feet of you also receive the same amount of temporary hit points from it as you do.
At the beginning of time, there was harmony between animals and sentient beings. Some of them even forged an unbreakable bond, melding two minds and souls in two bodies so that the two bodies shared their bond. This ancient bond has been preserved in the Circle of the Kindred Spirits, an order of druids preserving this sacred bond.
- Spirit Bond
Your kindred spirit has the following features: Proficiency bonuses: druid's proficiency bonuses Attack roll: druid's melee spell attack Saving Throws = druids' saving throws INT is always 8 Advantage to attack on enemies engaged with the druid or the druid's allies If the kindred spirit dies, the druid sustains 3D6 psychic damage and is stunned for the remainder of the turn, unless unconscious. After a short rest, the kindred spirit regains the same HP as the druid does from spending hit dice.
- Spirit Call
Use an action to call your kindred spirit to a spot within 6 cells. If the spirit dies, you must complete a long rest before you can call it again.
- Spirit Choice
Choose a spirit to bond to. Grants a bonus to the bonded druid.
- Magical Spirit
The attacks of the kindred spirit are considered magical. Furthermore, each time you heal yourself, the healing trickles down to your kindred spirit, letting it regain a number of HP equal to your spellcasting ability bonus.
- Shared Pain
As a reaction, the damage inflicted to the druid or the kindred spirit can be shared equally among both.
- Spirit Rage
When you reach level 14, you can use Spirit Rage on your kindred spirit as a bonus action. It becomes stronger for 1 minute and gains the following bonuses:
- AC and damage bonus equal to you proficiency;
- 2nd attack. You can use Spirit Rage a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
The Circle of the Land is made up of mystics and sages who safeguard the ancient knowledge of the Old Faith. As a member of this circle, your magic is influenced by the land where you were initiated into the circle's mysterious rites.
- Bonus Cantrip
Learn a druid cantrip of your choice.
- Natural Recovery
Once per day when you complete a short rest, you can recover a number of expended spell slots (max 5th level) up to half of your druid level, rounded up.
- Circle Spells
Select a terrain type that grants a range of spells that are always treated as prepared. Forest,Grassland,Mountain,Swamp,Desert,Coast orArctic
- Land's Stride
Moving through difficult terrain does not cost extra movement and you are immune to magical plants that impedede movement, such as the Entangle or Spike Growth spells.
- Nature's Ward
You are immune to charm or fear effects caused by elementals or feys, as well as to poison and disease.
- Nature's Sanctuary
When you reach level 14, whenever you deal damage to an enemy with a spell of level 1 or higher, they must make a STR saving throw or become restrained until the start of your next turn. After being affected once, they become immune to this effect.
Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. They haunt the deepest parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on end before crossing paths with another humanoid creature, let alone another druid.
- Combat Healing
While in wild shape, you can use a bonus action to heal yourself for 1d8 hit points. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per form you adopt per long rest.
- Combat Wild Shape
The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform quicker and into more dangerous animal forms. You use Bonus Action, instead of main Action to Wild Shape and have improved beast form selection.
- Improved Combat Healing
Your Combat Healing now heals you for 2d8 hit points.
- Primal Strike
Starting at 6th level, your attacks in beast form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. You can also transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.
- Elemental Forms
At 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape to transform into an air elemental, an earth elemental or a fire elemental.
- Superior Combat Healing
Your Combat Healing now heals you for 3d8 hit points.
- Monstrous Forms
At 14th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape to transform into a crimson spider or minotaur elite.
- Superb Combat Healing
Your Combat Healing now heals you for 4d8 hit points.
The Circle of the Stars allows druids to draw on the power of starlight. These druids have tracked heavenly patterns since time immemorial, discovering secrets hidden amid the constellations. By revealing and understanding these secrets, the Circle of the Stars seeks to harness the powers of the stars.
- Star Map
You've created a star chart as part of your heavenly studies. While holding this map, you have these benefits: • You know the Guidance cantrip. • You have the Guiding Bolt spell prepared and can cast it without expending a spell slot. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Starry Form
As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to take on a starry form, rather than transforming into a beast. While in your starry form, your body becomes luminous. This form sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The form lasts for 10 minutes. It ends early if you dismiss it, are incapacitated, die, or use this feature again. Whenever you assume your starry form, choose which of the following constellations glimmers on your body: Archer, Chalice, or Dragon.
- Cosmic Omen
You learn to use your star map to divine the will of the cosmos. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can use a no cost power and until you finish your next long rest, you gain access to a special reaction based on whether you rolled an even or an odd number on the die: • Weal: Whenever a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is about to make an attack roll, an attribute check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and add the number rolled to the total. • Woe: Whenever a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is about to make an attack roll or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and subtract the number rolled from the total.
- Twinkling Constellations
The constellations of your Starry Form improve. The 1d8 of the Archer and the Chalice becomes 2d8, and while the Dragon is active, you have a flying speed of 20 ft. Moreover, if you haven't moved or used any bonus or main action yet while in your Starry Form, you can change which constellation glimmers on your body.
- Full of Stars
While in your Starry Form, you become partially incorporeal, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Druids from this circle draw their strength from the winds. As the Cataclysm raged, the connection druids felt to nature frayed. But not so for the Circle of the Winds. They felt the mana currents carried by the winds and through them a connection to nature. Through this, they were able to protect nature from the worst of the cataclysm-born depredations.
- Carried by the Wind
Casting a spell of level 1 or higher makes you automatically take the Disengage action for free and gain +2 movement speed until the end of your turn.
- Sheltering Breeze
You can use a bonus action to let Sheltering Breeze blow upon all allies within 6 cells of you. All affected creatures (including yourself) have advantage to all saving throws until the start of your next turn. For each long rest, you can use this feature a number of times equal to your WIS bonus.
- Guiding Winds
Whenever you hit an enemy with an attack roll, the next attack roll against them before the end of your next turn has advantage.
- Unfettered
Upon reaching level 14, you are constantly under the effect of Freedom of Movement and you gain +1 cell movement and a +3 bonus on initiative.
An Arcane Archer studies a unique elven method of archery that weaves magic into attacks to produce supernatural effects. Arcane Marksmen are some of their most elite warriors among the elves. They stand watch over the fringes of elven domains, keeping a keen eye out for trespassers and using magic-infused arrows to defeat monsters and invaders before they can reach elven settlements. Over the centuries, the methods of these elf archers have been learned by members of other races who can also balance arcane aptitude with archery.
- Arcane Lore
You choose to gain proficiency in either the Arcana or the Nature skill.
- Arcane Shot
You learn to unleash special magical effects with some of your shots. When you gain this feature, you learn two Arcane Shot options of your choice. Once per turn when you fire an arrow from a shortbow or longbow as part of the Attack action, you can apply one of your Arcane Shot options to that arrow. You decide to use the option when the arrow hits a creature, unless the option doesn't involve an attack roll. You have 2 uses of this ability, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short or long rest.
- Arcane Magic
You choose to learn one Wizard cantrip.
- Arcane Shot
Select 1 arcane shot of your choice.
- Guided Shot
You infuse your arrows with divination magic, making them more likely to hit their targets. When you make an attack roll with a shortbow or longbow and miss, you can use your reaction to reroll the attack roll against that creature.
- Magic Arrow
You gain the ability to infuse arrows with magic. Whenever you fire a non-magical arrow from a shortbow or longbow, you can make it magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. The magic fades from the arrow immediately after it hits or misses its target.
- Arcane Shot
Select 1 arcane shot of your choice.
- Arcane Shot Usage
You gain one additional usage of your Arcane Shot technique.
- Arcane Shot
Select 1 arcane shot of your choice.
- Ever-Ready Shot
Your magical archery is available whenever battle starts. If you roll initiative and are missing at least one use of Arcane Shot, you regain one use of it.
- Arcane Shot
Select 1 arcane shot of your choice.
- Arcane Shot Usage
You gain one additional usage of your Arcane Shot technique.
A knight who inspires greatness in others by committing brave deeds in battle. A Banneret is a skilled warrior, but one leading a band of allies can transform even the most poorly equipped militia into a ferocious war band.
- Rallying Cry
Starting at 3rd level, you replace your Second Wind with a power that restores hit points equal to 4x your Fighter Level, distributed evenly, to one or more allies within 30 ft.
- Royal Envoy
Starting at 3rd level, you add half of your proficiency bonus to any Charisma check you make that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. In addition, you become proficient with Charisma saving throws.
- Inspiring Surge
Starting at 10th level, as a bonus action, you can grant an ally an additional main action for 1 round. You can use this power once per short rest.
- Inspiring Protection
Starting at 15th level, your actions inspire others to keep on fighting. Whenever one of your allies that you can see within 60 feet fails a saving throw, you can use your reaction to make that ally reroll their save. You can use this feature three times per long rest.
- Spirited Surge
Starting at 18th level, your Inspiring Surge also grants advantage on all attacks, saving throws and ability checks for 1 round.
For battle masters, a battle is a test of wit as much as a test of might. They employ various martial techniques passed down by triumphant military leaders, aiming to outmaneuver and outmatch the opposing side using whatever tactic necessary to be victorious.
- Maneuvers
You learn three special techniques called maneuvers. Using a maneuver costs one superiority die. Most maneuvers enhance your attacks in a way and add the superiority die's roll to the attack's damage. You can only have one maneuver active at a time. Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to avoid its detrimental effects. The Maneuver DC of these maneuvers is 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher.
- Sharp Mind
Gain proficiency with a skill of your choice.
- Superiority Die
You gain four D8 dice called superiority dice that you can spend to use various maneuvers. Spent dice recharge whenever you take a short or long rest. On certain levels these dice increase in size.
- Additional Superiority Die
You gain an additional superiority die.
- Honed Skill
Gain expertise with a skill or tool of your choice.
- Maneuvers
Learn 2 maneuvers.
- Replace Maneuver
You can replace one maneuver you know with a new one.
- Replace Maneuver
You can replace one maneuver you know with a new one.
- Strategic Plan
You can choose a strategy to deal with prolonged encounters - abilities that would allow you to gain superiority dice under certain circumstances.
- Superiority Die Size (d10)
Your superiority die is upgraded to D10.
- Additional Superiority Die
You gain an additional superiority die.
- Battle Clarity
Gain proficiency with a saving throw of your choice.
- Maneuvers
Learn 2 maneuvers.
- Replace Maneuver
You can replace one maneuver you know with a new one.
- Replace Maneuver
You can replace one maneuver you know with a new one.
- Superiority Die Size (d12)
Your superiority die is upgraded to D12.
- Tactical Awareness
While you are not incapacitated, you gain the following benefits: • Once per turn, your weapon attack deals extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. • Attacks of Opportunity you make are done with advantage. • Attacks of Opportunity against you are done with disadvantage.
Champions focus on the raw physical power, honed to deadly perfection. Those who model themselves on this archetype combine rigorous training with physical excellence to deal devastating blows.
- Improved Critical
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
- Remarkable Athlete
Add half of your proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. In addition, both your jumping distance and climbing abilities increase, too.
- Additional Fighting Style
Choose a new fighting style option.
- Superior Critical
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19 or 20.
- Survivor
You attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.
Commanders lead their troops to victory through discipline and rigorous training. They can bolster their allies both offensively and defensively, and aren't shy to take matters into their own hands.
- Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation and Insight skills.
- Rousing Shout
You can use a bonus action to give all allies within 3 cells of you (including yourself) advantage on their next attack until the start of your next turn. You can use this power a number of times equal to you Proficiency bonus, then you need to take a Short Rest to recover it.
- Coordinated Defense
When you use the attack action, you can forego one of your attacks to grant an ally within 3 cells of you (including yourself) Dodge until the start of your next turn.
- Invigorating Shout
Rousing Shout's range increases from 3 to 6 cells. Allies affected by Rousing Shout now also gain temporary hit points equal to your level for 1 minute.
- Lead by Example
Once per turn after you strike an enemy, you leave a mark on them until the start of your next turn. Any time an ally (including yourself) makes a successful attack against the marked enemy, they take 1d4 additional damage (of the same damage type as the original damage taken).
- Peerless Commander
Starting at 18th level, any ally affected by Rousing Shout also gains advantage on their next saving throw and 10 additional feet of movement until the start of your next turn.
Eldritch Knights are fighters that specialize in defense and protection. They use magic to aid their natural abilities.
- Improved War Casting
Advantage on concentration checks, be able to use your weapons as spellcasting focus, be able to perform somatic components of spells while holding items, and no disadvantage when enemies are within melee range.
- Spellcasting
Cast Wizard spells and cantrips.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
- War Magic
You can use your bonus action to attack using the weapon in your main hand after casting a spell (or a cantrip if enabled on mod ui rules).
- Blade Weaving
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, that creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn.
- Arcane Deflection
You can use your arcane powers to shield yourself as a reaction. This gives you +3 to your armor class until your next turn.
- Protective Barrier
You can use your action to target up to 4 friendly creatures. Each affected creature gains +2 AC while the barrier lasts. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Guardians are stalwart warriors who use taunts and impregnable defenses to become a living wall between their allies and certain doom. Whether a guardian is a valiant knight, a stubborn sellsword, or a battle-hardened general, there is no one better to have at your side when the situation is at its most dire.
- Compelling Strike
Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can taunt the creature until the start of your next turn. A creature taunted by you has disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn't target you. This effect ends early if another ally taunts the creature or if you are ever more than 5 feet away from the creature.
- Stalwart Front
You have mastered techniques to take advantage of every drop in any enemy's guard: • When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. • Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach. • You can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature when a creature makes an attack against a target other than you.
- Unyielding
You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. You are also treated as having half-cover while you are wearing heavy armor and aren't incapacitated.
- Grand Challenge
As a bonus action, you taunt all hostile creatures that you can see within 30-foot-sphere of you. Each affected enemy creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or become taunted until the start of your next turn. A creature taunted by you has disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn't target you. This effect ends early if another ally taunts the creature or if you are ever more than 30 ft away from the creature. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Vigilance
You can no longer be surprised, and you can use your reaction twice per round instead of only once, but only once per turn.
- Impervious Protector
You gain resistance to all non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage as long as you are wearing heavy armor, and if you roll initiative and are missing at least one use of your Grand Challenge feature, you regain one use of it.
Mountaineers are trained to fight in difficult terrain and confined spaces. They are capable skirmishers and know how to take advantage of small spaces, given the right equipment.
- Shield Swipe
Advantage on shove attempts when using a shield.
- Tunnel Fighter
While using a shield, gain +2 AC when you have a wall on one of your four sides (no diagonals).
- Close Quarters
As a bonus action, you can force a switch of positions with an enemy within melee range by performing a STR vs STR or DEX challenge, just like for shoving. You are not open to opportunity attacks by doing so. If successful, you have advantage to attack this creature until the end of your turn.
- Shield Push
Provided you wield a shield, you can shove an opponent as a bonus action.
- Pack Striker
Starting at level 15, when you are using a shield, you have advantage on melee attack rolls against your target if another enemy of the target is within one cell of it, and if that enemy isn't incapacitated.
- Position of Strength
Starting at 18th level, your Tunnel Fighter feature also provides its benefits when within 5 feet of any ally (no diagonals). You have a permanent aura that grants +1 AC to you and all allies within 5 ft.
Psi Warriors are disciplined warriors who utilize a wide range of psychokinetic abilities to gain the upper hand in battle. They can easily adapt to any situation, augment their might with psi-infused attacks or aid allies with mentally created barriers and telekinetic movement.
- Psionic Initiate
You gain a number of Force Points that can be used to fuel various psychokinetic abilities. You start with 3 Force Points and gain 1 additional point every 3 levels thereafter. Your Force Points recharge on short or long rest. • Force-Powered Strike. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend 1 Force Point to deal additional force damage equal to 1d6 + Intelligence modifier. The damage increases to 1d8 at 5th, 1d10 at 11th and 1d12 at 17th level. • Kinetic Barrier. When you or another allied creature that you can see within 30 feet of you is about to be hit by an attack, you can expend 1 Force Point and use your reaction to form a protective shield of pure force around it, granting it extra AC equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum +1) against that attack and all subsequent attacks until the end of the attacking creature's turn. • Force Drive. You can expend 1 Force Point as a free action to launch weapons using your psychokinetic powers. Until the end of your turn, your equipped melee weapons gain 30 feet of additional range. You can use this feature once per short rest without expending a Force Point.
- Psionic Adept
You can now impose a Strength saving throw upon the creature struck by Force-Powered Strike (DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier). If the creature fails it, you can either knock the creature back 15 feet or knock it prone.
- Psionic Propulsion
You can expend 1 Force Point and use your bonus action to gain flying speed equal to twice your walking speed and not provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your turn. You can use this feature once per short rest without expending a Force Point.
- Force of Will
Your psionic energy grants you extraordinary resilience. At the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) if you have at least 1 hit point. In addition, you can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Wisdom and Charisma modifier for saving throws if it's higher.
- Force Bulwark
You can shield yourself and others with psychokinetic force. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 Force Point and choose creatures, which can include you, that you can see within 30 feet of you, up to a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one creature). Each of the chosen creatures is protected by half cover for 1 minute or until you're incapacitated. You can use this feature once per long rest without expending a Force Point.
- Telekinetic Grasp
You can expend 1 Force Point to cast the Telekinesis spell, requiring no components, and your spellcasting ability for the spell is Intelligence. On each of your turns while you concentrate on the spell, including the turn when you cast it, you can make one attack with a weapon as a bonus action. You can use this feature once per long rest without expending a Force Point.
Spellblades are as skilled with arcane magic as with their weapons. This versatility is a weapon in itself, often surprising enemies who tend to think an armored fighter cannot cast spells.
- Magic Weapon
Your weapon attacks count as magical against creatures that are resistant or immune to non-magical attacks.
- Spellcasting
Cast wizard spells and cantrips of the conjuration, evocation, transmutation, and enchantment schools.
- Into the Fray
You can use any melee weapon you are proficient with as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells, and can perform their somatic components with the weapon instead of your hand. Additionally, being next to a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged spell attack rolls.
- Spell Tyrant
Target a creature and move it one cell in any direction if it fails a STR save.
- Arcane Escape
Whenever you cast a spell, you gain the benefit of the Dodge action until the start of your next turn.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
Whether they are loved, respected or feared, warlords are primarily known for one thing – leading soldiers like no one else. A warlord stands side by side with their allies and can shift the tide of any battle, no matter if it requires a sword or a sharp tongue. The sheer presence of these accomplished leaders is enough for a soldier to confidently follow their orders and be the best version of themselves.
- Battlefield Experience
You gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum +1).
- Press the Advantage
As you strike, you call out sharp commands to your allies, spurring them to action and allowing them to take advantage of the opening. Once during your turn when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can immediately initiate one of the following maneuvers: • Exploit Opening - The next attack roll made by an attacker other than yourself against this creature is made with advantage. The attack must be made before the start of your next turn. • Predict Attack - The creature has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the start of your next turn. • Covering Strike - All allies other than yourself don't provoke opportunity attacks from this creature. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.
- Strategic Reposition
You can use your bonus action to order an ally other than yourself that you can see and that is within 30 feet of you to change their position. The targeted ally can move up to half its movement speed (rounded up) without provoking opportunity attacks.
- Coordinated Assault
Once during your turn when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can issue an order to assault the creature, allowing all allies to use their reaction to make an attack of opportunity against it. You can use this feature three times per long rest.
- Battle Plan
Your Battlefield Experience now extends to all allied creatures within 30 feet of you.
- Control the Field
You regain one usage of your Coordinated Assault whenever you roll initiative, and whenever you use your Strategic Reposition feature, you can reuse that feature as a free action before your turn ends.
Weapon Masters are first-rate warriors who devoted all their time and energy into Mastery a single weapon type. They are extraordinarily adept at exploiting weaknesses and can cut through enemy lines with deadly efficiency.
- Focused Strikes
You can use your bonus action to gain advantage on all attacks with your specialized weapon until the end of your turn. You can use this feature three times per long rest.
- Improved Critical
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
- Weapon Specialization
You gain +1 to hit and damage rolls with your specialized weapon type. A Martial Weapon Master will have disadvantage to attack with all other weapon types but gets a +2 bonus starting at level 9th, and a +3 starting at level 17th.
- Momentum
Once during your turn, you are able to make one additional weapon attack as a part of your attack action, after you reduce a creature to 0 hit points using your specialized weapon.
- Battle Stance
Whenever you roll initiative, you gain temporary hit points equal to your weapon master level + Constitution modifier and regain one usage of your Focused Strikes feature if you have your specialized weapon equipped.
- Deadly Accuracy
Whenever you score a critical hit with your specialized weapon, you deal an additional 2d6 damage.
- Superior Critical
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19 or 20.
- Perfect Strikes
Your Focused Strikes also grants you advantage on all damage rolls while attacking with your specialized weapon.
While most monks seek enlightenment through contemplation and achieving inner peace, monks of the Way of Discordance on the other hand are focused on harnessing the chaotic energies of the universe. These mystical scholars of disharmony exploit the inner conflicts of their enemies by manipulating their Ki, devastating them with bursts of distorting energy.
- Chaos Channeling
You can gather a portion of your own accrued chaos and use it to create spikes of negative energy. As a free action, increase the range of your unarmed strikes by 30 feet and convert all damage you deal with unarmed strikes into necrotic damage until the end of your turn. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus and can spend 2 Ki Points to use it again if you are out of uses.
- Discordance
You learn to manipulate the inner chaos of your foes. Each time you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, the creature receives one instance of Discordance condition for 1 minute. When a creature receives the 2nd instance, both instances are removed, the creature receives necrotic damage equal to your Martial Arts die + Wisdom modifier, and the creature cannot receive additional Discordance condition instances until the end of that turn.
- Turmoil
Starting at 6th level, when a creature receives damage from your Discordance feature, it must succeed on Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier) or receive Turmoil condition for up to one minute, having –1d4 penalty to all attack rolls and saving throws. A creature that fails the saving throw can repeat it at the end of each of its turns. If a creature succeeds at the saving throw or the effect expires, the creature is immune to further effects of Turmoil.
- Burst of Disharmony
You can spend 2 Ki and use your bonus action to cause an eruption of accumulated negative energy, dealing 3d6 necrotic damage in a 3x3 cell area to enemy creatures that fail Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier, save for half) and applying one instance of Discordance condition to each affected creature regardless of if they pass the saving throw or not. For every extra Ki points you expend, you increase the damage by an extra 1d6, up to a total cost equal to half your monk level (rounded up).
- Entropic Strikes
A creature damaged by Discordance can now continue receiving Discordance condition instances without any limitations.
- Tides of Chaos
Starting at 17th level, when a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is affected by Turmoil condition and gets reduced to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your monk level and 1 ki point. This effect can occur only once per turn.
Practitioners of the Way of Dragon devote themselves to learning the powerful beasts, gaining draconic abilities.
- Damage Resistance
You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.
- Dragon Ancestry
You choose one type of dragon as your ancestor. The damage type associated with your choice is used by the features you gain later.
- Elemental Breath
Once during your turn, you can forgo one of your main action attacks to exhale elemental energy. The shape and damage type of your breath depend on your Dragon Ancestry feature. Each creature affected by your breath must pass a Dexterity saving throw or receive three martial arts dice as damage type of your Dragon Ancestry feature (save for half). You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, and you can spend 2 ki instead if you are out of uses. At 17th level, the damage of your breath increases to four martial arts dice.
- Reactive Skin
When you are attacked, you can use your reaction and pay 1 Ki to gain resistance to all damage until the end of attacker's turn. If the attacker uses melee attacks against you, they receive one martial arts die as damage type of your Dragon Ancestry feature each time they hit you.
- Dragon's Fury
Gain the ability to imbue your fists with elemental energy. You can pay 2 Ki as a free action to deal 2d6 additional elemental damage with all your unarmed attacks until the end of your turn, with damage type depending on your Dragon Ancestry feature.
- Draconic Ascension
You can use your bonus action to sprout a pair of wings, gaining flying speed equal to your walking speed. They last until you dismiss them using your bonus action. While your wings are manifested, you also gain +2 AC.
This style of fighting was developed by Manacalon slaves, who were forbidden weapons by their masters. Emphasizing speed and balance, the Way of Freedom lets its followers evade blows and dart inside enemy defenses.
- Flurry of Blows - Improved I
Starting at the 3rd level, whenever you use Flurry of Blows you gain advantage on your next attack, and you gain the benefit of the Dash action until the end of your turn.
- Swirling Dance
Starting at the 6th level, when a creature misses you with a melee attack roll, you can use your reaction to make an immediate attack against that creature.
- Flurry of Blows - Improved II
Starting at the 11th level, when you use Flurry of Blows, you can make up to one additional attack with it (up to a total of 3 flurry of blows attacks).
- Fluid Strikes
You can attack three times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The Way of Light was developed by former worshippers of Einar, who devoted their faith to the luminous aspect of the deity in his fight against darkness. After generations, the religious face of their creed disappeared leave space for the discipline of self-perfection in the purity of light.
- Luminous Ki
Starting at the 3rd level, you learn the Light & Shine cantrips (wisdom for spellcasting). Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, they automatically start emitting bright light until the end of your next turn.
- Radiant Strikes
Starting at the 6th level, any time you strike a target affected by Shine or Luminous Ki, you deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage.
- Blinding Flash
Starting at the 11th level, as a bonus action, you can spend 2 Ki points to generate a blinding burst of light. All creatures within 3 cells of you must roll a CON saving throw or take 3d6 radiant damage, and become blinded until the end of your next turn (half damage on success).
- Purity of Light
Starting at 17th level, you gain the following benefits: • All your monk weapon attacks and unarmed attacks now apply Luminous Ki. • Your Radiant Strikes now deal 1d6 radiant damage. • When you hit a creature affected by Luminous Ki, you restore 4 hit points and all conscious allies within 20 feet of you restore half that amount.
Practitioners of the Way of Shadow follow a tradition that values stealth and subterfuge. These monks serve as spies and assassins. Sometimes the members of a ninja monastery are family members, forming a clan sworn to secrecy about their arts and missions. Other monasteries are more like thieves' guilds, hiring out their services to nobles, rich merchants, or anyone else who can pay their fees. Regardless of their methods, the heads of these monasteries expect the unquestioning obedience of their students.
- Shadow Arts
You can see normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light, to a distance of 60 feet. You can also spend 1 ki to cast Darkness as an action without providing material components.
- Strike the Vitals
Once per turn, you can deal extra damage equal to your martial arts die if you hit a creature with an attack that had advantage on the attack roll. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. You must use an unarmed attack or a monk weapon. This damage increases by one additional martial arts die on levels 11 and 17.
- Shadow Step
You can use your bonus action when you are in dim light or natural darkness to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or natural darkness. After doing so, the next melee attack you make before your turn ends is rolled with advantage.
- Shadow Flurry
Once on each of your turns when you miss with a monk weapon or unarmed attack, you automatically reattempt the attack against the same target.
- Shadowy Sanctuary
When a creature is about to hit you with an attack, you can spend 3 ki and use your reaction to step into shadows and disappear, negating any damage or harmful effects you would have received from that attack. While in the shadows, you are considered banished until the start of your next turn. You do not lose concentration while banished this way.
Monks of the Way of the Storm Soul live on the highest mountaintops of Solasta, attuning themselves to the energies of mighty storms and learning to channel the power of lightning into their being. These martial artists use their unique disciplines to become an unbridled tempest, effortlessly maneuvering the battlefield, rushing from one enemy to the next and unleashing countless lightning-infused strikes upon them.
- Disciple of Storms
Whenever you use your Flurry of Blows, you also gain the benefits of the disengage action. Bonus attacks provided by it deal extra lightning damage equal to your martial arts die.
- Lightning Warrior
You gain resistance to lightning damage, and you can replace any of your main action attacks to cast Lightning Lure cantrip without any components using your Wisdom as spellcasting modifier.
- Tempest's Fury
You can spend 1 ki to replace one of bonus attacks provided by Flurry of Blows to instead attack all enemy creatures within 5 ft of you with it.
- Eye of the Storm
Whenever you damage a creature with a monk weapon, unarmed attack or Lightning Lure cantrip, you mark that creature with lingering conductive energies for 1 minute. You can use your action and spend 3 ki to consume the mark on each creature and force a Dexterity saving throw on them (DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier). On a failed saving throw, each creature receives 5d10 lightning damage (save for half).
In the aftermath of the Cataclysm, isolated communities developed physical and mental techniques that allowed them to push the limits of their strength and endurance to the utmost. Surviving while their neighbors perished, the followers of the Way of Survival are as tough as the harsh times that forged them.
- Defensive Stance
Starting at the 3rd level, you gain a +2 bonus to AC while you are not wearing armor and are not incapacitated. When you use Patient Defense, you gain advantage to your attack rolls until the start of your next turn.
- Unbreakable Body
Starting at the 6th level, whenever you take damage from any source, you heal a number of hit point equal to your proficiency bonus at the start of your next turn. Whenever you use Patient Defense, you also gain resistance to all damage types until the start of your next turn.
- Unmoving Strength
Starting at the 11th level, you now add your CON modifier to the damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.
- Physical Perfection
Starting at 17th level, you gain the following benefits: • While you have less than half your maximum hit points, healing of your Unbreakable Body feature is doubled. • When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can pay 1 Ki to restore 1 hit point.
The monks of the Way of the Open Hand devote themselves to the arts of combat. Dangerous with or without weapons, they throw or trip their opponents, using the mystical force of Ki to protect and heal themselves.
- Open Hand Technique
Starting when you choose this tradition at the 3rd level, you can manipulate your enemy's Ki when you harness your own. Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can impose one of the following effects on that target:
- It must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
- It must make a strength saving throw. If it fails, you can push it up to 3 cells away from you.
- It can't take reactions until the end of your next turn.
- Wholeness of Body
At the 6th level, you gain the ability to heal yourself. As an action, you can regain hit points equal to three times your monk level. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.
- Tranquility
At level 11, when you are about to be hit by an attack or single target spell, you can spend one Ki point to gain the benefits of the spell Shield.
- Quivering Palm
Starting at 17th level, you gain the ability to set up lethal vibrations in someone's body. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 3 Ki points to start these imperceptible vibrations, which last for 24 hours. The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to end them. When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is reduced to 1 hit point and becomes stunned until the start of their next turn. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage.
Monks of the Way of Weal and Woe focus on both prosperity and adversity to engage their enemies in battle.
- Weal
After you make an attack roll with a monk weapon or an unarmed attack increase your critical hit and critical miss range by one. It resets back to 20 and 1 when you complete a long rest, critically hit, or miss.
- Woe
After you make an attack roll with a monk weapon or an unarmed attack, and critically miss, you take damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die.
- Propelled Weal
After you make an attack roll with a monk weapon or an unarmed attack, and critically hit, you refund 1 Ki point.
- Brutal Weal
After you make an attack roll with a monk weapon or an unarmed attack, and critically hit, you deal additional damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die.
- Their Woe
After you make an attack roll with a monk weapon or an unarmed attack, and critically miss, you instead deal the Woe damage to the target instead of yourself.
A weapon is an extension of oneself, and a plain rendition of the one that wields it. Monks of the Way of Zen Archery know this well. The beauty and precision of martial arts has given these monks the tools to master their weapon of choice – the bow. They wield it with peerless skill and display their mastery of archery with each pull of the string.
- Flurry of Arrows
Whenever you use your Flurry of Blows, you can replace one unarmed attack with a bow attack.
- One with the Bow
You become proficient with shortbow and longbow. These weapons now count as monk weapons for you. You also gain proficiency with smithing tools.
- Ki-Empowered Arrows
Your bow attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage, and you can now use your Stunning Strike feature with bow attacks.
- Unerring Precision
You gain half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) as bonus to all attack and damage rolls with bows.
- Hail of Arrows
You can use your action and spend 3 ki to fire a barrage of arrows. You make one bow attack against each enemy creature you can see in a 45-foot-cone.
Heroes know their calling, and the Oath of Altruism calls out to those selfless heroes who put protection of the meek above all else. Followers of this Oath, are truly selfless protectors, who risk their own lives and would willfully die to protector those they care for. Paladins of this oath are not looking for glory and often align themselves with those seeking a greater purpose. They lend their shields and swords for the greater good of the goals of the team, before their own.
- Channel Divinity: Defensive Strike
When a friendly creature you can see is hit by an attack, you can spend use of Channel Divinity to project a surge of steadfast will into that creature - it immediately use its reaction to make one melee weapon attack, adding your Charisma modifier to both the attack and damage rolls.
- Channel Divinity: Spiritual Shielding
When a friendly creature you can see is about to be hit by attack you can spend a use of Channel Divinity granting it extra AC equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Oath of Altruism
In your list and always prepared:
I Healing Word, Shield of Faith
II Calm Emotions, Hold Person
III Counterspell, Hypnotic Pattern
IV Dominate Beast, Guardian of Faith
V Hold Monster, Mass Cure Wounds
- Aura of the Guardian
Starting at 7th level, you can shield others from harm at the cost of your own health. When a creature within 10 ft of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to magically take that damage, instead of that creature taking it. This feature doesn't transfer any other effects that might accompany the damage, and this damage can't be reduced in any way.
- Channel Divinity: Take the Pain
As a bonus action, spend a Channel Divinity to exchange hit points with an ally. You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your proficiency bonus plus your Charisma modifier.
- Improved Aura of the Guardian
Your Aura of the Guardian range increased to 30 ft.
- Exalted Protector
You passively grant the following benefits: • You and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are under the effects of the Bless spell that does not require concentration. • You and all allies within 30 feet of you have advantage on all concentration checks. • All allies within 30 feet of you have advantage on all death saving throws.
An Oath from a more primitive time which one dedicates themselves to utilizing nature for good.
- Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath
You can use your Channel Divinity to invoke primeval forces to ensnare a foe. As an action, you can cause spectral vines to spring up and reach for a creature within 10 ft of you that you can see. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained. While restrained by the vines, the creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a success, it frees itself and the vines vanish.
- Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless
You can use your Channel Divinity to utter ancient words that are painful for fey and fiends to hear. As an action, you present your holy symbol, and each fey or fiend within 30 ft of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
- Oath of Ancients
In your list and always prepared:
I Ensnaring Strike, Animal Friendship
II Moon Beam, Misty Step
III Protection from Energy, Spirit Guardians
IV Ice Storm, Stoneskin
- Aura of Warding
Starting at 7th level, ancient magic lies so heavily upon you that it forms an eldritch ward. You and friendly creatures within 10 ft of you have resistance to damage from spells.
- Undying Sentinel
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't benefit from this feature again until you finish a long rest.
- Improved Aura of Warding
Your Aura of Warding range increased to 30 ft.
- Elder Champion
As an action, you gain the following benefits for one minute: • At the start of each of your turns, you regain 10 hit points. • Whenever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can make two weapon attacks as a part of the same action. • Enemy creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage on saving throws against your paladin spells and Channel Divinity powers.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Paladins of the Oath of Demon Hunter are dedicated to eradicating the evil creatures that lurk in the darkness, and maintaining peace in the world.
- Channel Divinity: Trial Mark
As a bonus action, you channel divine power to mark an enemy creature within 60 feet that you can see for 1 minute. When you deal weapon damage to an enemy with the Trial Mark, you deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 7th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 15th level, and 5d6 at 19th level.
- Demon Hunter
Starting at 3rd level, You can apply your Divine Smite ability when you hit an enemy with a Light Crossbow, a Hand Crossbow or a Heavy Crossbow.
- Oath of Demon Hunter
In your list and always prepared:
I Hunter's Mark, Protect vs Evil & Good
II Magic Weapon, Misty Step
III Haste, Dispel Magic
IV Guardian of Faith, Greater Invisibility
V Hold Monster, Dispel Evil and Good
- Light Energy Crossbow Bolt
Starting at 7th level, you do not have disadvantage when using crossbow weapons to attack enemies nearby. When you hit a creature without the Trial Mark, you can channel divine power and apply the Trial Mark to it.
- Divine Crossbow
Starting at 15th level, you infuse your crossbow with divine power. You gain the following benefits: · The range of your crossbow weapons increases by 30 feet. · Your critical hit threat range increases by 1 point.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 3 times in your turn.
- Demon Slayer
Starting at 20th level, you slay evil and purify demons. You gain the following benefits: · When you use your Divine Smite, treat it as using a higher spell slot. · When you roll dice for radiant damage, any dice have a minimum value of 3.
Paladins who swear the Oath of Devotion uphold the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. They act with honor in pursuit of the greater good, hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards.
- Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon
Channel Divinity to bless one weapon. For 1 minute, add your Charisma modifier to hit with that weapon (minimum +1). The weapon also emits bright light over 4 cells and dim light over 4 more cells, and its attacks count as magical.
- Channel Divinity: Turn the Unholy
Channel Divinity to force fiends and undead within 6 cells who can see you to flee unless they make a successful Wisdom saving throw.
- Oath of Devotion Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Shield, Protect vs Evil & Good
II Lesser Restoration, Aid
III Dispel Magic, Revivify
IV Guardian of Faith, Freedom of Movement
- Aura of Devotion
Friendly creatures in the aura cannot be charmed while you are conscious.
- Purity of Spirit
Starting at level 15, you are always under the effects of a protection from evil and good spell.
- Improved Aura of Devotion
Your Aura of Devotion range increased to 30 ft.
- Holy Nimbus
Starting at 20th level, as an action, you can emanate an aura of sunlight. For 1 minute, bright light shines from you in a 30-foot radius, and dim light shines 30 feet beyond that. Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn in the bright light, the creature takes 10 radiant damage. In addition, for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by fiends or undead. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Paladins who swear the Oath of Dread are zealous warriors who channel their divine powers to either terrorize foes into submission, or make them scatter.
- Channel Divinity: Dreadful Presence
You can use your Channel Divinity to exude a terrifying presence as an action. Each enemy creature within 30 feet must succeed on Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. Each frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a success.
- Channel Divinity: Mark of Castigation
As a bonus action, you can castigate an enemy creature within 10 feet of, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute.
- Oath of Dread
In your list and always prepared:
I Bane, Shield of Faith
II Hold Person, See Invisibility
III Fear, Haste
IV Guardian of Faith, Phantasmal Killer
V Dominate Person, Hold Monster
- Aura of Domination
Starting at 7th level, you constantly emanate a menacing aura to all enemies within 10 feet while you are not incapacitated. If a creature is frightened or feared by you, and starts its turn in your aura, its speed is reduced to 0 and that creature takes psychic damage equal to half your paladin level. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
- Harrowing Crusade
When a creature under the effect of your Mark of Castigation or frighten condition makes an attack, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature if it is within range.
- Improved Aura of Domination
Your Aura of Domination range increased to 30 ft.
- Aspect of Dread
As an action, you gain the following benefits for one minute: • You have resistance to all damage. • All your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage. • Enemy creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage on saving throws against your paladin spells and Channel Divinity powers.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
An Oath of Hatred paladin has dedicated himself to the punishment of evildoers by channeling hate.
- Channel Divinity: Hateful Gaze
As a bonus action, use your Channel Divinity to invoke your rage into a gaze causing fear in target foe up to 30 ft away.
- Channel Divinity: Scornful Prayer
Use your Channel Divinity to perform a prayer of contempt towards an enemy up to 60 ft away, cursing and enfeebling them on a failed saving throw.
- Elevated Hate
As you take your Oath of Hate, choose a favored foe to hate dealing extra damage when fighting.
- Oath of Hatred
In your list and always prepared:
I Bane, Hunter's Mark
II Hold Person, Misty Step
III Haste, Protection from Energy
IV Banishment, Dreadful Omen
V Hold Monster, Dispel Evil and Good
- Dauntless Pursuer
On a successful opportunity attack, gain 2 extra movement cells and a free disengage.
- Relentless Hate
Your hate grants you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
- Ardent Hate
As a bonus action, you gain the following benefits for one minute: • You have advantage on all saving throws. • Your weapon attacks ignore target's resistances to damage. • Once per round when you make a weapon attack and miss, you can cause that attack to hit instead.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Paladins who swear the Oath of Judgement believe that no sin should be overlooked, no matter how small - although the punishment must also fit the crime. They are relentless in their pursuit of justice, and those who decide to stand in their way had better be prepared!
- Channel Divinity: Purge Corruption
As a bonus action, you can use Channel Divinity to remove a negative condition (blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned) from an ally up to 6 cells away.
- Channel Divinity: Weight of Justice
As a bonus action, you can use Channel Divinity to pour your determination into your weapon. The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, they must make a charisma saving throw or they will be restrained for up to 1 minute. The target can make a charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.
- Oath of Judgement Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Guiding Bolt, Protect vs Evil & Good
II Enhance Ability, Hold Person
III Hypnotic Pattern, Haste
IV Banishment, Blight
- Aura of Righteousness
You constantly emanate a 2-cell-wide aura while not incapacitated. Allies (including yourself) within an aura add damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Retribution
Starting at level 15, whenever an enemy within 6 cells deals damage to you, you can use your reaction to chastise them. They must make a Wisdom saving throw against you spellcasting ability, taking 2d8 + CHA mod psychic damage, or half on a success.
- Improved Aura of Rightenousness
Your Aura of Rightenousness range increased to 30 ft.
- Final Judgement
Starting at 20th level, as an action, you gain the following benefits for one minute: • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons. • When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make one additional attack as part of that action. • Your critical threshold reduces by 1. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Paladins who swear the Oath of the Motherland dedicate their lives to restoring the pre-Cataclysm world, undoing the land's decay, and bringing life back, despite its violent and volcanic nature. They reject the term "Badlands" in favor of "Motherland."
- Channel Divinity: Fiery Presence
Channel Divinity to blind opponents within 12 cells who fail a Dexterity save. Creatures with darkvision or better sight in darkness have disadvantage. Blindness lasts 1d4 turns.
- Channel Divinity: Fiery Wrath
Channel Divinity to target one creature within 12 cells, dealing (2d6 + paladin level) fire damage and setting the target on fire. It can make a DC 10 Dexterity check to put out the fire, or sustain 1d6 more fire damage per turn for one minute.
- Oath of the Motherland Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Bane, Burning Hands
II Branding Smite, Scorching Ray
III Fireball, Dispel Magic
IV Wall of Fire, Fire Shield
- Volcanic Aura
Friendly creatures in the aura gain fire resistance and +1 to AC.
- Heart of Lava
Starting at level 15, you are immune to fire and your skin covers with stone scales when you are in danger, reducing slashing/bludgeoning/piercing damage that you take by 5.
- Improved Volcanic Aura
Your Volcanic Aura range increased to 30 ft.
- Flames of Motherland
Starting at 20th level, as an action, you gain the following benefits for one minute: • Upon activation, all enemy creatures within 30 feet of you receive 8d6 fire damage. • All your weapon attacks deal an additional 2d6 fire damage. • Any creature within 5 feet of you that hits you with a melee weapon attack receives 10 fire damage. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Paladins of the Thunder were born to end the everlasting war across the planes. Even those, travelling far from home, are still eager to fulfil their duty, striking their enemies with the fury of thunder and power of the ancient gods.
- Channel Divinity: Divine Bolt
As a bonus action, you can call down a bolt of lightning to smite an enemy creature you can see within 60 feet of you. You deal 2d6 lightning damage. This damage increases by another 1d6 at 7th, 15th and 20th level.
- Channel Divinity: Thunderous Rebuke
When an enemy creature hits you with a melee attack while being up to 5 feet away from you, you can react to strike it with roaring thunder. You deal 2d6 thunder damage. This damage increases by another 1d6 at 7th, 15th and 20th level.
- Mjolnir
When wielding a War Hammer, they can be thrown with a 20/60 range, and return to your hand immediately after it is used to make a thrown attack. Also, your Divine Smite feature can be used on all attacks made with them, but you have disadvantage to attack with any other weapon type different from War Hammers.
- Oath of Thunder
In your list and always prepared:
I Thunderwave, Thunderous Smite
II Shatter, Misty Step
III Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt
IV Freedom of Movement, Stoneskin
V Far Step, Sonic Boom
- God of Thunder
Once per turn, you deal an additional 1d4 thunder damage with Battle Axes and War Hammers. This damage increases to 2d4 at 15th.
- Stormbreaker
When wielding Battle Axes or War Hammers, they can be thrown with a 20/60 range, and return to your hand immediately after it is used to make a thrown attack. Also, your Divine Smite feature can be used on all attacks made with them, but you have disadvantage to attack with any other weapon type different from Battle Axes and War Hammers.
- Bifrost
As an action you can teleport to a point you can see within 60 feet of you, and you are able to bring an ally with you if within 5 feet. All enemy creatures within 10 feet of your destination position take 3d10 thunder damage, or half as much on a successful Constitution save. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
- Storm Herald
You gain a flying speed of 12 cells, and are immune to Thunder and Lightning damage. As a bonus action, you can summon a bolt of lightning to strike a 3x3 point you choose within 60 feet of you. Each affected creature must roll a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 lightning damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
Paladins who swear the Oath of Tirmar belong to an old order descended from the Tirmarian Inquisition. Obsessed with their arch-enemies, the legendary Sorr-Akkath, they conduct their rituals in the old language of Tirmar, and hold grudges from the time of the Cataclysm a thousand years ago.
- Bonus Language
When you take the oath of Tirmar, you acquire the Tirmarian language.
- Channel Divinity: Golden Speech
Channel Divinity to gain advantage on Persuasion and Intimidation checks for one hour.
- Channel Divinity: Scourge of the Hidden
Channel Divinity to deal 1d6 additional radiant damage on attacks which hit opponents with either natural shapeshifting or Darkvision (2d6 if both). The effect lasts for 1 minutes.
- Oath of Tirmar Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Sleep, Shield
II Hold Person, Blindness
III Daylight, Slow
IV Dreadful Omen, Phantasmal Killer
- Aura of Truth
Friendly creatures in the aura gain superior darkvision and +2 perception.
- Sorak's Bane
Starting at level 15, when you use a melee attack to strike an opponent who has either natural darkvision or natural shapeshifting, you can use your bonus action to deal an additional melee attack, adding your Charisma bonus to the damage dealt.
- Improved Aura of Truth
Your Aura of Truth range increased to 30 ft.
- Inquisitor's Zeal
Starting at 20th level, as a bonus action, you gain the following benefits for one minute: • You have true sight with a range of 120 feet. • You have advantage with attacks against enemies who have darkvision. • You and all allies have advantage on all Wisdom saving throws. You can use this feature once per long rest.
The Arcanist melds their Ranger skills with arcane abilities. Their weapons can afflict their opponents with the Arcanist's Mark, and have learned how to cast some Wizard spells as part of their Ranger spell repertoire.
- Arcane Combat Training
You are proficient at casting spells in battle, and may cast spells that require a somatic component even if both of your hands are holding a weapon or shield.
- Arcane Detonation
Starting at 3rd level, you imbue your weapons with arcane power. Creatures that are hit by your attacks are afflicted by the Arcanist's Mark.
- Arcanist Bonus Spells
You gain bonus spells that are considered Ranger spells for you, they are always prepared and don't count against the number of Ranger spells you know:
I Shield
II Misty Step
III Haste
IV Dimension Door
V Hold Monster
- Arcane Pulse
Starting at 7th level, you can cause an eruption of arcane energy at a range of 30 ft. Hostile creatures within 15 ft of the point of impact take 4d8 damage and gain an Arcanist's Mark. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest. At 15th level, the damage of your Arcane Pulse increases to 8d8.
- Greater Arcane Detonation
Starting at 11th level, the damage from your Arcane Detonation increases to 2d6.
- Arcane Pulse
Starting at 7th level, you can cause an eruption of arcane energy at a range of 30 ft. Hostile creatures within 15 ft of the point of impact take 4d8 damage and gain an Arcanist's Mark. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest. At 15th level, the damage of your Arcane Pulse increases to 8d8.
A fey mystique surrounds you, thanks to the boon of an arch fey, the shining fruit you ate from a talking tree, the magic spring you swam in, or some other auspicious event. However, you acquired your fey magic, you are now a Fey Wanderer, a ranger who represents both the mortal and the fey realms. As you wander the multiverse, your joyful laughter brightens the hearts of the downtrodden, and your martial prowess strikes terror in your foes, for great is the mirth of the fey and dreadful is their fury.
- Dreadful Strikes
You can augment your weapon strikes with mind-scarring magic, drawn from the gloomy hollows of the Fey wild. When you hit a creature with a weapon, you can deal an extra 1d4 psychic damage to the target, which can take this extra damage only once per turn. The extra damage increases to 1d6 when you reach 11th level in this class.
- Fey Wanderer Magic
You gain bonus spells that are considered Ranger spells for you, they are always prepared and don't count against the number of Ranger spells you know:
I Charm Person
II Misty Step
III Dispel Magic
IV Dimension Door
V Steel Wind Strike
- Otherworldly Glamour
Your fey qualities give you a supernatural charm. As a result, you make Charisma checks with advantage. In addition, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Performance, or Persuasion.
- Beguiling Twist
You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. In addition, whenever you or a creature you can see within 120 feet of you succeeds on a saving throw against being charmed or frightened, You can use your reaction to force the source to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. If the save fails, the source is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for 1 minute. The source can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a successful save.
- Fey Reinforcements
Once per long rest, you can use your action to cast Conjure Fey spell. Casting the spell this way doesn't require components or concentration and the spell's duration is one minute.
- Misty Wanderer
You can slip in and out of the Fey wild to move in a blink of an eye: you can cast Misty Step without expending a spell slot. You can do so a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. In addition, whenever you cast Misty Step, you can bring along one willing creature you can see within 5 ft of you.
Gloom stalkers are at home in the darkest places: deep under the earth, in gloomy alleyways, in primeval forests, and wherever else the light dims. Most folk enter such places with trepidation, but a gloom stalker ventures boldly into the darkness, seeking to ambush threats before they can reach the broader world. Such rangers are often found in the Underdark, but they will go any place where evil lurks in the shadows.
- Dread Ambusher
You can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier. At the start of your first turn of each combat, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, which lasts until the end of that turn. If you take the Attack action on that turn, you can make one additional weapon attack. On the next attack that hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 damage to the weapon's damage type.
- Gloom Stalker Bonus Spells
You gain bonus spells that are considered Ranger spells for you, they are always prepared and don't count against the number of Ranger spells you know:
I Detect Evil and Good
II Misty Step
III Fear
IV Greater Invisibility
V Far Step
- Umbral Sight
You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. While you are in natural darkness, creatures cannot use their darkvision sense to perceive you.
- Iron Mind
You have honed your ability to resist the mind-altering powers of your prey. You gain proficiency in Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma saving throws.
- Stalker's Flurry
Once on each of your turns when you miss with a weapon attack, you automatically reattempt the attack against the same target.
- Shadowy Dodge
Whenever a creature is about to hit you with an attack, you can use your reaction to make the creature reroll the attack with disadvantage.
You are a Hellwalker, a ranger that is cloaked in the magic of the Lower Planes. How you came to be associated with this magic only you yourself know. Perhaps your great ancestor was of demonic origin, or maybe your bloodline carries a demonic curse. Whatever the reason, the magic is now inextricably bound to you, your own presence forever tied to the hellish beings below.
- Cursed Tongue
Your fiendish affinity allows you to comprehend the language of the Lower Planes. You can speak, read and write Abyssal and Infernal.
- Damning Strike
When you first hit a creature with an attack on your turn, you can force it to succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC or have it marked. While a creature is marked this way, it takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can repeat this saving throw, ending the effects on a success.
- Hellwalker Magic
You can cast Sapping Sting as an action and gain bonus spells that are considered ranger spells for you and don't count against the number of spells you know:
I Hellish Rebuke
II Invisibility
III Bestow Curse
IV Wall of Fire
V Far Step
- Burning Constitution
Your body has been bathed in the scorching heat of the Lower Planes. You gain resistance to fire and necrotic damage.
- Mark of the Dammed
As a bonus action, you can choose a creature that has been marked by your Damning Strike feature. While marked, the chosen creature suffers from the following effects: • It takes an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. • It becomes frightened of you. • It loses resistance against your fire damage attacks. These continue while Damning Strike is in effect. You can only have one creature affected by this feature at the same time.
- Fiendish Spawn
Your hellish magic has granted you limited command over the dammed creatures that inhabit the Lower Planes. You can summon fiends with a duration of 1 minute. You can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Emulating the Hunter archetype means accepting your place as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness. As you walk the Hunter's path, you learn specialized techniques for fighting the threats you face.
- Hunter's Prey
Choose one of the following hunting specialties: Colossus Slayer,Giant Killer orHorde Breaker
- Defensive Tactics
Choose one of the following options: Escape the Horde,Multiattack Defense orSteel Will
- Multiattack
Select one of the multiattack options: Volley or Whirlwind Attack
- Superior Hunter's Defense
Select one of the options: Stand Against the Tide, Evasion, or Uncanny Dodge.
The Lightbearer is a ranger that has been blessed by an inhabitant of the Upper Planes. These rangers, known for their good deeds toward nature and pious acts to all races, will have caught the attention of teh deities that live in such realms.
- Blessed Warrior
As a bonus action, choose one creature within 30 ft of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes radiant damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage from the attack. Starting at 11th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
- Lifebringer
You have a pool of hit points equal to five times your ranger level. This pool replenished at the end of a long rest. As an action, you can choose a creature within 30 ft of you and restore up to half of its hp maximum.
- Lightbearer Magic
You can cast light as an action and gain bonus spells that are considered ranger spells for you and don't count against the number of spells you know:
I Bless
II Branding Smite
III Blinding Smite
IV Guardian of Faith
V Banishing Smite
- Blessed Glow
You have the ability to conjure holy light. When you cast Light, you can force all creatures within 20 ft of the light source to succeed on a Constitution saving thrown against your spell saving DC or be blinded for 1 minute. An undead or fiend have disadvantage on this saving throw. You can use this power once per long rest.
- Angelic Form
You are able to briefly transform into a holy form. As an action, for up to 1 minute, you can give yourself a flying speed equal to your walking speed, and your attacks also count as magical. Additionally, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your ranger level. You can use this power once per long rest.
- Warding Light
You can use your holy light to temporarily blind assailants. When a creature within 30 ft makes an attack roll against a target and doesn't have advantage on the roll, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on it.
Marksmen are experts with a bow, inheriting techniques developed by the elite high elven troops of the Manacalon Empire. They are among the deadliest ranged combatants on Solasta.
- Additional Proficiencies
Herbalism kit or poisoner's kit.
- Reaction Shot
When a visible opponent 2 cells or more from you attacks you with a ranged weapon or a spell, you can use your reaction to take a shot after the triggering attack.
- Recycler
You can craft arrows every time you take a short or long rest.
- Step Back
When you are within melee range of an enemy creature, you can use your bonus action to move one cell without provoking opportunity attacks, and gain advantage on your next attack with a ranged weapon this turn.
- Fast Aim
If you are using a ranged weapon against an enemy, your bonus action can be used to make an additional ranged attack on the same target
- Extra Attack (2)
At level 15, you can attack three times whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Shadow Tamers are used to wandering the desolate lands beyond the Marches. They know the lore and languages of darkness and the hazards and customs of those dreadful caves inhabited by monsters.
- Dark Slayer
When attacking a creature with superior darkvision with a weapon, you add your proficiency bonus to your damage.
- Tunnel Wisdom
When in dim light or darkness, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
- Know the Darkness
While in dim or no light, you have advantage on stealth, perception investigation checks, and gain tremorsense.
- Rope Grapple
Target a creature and attempt to pull it if it fails a STR contest.
- Swift Retaliation
Whenever an opponent attacks your from a nearby cell, you are granted an immediate melee attack against that opponent.
- At Home in the Dark
At level 15, you have proficiency with all saving throws while in dim light or darkness. If you are already proficient, you gain +1 on your rolls with the given proficiency.
Sky Warriors have been touched by the lingering power of barren windswept landscapes inhabited by nothing but mirages and ghosts. They combine elegant maneuvers of blade and shield with illusion magic to thrive in combat.
- Aerial Agility
Gain proficiency in Acrobatics.
- Gift of the Wind
While wearing a shield, you may use your bonus action to increase your speed by 10 ft and become immune to opportunity attacks by enemies you attack with melee weapons until the start of your next turn. You lose this benefit if you are no longer wearing a shield.
- Sky Warrior Bonus Spells
You gain bonus spells that are considered Ranger spells for you, they are always prepared and don't count against the number of Ranger spells you know:
0 Gust
II Mirror Image
IV Phantasmal Killer
V Mind Twist
- Ghostly Howl
When an enemy you can see within 60 feet hits you with an attack you can use your reaction to force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Ranger spell DC. On a failure, they are frightened for a number of turns equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain all uses after you finish a long rest.
- Intangible Form
Gain resistance to bludgeoning damage.
- Death from Above
While active, Gift of the Wind causes your melee weapon attacks to deal additional bludgeoning damage equal to your proficiency bonus to every enemy within 5 feet of the target, including the target itself. On a critical hit, you also become immune to opportunity attacks from all of them.
- Cloud Dance
While wearing a shield, gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Rangers who live far beyond the reaches of civilization understand that the most successful hunts are those where the prey can neither flee nor fight back. Survivalists are capable of analyzing every weakness in potential targets and call upon the natural world to hinder their foes while shredding their defenses with precise attacks.
- Disabling Strike
The first time you hit a creature with a weapon attack on each of your turns, they must make a Dexterity saving throw against your ranger spell DC or become hindered for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
- Survivalist Bonus Spells
You gain bonus spells that are considered Ranger spells for you, they are always prepared and don't count against the number of Ranger spells you know:
I Entangle
II Web
III Sleet Storm
IV Greater Invisibility
V Hold Monster
- Wandering Outcast
You gain proficiency in the survival skill.
- Analytical Mind
Gain advantage on Survival checks to increase knowledge of creatures as well as all the benefits of the Executioner fighting style.
- Improved Disabling Strike
Your Disabling Strike now applies to all weapon attacks you make, and reduces the creature's AC by 2 in addition to hindering it. Additionally, the benefits of your Executioner fighting style now extend to creatures affected by the hindered condition.
- Blessing of The Wilderness
You are immune to being blinded, deafened, frightened, or poisoned, and any critical hit against you counts as a normal hit instead, unless you are incapacitated or cannot perceive the attacker.
Swift blades are fast, silent, and deadly. They are able to take down targets in a matter of seconds, and then rush out of combat and disappear into the wilderness without a trace.
- Blade Dance
When you are wielding a melee weapon in each hand, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.
- Quick Step
Your speed increases by 2 cells. Additionally, when you use the Dash action, opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage.
- Battle Focus
As a free action, you can enter a heightened state of battle focus. All your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 2d8 weapon damage of the weapon's damage type until the start of your next turn. You need to take a Long Rest to recover all uses of this power.
- Extra Attack
You can attack twice, rather than once, when you use the attack or shove actions.
- Uncatchable
At level 15, you become extremely hard to pin down. Whenever you take any damage, you can use your reaction to become invisible until you attack, cast a spell, or at the end of your next turn (whichever comes first). You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
The Wildmaster archetype embodies a friendship between the civilized races and the beasts of the world. United in focus, spirit and ranger work as one to fight the monstrous foes that threaten civilization and the wilderness alike.
- Beast Companion
You gain a Spirit Beast companion that accompanies you on your adventures and is trained to fight alongside you. It gains your Wisdom modifier to armor class, attack rolls and damage rolls. It also gains 5 + 5 HP per ranger level, both Beast Companion and ranger share the same initiative, and you can choose between a Bear, an Eagle or a Wolf: Bear gains an additional 3 HP per ranger level, Eagle can fly and Wolf has pact tactics.
- Advanced Training
As a bonus action, you can instruct your beast companion that is within 30 feet and that you can see to perform combat maneuvers. When you do so, your beast companion can use its bonus action to dash and its bonus or main action to disengage.
- True Expertise
Your Beast Companion can now use all attacks available and gains your proficiency bonus to all saving throws.
- Kill Command
Once per turn as a free action, you can instruct your companion to fixate on a target within 60 feet of you that you can see for one minute. Your companion gains your proficiency bonus to all attack rolls and damage rolls against that target. Only one target can be fixated at a time. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
The Acrobat Rogue is a natural performer. Where there is terrain and obstacles, the Acrobat sees a means to a very specific end: Performance!
- Acrobat Maven
You gain proficiency in the acrobat skill.
- Acrobat Protector
You add half your proficiency bonus to your armor class while wielding a quarterstaff in two hands, and you are wearing no armor or light armor.
- Acrobat Trooper
You gain the ability to use a quarterstaff as finesse weapon and the quarterstaff reach increases by 5 ft. When you take the Attack action with a quarterstaff, you can use your bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon. This attack uses the same ability modifier as the primary attack and deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
- Swift as the Wind
Your quarterstaff versatile damage die changes from a d8 to a d10. Climbing no longer costs you extra moves, and you can jump an additional 10 feet. You have advantage on prone and shove attempts. You must be wielding a quarterstaff in two hands for these to work.
- Acrobat Reflexes
Dodge as a bonus action a number of times equals to your Dexterity modifier.
- Fluid Motions
You are unaffected by difficult terrain. You can move along walls, and you don't take damage on falls up to 30 feet. Opportunity attacks are made with disadvantage against you. You must be wielding a quarterstaff in two hands for these to work.
- Heroic Uncanny Dodge
If an attack roll would have successfully hit you, you may use your reaction to force the attack to miss instead. You may use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your Dexterity modifier.
With quickness of feet and sharpness of wit, Arcane Scoundrels utilize a series of magical tricks to outsmart and debilitate their opponents.
- Arcane Affinity
You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill.
- Guileful Casting
You can use your weapons as spellcasting focus and are able to perform somatic components of spells while holding items
- Spellcasting
Cast Wizard spells and cantrips.
- Distracting Ambush
Starting at 9th level, whenever you deal sneak attack damage to a creature, that creature suffers disadvantage on their next saving throw or ability check until the end of your next turn.
- Arcane Backlash
Starting at 13th level, learn Counterspell if you haven't done so already. Whenever you successfully interrupt a spell using it, deal your sneak attack as force damage to that creature. Additionally, once per long rest, you cast Counterspell at its highest level without expending a spell slot.
- Counterspell
Interrupt an enemy's spellcasting.
Expanded Spells
III Counterspell
- Essence Thief
Starting at 17th level, you can steal essence from one creature and use it to harm another. During your turn, when you deal sneak attack damage to a creature, you can target any other creature within 30 feet of you as a free action, dealing half your sneak attack dice (rounded down) as force damage and applying Distracting Ambush condition to that creature.
Blade Callers are descendants of legendary assassins, or so the urban stories go. Swift and precise, these combatants utilize deadly blade arts to exploit their opponent's weak spots, striking them down with peerless finesse when the opportune moment presents itself.
- Blade Bond
Starting at 3rd level, you attune yourself to the blades you wield. Your attacks with daggers are considered magical for purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities to non-magical weapons, their short and long throwing range is increased by 20 feet, and they immediately return into your hands if you throw them.
- Blade Mark
Once during your turn, the first creature you hit with a dagger attack receives Blade Mark condition until the end of your next turn, unless the creature is already affected by that condition. When you attack a creature affected by Blade Mark, you consume the mark and roll that attack with advantage. If you hit with a dagger attack, the creature takes extra damage equal to half your rogue level (rounded up).
- Hail of Blades
Starting at 9th level, when you hit a creature affected by Blade Mark with a dagger attack, you can use your reaction to summon a maelstrom of ethereal blades and hurl them at your enemies. Each creature within 10 feet of the target that you can see, including the target, must pass a Dexterity saving throw or receive force damage equal to your sneak attack damage and become affected by Blade Mark condition regardless of if they pass the saving throw or not. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Blade Surge
Starting at 13th level, when you hit a creature affected by Blade Mark with a dagger attack, you gain an extra weapon attack, and an additional 10 feet of movement speed until the end of your turn. This gain can occur only once per round.
- Blade Storm
Starting at 17th, level, whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain the usage of your Hail of Blades feature.
Darkweavers are trained by a secret society that extends throughout the kingdoms. They have developed techniques to improve their mobility in all three dimensions, and mastered the art of poison crafting.
- Bonus Proficiency
Proficient with the poisoner's kit.
- Predator
When hitting an enemy on lower ground with a ranged weapon, add your proficiency bonus to the damage.
- Spider on Wall
Climbing no longer costs you extra movement, and difficult climb surfaces are considered normal for you.
- Poisonous
When you hit with a melee weapon and deal at least 1 point of damage, your target must make a CON save DC 13 or they will be poisoned for one hour and take an additional 2d6 damage.
- Shadowy
When you are in dim light or darkness outside of the enemy's line of sight, you can use your bonus action to become hidden and invisible until the end of your turn.
- Dark Assault
Starting at 17th level, when you start your turn in dim light or darkness, you gain an extra attack with your Attack action and additional 15 feet of movement during the turn.
Duelists possess a swaggering bravado. They are quick-witted, self-sufficient, and dangerous to isolated enemies.
- Daring Duel
You don't need advantage on the attack roll to use your Sneak Attack against a creature if you are within 5 ft of it, no other creatures are within 5 ft of you, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. All the other Sneak Attack rules still apply.
- Sure Footed
While unarmored or wearing light armor with no shield, gain additional +2 AC and advantage on initiative rolls.
- Swirling Dance
Starting at 9th level, when a creature misses you with a melee attack roll, you can use your reaction to make an immediate attack of opportunity against that creature.
- Reflexive Parry
Starting at 13th level, once per turn while you aren't dazzled, incapacitated, shocked or slowed and get hit by a melee weapon attack, you immediately use your Uncanny Dodge feature without needing or consuming your reaction.
- Master Duelist
Starting at 17th level, immediately after you use your Sneak Attack, you make another attack against the same target using your main hand weapon, provided you are within 5 ft of it and no other creatures are within 5 ft of you.
When heads need crackin' and people need beatin', hoodlums are those you turn to. These brutes may not be professional soldiers, but honor doesn't win you fights - violence does.
- Heavy Beating
You can now use Sneak Attack when using non-finesse melee weapons.
- Mean Mug
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill if you don't already have it, or expertise if you do.
- The Right Tools
You gain proficiency with martial weapons, medium armor, and shields.
- Menacing
When you hit an enemy with a sneak attack, they have disadvantage on attacks made against you until the start of your next turn.
- Dirty Fighting
You can use a bonus action to catch a target within 1 cell of you off guard. They must make a CON saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + STR modifier) or become blinded and incapacitated until the end of your next turn. Once hit by Dirty Fighting, the same target cannot be affected again.
- Brutal Assault
Starting at 17th level, you gain the following benefits: • Whenever the target of your Dirty Fighting fails the saving throw, you can immediately make one weapon attack against that creature as a part of the same bonus action. • Whenever you hit a creature that is prone, stunned, blinded, frightened, incapacitated, poisoned, paralyzed or restrained, you deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Opportunist are those who never let a chance to finish their enemies slide. They stab fast and stab where it matters. Not many facing them can escape unscratched.
- Debilitating Strike
Starting at 3rd level, whenever you sneak attack a creature, that creature must pass a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Dexterity modifier) or roll all saving throws with –1d4 penalty until the end of your next turn.
- Opportunity
During the first round of combat, you roll all attack rolls with advantage. In addition, you always roll all attacks of opportunity with advantage.
- Seize the Chance
Starting at 9th level, when an enemy first fails a saving throw, and it is not your turn, you can use your reaction to make an attack of opportunity against it.
- Improved Debilitating Strike
Starting at 13th level, whenever you sneak attack a creature, that creature must pass a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Dexterity modifier) or have the movement speed reduced by 10 ft, and roll all saving throws with –1d6 penalty until the end of your next turn.
- Exposed Weakness
Starting at 17th level, attacks against creatures affected by Debilitating Strike are made with advantage.
Ravens are ranged weapon specialists that are trained to take down enemies quickly and effectively.
- Ranged Specialist
You are proficient with all two-handed ranged weapons and gain Archery fighting style.
- Sniper's Aim
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, that creature takes extra damage to the same type equal to your rogue level.
- Heart-Seeking Shot
As a free action, you can make your next ranged weapon attack result in a guaranteed critical hit if it hits a creature. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Deadly Focus
If you miss with a ranged weapon attack roll, you can roll it again with advantage. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Killing Spree
Once during your turn, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain an extra attack as a part of your main action and reset the usage of your Sniper's Aim feature.
Shadowcasters are trained in arcane magic as well as in roguish abilities. They are tricksters who use magic to make their moves even more unpredictable and unstoppable. Some believe they don't really exist.
- Shadow Dodge
As a bonus action, teleport to a cell you can see within 5 cells. Recharges after a rest.
- Spellcasting
Cast wizard spells and cantrips from the divination, illusion, necromancy, and abjuration schools.
- Shadow Retribution
If you are targeted by a damaging spell, whether it damages you or not, you can cast a cantrip in reaction on the caster.
- Shadow Casting
You can use your Sneak Attack when you damage enemies with spells which require an attack roll as if you were using a finesse or a ranged weapon. All the other rules for Sneak Attack still apply to you.
- Shadow Form
Starting at 17th level, you can use your bonus action to magically transform yourself into a shadowy form for one minute. While in this form, you gain the following benefits: • You have resistance to all damage types except radiant. • You are immune to difficult terrains. • You don't provoke opportunity attacks.
Slayers focus their training on the grim art of death. Those who adhere to this archetype are diverse: hired killers, spies, bounty hunters, and even specially anointed priests trained to exterminate the enemies of their deity. Stealth, poison, and disguise help you eliminate your foes with deadly efficiency.
- Elimination
Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.
- Chain of Execution
Starting at 9th level, whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, or whenever a creature damaged by your sneak attack dies before the start of your next turn, increase the damage of your next sneak attack by half your total sneak dice (rounded up), until the end of your next turn.
- Cloak of Shadows
Starting at 13th level, you can use your bonus action to become invisible for 1 minute. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your Dexterity modifier.
- Fatal Strike
Starting at 17th level, you become a master of instant death. When you attack and hit a creature that is surprised, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, double the damage of your attack against the creature.
Thieves have honed their skills in the larcenous arts. In addition to improving their agility and stealth, they learn skills useful for delving into ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, and using magic items they normally couldn't employ.
- Fast Hands
Cunning Action allows you to take the Use an Object action.
- Second-Story Work
Climbing no longer costs you extra movement, difficult climb surfaces are considered normal for you, and you can jump longer distances.
- Supreme Sneak
You have advantage on DEX (Stealth) ability checks.
- Use Magic Device
By level 13, you have learned enough about the workings of magic that you can improvise the use of items even when they are not intended for you. You ignore all class, ancestry, and level requirements on the use of magic items.
- Thief's Reflexes
Starting at 17th level, you have become adept at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger. You can take two turns during the first round of any combat. You take your first turn at your normal initiative and your second turn at your initiative minus 10. You can't use this feature when you are surprised.
Rumors say there are things far darker than any shadow prowling the darkest corners of Solasta. Stories forewarning about entities wielding supernatural powers to manipulate darkness, ambushing the unfortunate and disappearing seemingly at will. Whether the stories are true or not, many look twice over their shoulders when traversing a dark alley in the dead of night.
- Deadly Shadows
You become accustomed to darkness and make it your deadly playground. You gain darkvision of 60 feet. You don't need advantage on the attack roll to use your sneak attack if both you and the target creature are in dim light or darkness, you are within 5 feet of the creature, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. All the other rules for sneak attack still apply to you.
- Gloomblade
You infuse your attacks with the essence of darkness itself. Whenever you sneak attack a creature with a melee weapon attack, you deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage and reroll any 1s and 2s on damage dice of that attack and must take the second result. In addition, you can choose to roll your sneak attack damage dice as necrotic damage at will.
- Shadow Stride
Once per turn as a free action, you can substitute any amount of your movement for a teleportation of the equivalent distance. When teleporting in this way, both your starting and final location must be in dim light or darkness.
- Umbral Soul
You gain resistance to cold and necrotic damage. In addition, whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to your rogue level, and stand up. You can use this feature once per long rest.
- Shadow Dance
You can use your bonus action to empower yourself with a swirling nimbus of shadow energy for one minute. While this shadow energy persists, you are obscured by magical darkness which you can see through, and whenever you deal sneak attack damage and roll the maximum number on one of your dice attack, you reroll that die and add it to the damage. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Another effect of the Rift and its cataclysmic closing was that some people around it were affected in their blood, gaining an innate ability to cast spells, but in an instinctive way. The very nature of the Rift also changed them deeply, as they are not only flesh and blood, but also mana, light, and shadow.
- Child of the Rift Origin Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Guiding Bolt
II Aid
III Daylight
IV Banishment
V Greater Restoration
- Rift Magic
Immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of level 1 to 5, roll 1d20. If you roll a 20, your spell slot is not spent
- Rift Deflection
You can use your Bonus Action to spend 1 sorcery point to become harder to hit and achieve better saving throws, until the start of your next turn
- Offering to the Rift
You can use your Bonus Action to sacrifice 5 Hit Points, in order to regain immediately one sorcery point. The sacrificed Hit Points are recovered after a Long Rest.
- Rift Walk
At level 14, as a bonus action, you can teleport up to 6 cells to any unoccupied space you can see. Any enemy within 1 cell of your landing position takes force damage equal to your CHA modifier (minimum 1). You can use Riftwalk a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Rift Magic Mastery
Starting at 18th level, whenever you roll a d20 to regain a spell slot from your Rift Magic feature, you can now regain any slot level upon rolling an 18, 19 or 20.
Your innate magic has been imparted to you by a Deity for a purpose you may or may not understand.
- Deity Choice
Select the Divine source of your magic.
- Divine Fortitude
+1 Hit Point per level.
- Divine Magic
Your connection to the divine allows you to learn and cast Cleric spells as Sorcerer spells.
- Divine Fount
As a Bonus Action, regain 1 sorcery point. Usable a number of times equal to your Wisdom bonus and all uses recharge after a long rest.
- Empowered Healing
Until the start of your next turn, when casting a healing spell you reroll healing dice rolls of 1 or 2, keeping the new result. Activate this power as a Bonus Action expending 1 sorcerer point.
- Planar Portal
Opens a portal that can carry a friendly creature and yourself to a specified destination.
- Divine Recovery
As a Bonus Action, you can restore 70 hit points to yourself and remove blindness and diseases. Usable once per long rest.
Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often, sorcerers with this origin trace their descent back to a mighty sorcerer of ancient times who made a bargain with a dragon or who might even have claimed a dragon parent.
- Draconic Bloodline Origin Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Shield
II Misty Step
III Counterspell
IV Greater Invisibility
V Hold Monster
- Draconic Knowledge
You speak draconic
- Draconic Resilience
You gain one additional hit point per level and your armor class is 13 + dexterity bonus when you are not wearing armor
- Dragon Ancestor Choice
Select the type of dragon (and associated damage type) of your ancestor
- Draconic Resistance
You gain resistance to the damage type of your ancestor for an hour, at the cost of one sorcery point.
- Elemental Affinity
When dealing spell damage that matches your draconic ancestry, you add your charisma modifier to the total (on the first target).
- Dragon Wings
At level 14, you obtain the ability to sprout a pair of Dragon Wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.
- Draconic Presence
Starting at 18th level, you can channel the dread presence of your dragon ancestor, causing those around you to become awestruck or frightened. As an action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to draw on this power and exude an aura of awe or fear to a distance of 60 feet. Each hostile creature in that area must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed or frightened. Each creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
Field Manipulators excel at controlling the battlefield and preventing their enemies from being able to attack them.
- Displacement
Starting at 1st level, you can use your action to teleport a creature within 60 feet of you on any cell you can see within those 60 feet. Enemy creatures must pass Charisma saving throw, with DC being your spell DC or be displaced. Friendly creatures are not required to make a saving throw. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
Expanded Spells
I Sleep
II Hold Person
III Counterspell
IV Banishment
V Hold Monster
VI Globe Of Invulnerability
- Arcane Manipulation
Starting at 6th level, your Enchantment, Abjuration and Illusion spells are cast at one spell level higher than the spell slot used.
- Mental Resistance
Starting at 14th level, gain proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws.
- Forceful Step
Beginning at 18th level, you can use your bonus action to teleport to a place of your choice within 60 feet. Any enemy creature within 10 feet of the destination you arrive at must pass a Strength saving throw against your spell DC or receive 3d10 force damage and become prone and knocked back by 10 feet. You can use this feature three times per long rest, and you can pay 4 sorcery points if you are out of uses.
Forceblades combine martial prowess with inborn magical talents to outmatch their enemies.
- Arcane Weapon
Your non-two-handed weapon attacks count as magical, and you use your spell casting modifier for your attack and damage rolls. If you have the Two Weapon fighting style these changes also apply to your offhand attack.
Expanded Spells
I Thunderous Smite
II Misty Step
III Haste
IV Fire Shield
V Mind Twist
VI Globe Of Invulnerability
Martial Training
You gain proficiency with light armor, medium armor, and martial weapons.
- Mana Shield
You can use your bonus action to gain temporary hit points equal to your sorcerer level + Charisma modifier, a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus. If you are out of uses, you can spend two sorcery points instead.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- War Sorcerer
When you hit with an attack or deal damage with a spell, add your Charisma modifier as bonus force damage to one damage roll of that attack or spell.
- Battle Reflexes
Your armor class increases by 2, and you gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
Haunted souls are sorcerers whose innate abilities draw malevolent spirits to them. Those who survive the ordeal learn to form a symbiotic relationship with them, harnessing their power in exchange for having their soul being slowly drained away.
- Haunted Soul Origin Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Inflict Wounds
II Ray of Enfeeblement
III Fear
IV Phantasmal Killer
V Mind Twist
- Spirit Visage
You can use a bonus action to attempt to scare an enemy that you can see within 6 cells of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or they will have disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack rolls until the start of your next turn.
- Recharge Vengeful Spirits
Spend 4 sorcery points to recharge your Vengeful Spirits power.
- Vengeful Spirits
You can use a bonus action to call forth the spirits inside you for up to 1 minute. You can target a 3x3-cell area that you can see within 18 cells. Any opponent that enters the area for the first time on a turn or start its turn there must make a charisma saving throw or take 2d6 + your charisma modifier in necrotic damage (half damage on a successful save). Each turn, you can use your bonus action to move that area by 6 cells. Once you use Vengeful Spirits, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 4 sorcery points to use it again.
- Soul Drain
At level 14, once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with a spell of level 1 or higher, you regain 1 sorcery point. Soul Drain does not work on creatures of CR 1/2 or lower.
- Possession
Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to possess bodies of your enemies with malevolent spirits. Target a 4x4 area within 120 feet of you. Each enemy creature in that area is forced to roll Charisma saving throw against your spell DC. On a failed saving throw, each enemy creature receives 6d10 necrotic damage and is dominated until the end of your next turn. After the dominated condition expires, they receive one level of exhaustion. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Born out of the mana starvation that followed the cataclysm, certain dwellers of Solasta learned to drain magic from all that surrounded them, locations, objects and even people. They learned to channel scarce mana to cast spells, create potions or scrolls. Whereas their enemies call them mana stealers, they are truly artists of magic.
- Mana Absorption
Your Charisma modifier is used (if higher) instead of other ability modifiers on your saving throws against spells and other magic effects.
- Mana Painter Origin Spells
In your list and always prepared:
I Entangle
II Barkskin
III Sleet Storm
IV Fire Shield
V Conjure Elemental
- Mana Drain
Make a melee spell attack. On a successful hit, the target creature takes 1D10+your charisma modifier Force Damage, and you regain 1 Sorcery Point. You need to take a Short Rest to recover this power.
- Mana Tap
When you finish a Short Rest, you can regain a number of Sorcery points equal to half your Sorcerer levels (rounded up). You must complete a long rest to use this ability again.
- Mana Balance
At level 14, whenever you use a sorcery point, you regain 5 HP per sorcery point you spend.
- Mana Overflow
Starting at 18th level, you gain the following benefits: • Whenever you succeed on a saving throw against a spell or other magic effects, you regain 1 sorcery point. • Your Mana Drain does 4d10 + your Charisma modifier damage and restores 2 sorcery points instead.
Psions are exceptional individuals that possess innate ability to manipulate psionic energy by sheer force of will. Through extensive practices of mental discipline, a psion can learn to tap into their power and bend reality with a thought.
Expanded Spells
I Shield
II Tasha's Mind Whip
III Pulse Wave
IV Confusion
V Mind Twist
Psionic Mind
You gain resistance to psychic damage.
- Telekinetic
You can use your bonus action and target a creature within 30 feet of you. The targeted creature is then moved up to 15 feet towards you or away from you. Enemy creatures must pass Strength saving throw against your spellcasting DC or be moved in the chosen direction while allied creatures are moved with no saving throw. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, and can pay 1 sorcery point instead if you are out of uses.
- Mind Sculpt
Whenever you deal psychic damage with a spell, you add your Charisma modifier as extra psychic damage to one damage roll of that spell. Additionally, you can pay 1 sorcery point to convert all spell damage you deal into psychic damage.
- Mind over Matter
If you fall to 0 hit points and don't outright die, you can regain 1 hit point, stand up, gain a number of temporary hit points equal to three times your Sorcerer level for one minute, and knock all enemies within 10 feet of you prone. This effect can occur only once per long rest.
- Supreme Will
Whenever you cast a concentration spell, you can pay a number of sorcery points equal to twice the level of the spell to cast the spell without requiring concentration. You can use this feature only once per short rest.
Your innate spellcasting ability comes from Sorr-Akkath magic that was mingled with your blood, or that of your ancestors. As possible origins of these sorcerers, perhaps you have undergone an experiment that involved using blood of a Sorak, an ancestor made a bargain with a Sorak, or you are simply an offspring of a Sorak parent.
- Deceptive Heritage
You become proficient in Stealth and Deception skills, learn Venomous Spike cantrip and gain 60 feet darkvision.
Expanded Spells
I Hideous Laughter
II Invisibility
III Fear
IV Greater Invisibility
V Dominate Person
VI Globe Of Invulnerability
Spell Sneak Attack
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with a spell attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. The damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level and 4d6 at 17th level.
- Blood of Sorr-Akkath
Starting at 6th level, you become resistant to poison damage and gain immunity to poisoned condition. Additionally, hitting a creature with Spell Sneak Attack feature imposes a Constitution saving throw on that creature. If the creature fails it, it becomes poisoned until the end of your next turn.
- Darkness Affinity
Starting at 14th level, while you are in dim light or darkness, you gain the following: • +2 to AC. • +2 to attack rolls. • +2 to saving throws. • +2 hit points regeneration at the end of your turn.
- Touch of Darkness
Starting at 18th level, your gain the ability to corrupt creatures on touch and siphon their health. Using your action as a spell attack with touch range, deal 8d8 necrotic damage to a creature on successful hit and heal for the half the damage dealt. You can use this feature three times per long rest, and you can pay 4 Sorcery Points instead if you are out of uses.
Your patron is a lord or lady of the fey, a creature of legend who holds secrets that were forgotten before the mortal races were born. This being's motivations are often inscrutable, and sometimes whimsical, and might involve a striving for greater magical power or the settling of age-old grudges.
Expanded Spells
I Faerie Fire, Sleep
II Calm Emotions, Mirror Image
III Conjure Animal, Protection from Energy
IV Dominate Beast, Greater Invisibility
V Dominate Person, Mantle of Thorns
Fey Presence
As an action, you can cause each creature in a 5x5 cube originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Misty Escape
When you are hit, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Beguiling Defenses
You are immune to being charmed, and when another creature attempts to charm you, you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the charm back on that creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be charmed by you for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.
- Dark Delirium
As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, it is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for 1 minute. This effect ends early if the creature takes any damage. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Your patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes. You have bound yourself to an ancient empyrean, solar, ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes of everlasting bliss. Your pact with that being allows you to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illuminates the multiverse.
- Bonus Cantrips
You learn the Light and Sacred Flame cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don't count against your number of cantrips known.
Expanded Spells
I Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt
II Flaming Sphere, Lesser Restoration
III Daylight, Revivify
IV Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire
V Flame Strike, Greater Restoration
Healing Light
You gain the ability to channel celestial energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of D6s that you spend to fuel this healing. The number of dice in the pool equals 1 + your Warlock level. As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, spending dice from the pool. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of one die and maximum of six). Roll the dice you spend, add them together, and restore a number of hit points equal to the total. Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long rest.
- Radiant Soul
Your link to the Celestial allows you to serve as a conduit for radiant energy. You have resistance to radiant damage, and when you cast a spell that deals radiant or fire damage, you add your Charisma modifier to one radiant or fire damage roll of that spell.
- Celestial Resistance
You gain temporary hit points whenever you finish a short or long rest. These temporary hit points equal your warlock level + your Charisma modifier. Additionally, all original party members gain temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level + your Charisma modifier.
- Searing Vengeance
The radiant energy you channel allows you to resist death. When you have to make a death saving throw at the start of your turn, you can instead spring back to your feet with a burst of radiant energy. You regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum, and then you stand up. Each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes radiant damage equal to 2d8 + your Charisma modifier, and is blinded until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
You made a pact with a mysterious entity that may be a consciousness that emerged from the intricacy of the Weave, believing that pure arcane power can create any phenomenon. And you are to prove it.
- Blast Exclusive
You gain Eldritch Blast as a bonus cantrip. The number of beams is derived by your determination calculated as: [Warlock levels] - 2 * [Other Classes levels]. You can cast 2 beams when your determination >= 3, 3 when >= 8, 4 when >= 13 and 5 when >= 18.
- Eldritch Versatility
You gain an Eldritch Pool, which has a maximum of your warlock level. You gain 1 Eldritch Point whenever you hit an enemy with Eldritch Blast. After a long rest, the pool is reset.
- Learn Versatility (2)
You learn two Versatilities.
- Versatility Switch
Each turn, you can switch among Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom or Versatile. If you choose an ability score, treat the chosen ability score as 10 + 2 * [Proficiency Bonus] when using versatilities. If you choose Versatile, your Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom gain a bonus equal to the amount of versatilities you have learnt.
- Blast Pursuit
Gain an additional Eldritch Point when you hit an enemy within 30 feet. When you kill an enemy, gain additional Eldritch Points equal to the number of beams per cast of Eldritch Blast.
- Learn Versatility (1)
You learn one Versatility.
- Blast Reload
You can cast cantrips you have cast this turn with your main action as a bonus action.
- Learn Versatility (1)
You learn one Versatility.
- Blast Overload
Once per long rest, you can use a free action to enter Overload. Until the start of your next turn, you gain an extra action, and you can use all your versatilities without checks or points consumption.
- Learn Versatility (1)
You learn one Versatility.
You've been made a pact with and been changed by primordials present in the elemental badlands. The elemental chaos of the patron has suffused your soul, letting you use the power of different elemental types.
- Elemental Forms
You can switch between elemental forms a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest by channeling elemental energy. You gain resistance to the relevant damage and once per turn, apply your proficiency bonus as damage of the same type to first spell damage done that turn. The forms last for 1 minute.
Expanded Spells
0 Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost
I Burning Hands, Thunderwave
II Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray
III Fireball, Lightning Bolt
IV Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
V Cone of Cold, Flame Strike
- Knowledge of Elementals
You knowledge of elementals has increased to the point that you now gain advantage on ability checks towards elementals, and deal additional damage against elementals equal to your knowledge level. You can no longer be charmed or frightened by elementals.
- Enhanced Elemental Forms
You can switch between enhanced elemental forms a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per day by channeling elemental energy. You gain immunity to the relevant damage and apply proficiency bonus as damage of the same type to first spell damage each round. The forms last for 1 minute.
- Elemental Minions
Your control of elemental energies has increased to the point than you now have dominion over weaker elementals. You can cast conjure minor elemental at will.
A fiend is a dangerous patron whose power comes at a cost. A denizen of the lower planes of existence, your patron's aims are evil, and although you may strive against those aims, your patron still desires the corruption or destruction of all things, ultimately including you.
- Dark One's Blessing
Starting at 1st level, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your warlock level (minimum of 1).
Expanded Spells
I Burning Hands, Bane
II Blindness, Scorching Ray
III Fireball, Stinking Cloud
IV Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
V Flame Strike, Contagion
- Dark One's Own Luck
You can use an action to bring forth a fiendish stroke of luck. For the next minute, you roll an additional 1d10 on all your ability checks and saving throws. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Fiendish Resilience
Starting at the 10th level, you can choose one damage type when you finish a short or long rest. You gain resistance to that damage type until you choose a different one with this feature. Damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this resistance.
- Hurl Through Hell
When you hit a creature with an attack, you can banish it to the lower planes until the end of your next turn. The creature suffers 10d10 psychic damage upon returning from this horrific experience. You can use Hurl Through Hell once per long rest.
You have struck a bargain with a sentient weapon that you feed souls to in return for power.
- Armor and Weapons
You can wear Light Armor, Medium Armor and Shield and also gain proficiency with martial weapons.
Expanded Spells
I Shield, Wrathful Smite
II Blur, Branding Smite
III Blinding Smite, Elemental Weapon
IV Phantasmal Killer, Staggering Smite
V Banishing Smite, Cone of Cold
Soul Empowered
Your main weapon single-handed attacks count as magical, and you use your spell casting modifier on attack and damage rolls. You lift the restriction on single-handed if you take Pact of Blade, and you lift the restriction on main attack if you take the Two Weapon fighting style.
- Soul Hex
You can curse one creature you can see within 30 ft of you for one minute. While in effect: • You add your proficiency bonus to damage against the cursed creature. • Your critical threat range increases by 1 against the cursed creature. • You regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier when the cursed creature dies.
- Spiritual Pact Weapon
You can summon forth a spiritual form of a weapon, for one minute, from your pact as a free action. As a bonus action, you can direct the weapon as desired to attack your foes. The weapon moves up to 20ft each time before striking. The weapon deals 1d8 + Charisma force damage on hit. This damage increases to 2d8 on level 10, and 3d8 on level 14.
- Soul Shield
You can use the power of souls to defend yourself. As a reaction, you can gain +5 to your armor class until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Master Hex
You can use Soul Hex twice per short rest now, and you can use a bonus action to apply the hex to another creature within 30 feet of you if the original target was slain.
The insects known as redeemers were developed by the Manacalon Empire as living weapons controlled by hive intelligence. With the fall of the Empire, that intelligence became self-willed and powerful - and curious about others. The Hive studies its warlocks as well as empowering them.
Expanded Spells
I Detect Poison and Disease, Inflict Wounds
II Acid Arrow, Calm Emotions
III Lightning Bolt, Stinking Cloud
IV Giant Insect, Stoneskin
V Cloudkill, Insect Plague
Weakening Pheromones
Starting at 1st level, each turn, the first creature you damage with a spell will have disadvantage on their next saving throw. This condition expires on its own after 1 min.
- Magic Counter
Starting at the 6th level, you can cast Counterspell once per short rest as a feature. This does not use one of your spellcasting slots, and you add your proficiency bonus when countering level-4 and higher spells.
- Reactive Carapace
Starting at the 10th level, whenever you take damage from a spell or magic effect, you can use your reaction to immediately gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + CHA modifier. These temporary hit points last until the start of your next turn.
- Antimagic Chitin
Starting at level 14, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and magic effects.
Your patron is a spirit of the moon, an entity that embodies the cyclical nature of light and darkness. These spirits seek to maintain the power of the moon over the night sky while keeping profane powers that stalk the darkness at bay and task their warlocks with the same, granting them command over the powers of the moon and its effects.
Expanded Spells
I Faerie Fire, Sleep
II Moon Beam, See Invisibility
III Daylight, Slow
IV Greater Invisibility, Guardian of Faith
V Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration
Lunar Cloak
You can use your bonus action to conjure a cloak of light or darkness, gaining one of the following benefits for one minute: Full Moon: You shed bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light in an additional 15-foot radius around you and gain the lunar radiance power. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the creature takes 1d8 radiant damage and has a –1 penalty to AC until the end of your next turn. New Moon: You are obscured in non-magical darkness. If you move to a tile that is in dim or bright light, you are considered to be in non-magical darkness instead, and gain the lunar chill power. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the creature takes 1d8 cold damage and is hindered until the end of your next turn.
- Midnight Blessing
You are resistant to radiant damage while Full Moon cloak is active, and you are resistant to cold damage while New Moon cloak is active. You also learn Moon Beam spell if you haven't already done so. You can cast it once per long rest without expanding a spell slot at your highest slot level. When you cast Moon Beam this way, you gain temporary hit points equal to your warlock level and taking damage cannot break your concentration for this spell.
- Lunar Embrace
The damage of your Lunar Cloak increases to 2d8. In addition, whenever you conjure a cloak, you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed for the duration of the cloak.
- Moonlight Guise
Whenever a creature damages you, you can use your reaction to become invisible until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature once per short rest.
You have made a pact with an ancient primal entity that dwells atop the highest mountains of Solasta. Such entities yearn for a simpler epoch when mortals left them to their long slumber above the clouds, raising no cities and delving no mines. Their warlocks disdain the tools of civilization, calling upon the mountain's strength to shield their companions and strike down their foes.
- Barrier of Stone
When an ally within 30 ft of you is attacked, you may use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to twice your warlock level plus your Charisma modifier. You may use this power a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.
Expanded Spells
I Earth Tremor, Sleep
II Heat Metal, Lesser Restoration
III Protection from Energy, Sleet Storm
IV Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm
V Cone of Cold, Greater Restoration
Knowledge of Aeons
Gain proficiency in Nature and Survival. Gain Mountain as a favored terrain type.
- Clinging Strength
You may use a bonus action on your turn to give yourself or an ally within 5 feet of you the benefits of Longstrider and Spider Climb for 1 hour without any concentration requirement. Once you use this power, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Eternal Guardian
You may use your Barrier of Stone feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per short rest.
- The Mountain Wakes
You may cast Ice Storm as a fourth level spell a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Icebound Soul
Gain immunity to cold damage. The first time you hit an enemy with an attack on your turn, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell DC or become blinded until the end of their next turn.
Your patron is one of the rare beings who calls the void between worlds their home. They slip between the planes with ease and the knowledge you have gained from interacting with them allows you to harness lingering rift energies to your benefit within solasta. You might be sometimes filled with a longing for the distant realm of your patron, a desire to wander between dimensions for the rest of your days, or watch for signs of another Rift event, either to prevent or encourage.
- Blink
As a bonus action, you vanish from your current plane of existence, preventing all damage. At the start of your next turn, you return to the space you vanished from. You can use this feature twice per long rest.
Expanded Spells
I Jump, Longstrider
II Blur, Pass Without Trace
III Haste, Slow
IV Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility
V Dispel Evil and Good, Mind Twist
Rift Step
As a bonus action, you teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Rift Freedom
You cannot be restrained.
- Rift Strike
When damaged by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to create a portal that banishes the attacker for 1 round from your plane of existence. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Fade Into the Void
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you drop to 1 hit point instead as you briefly fade into the void to lessen the damage. You can use this feature once per long rest.
- Rift Portal
As a bonus action, you teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see, and can bring an ally with you. You can use this feature once per short rest.
- Rift Cloak
As a main action, your control of rift portals has increased to the point that you can now grant resistance against all damage types to an ally that you can see. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Time is eternal, just a long flow. And yet, it longs for more than this endless flow; it longs to feel the meaning of a single moment. The Timekeepers fulfill this longing and can even sometimes manipulate the flow, a boon granted to agents of Time.
- Curse of Time
Starting at the 1st level, whenever you damage an opponent with a spell, they become afflicted with the Curse of Time. Enemies under the Curse of Time take half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) force damage at the start of their turn for the next minute.
Expanded Spells
I Longstrider, Magic Missile
II Blur, Calm Emotions
III Haste, Slow
IV Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer
V Raise Dead, Dominate Person
- Time Shift
Starting at level 6, after you take any damage, you can use your reaction to rewind a few seconds, negating the damage taken but still taking any additional effects. You are considered banished until the start of your next turn. After you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
- Accelerate
Starting at the 10th level, on your turn, you can use a bonus action to briefly accelerate an ally within 6 cells. They gain the effect of Haste until the start of your next turn; however, they do not suffer from lethargy when Accelerate ends. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Time Warp
Starting at the 14th level, on your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
The Tree stands at the heart of the Forest of Colthannin. To the sylvan elves - and more recently, to others - it is the soul of the forest. Its roots probe the depths, its branches touch the sky - and its warlocks travel the world between, informing and enacting its labyrinthine plans.
Expanded Spells
I Entangle, Fog Cloud
II Barkskin, Spike Growth
III Bestow Curse, Conjure Animal
IV Confusion, Phantasmal Killer
V Contagion, Dominate Person
Piercing Branch
Starting at the 1st level, small piercing branches sprout from your skin. Whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack, they take 1d6 piercing damage.
- Blessing of the Tree
Starting at the 6th level, both your blood and your skin start changing color ever so slightly. You can't be poisoned, and you gain resistance against poison and necrotic damage.
- Explosive Growth
Starting at the 10th level, once per short rest, you can erupt and cause 1d4 per level of piercing damage, push away, and restrain all creatures surrounding you on a failed dexterity save.
- One with the Tree
You gain a +2 AC bonus, and you are always considered under the effect of half-cover against ranged attacks. Your Piercing Branch now deals an additional 1d6 poison damage whenever it triggers.
Arcane Fighters channel magic into their weapons in order to perform devastating attacks. Their adversaries are often surprised at the ferocity and relentlessness from these spell casters.
- Arcane Weapon
Your non-two-handed weapon attacks count as magical, and you use your spell casting modifier for your attack and damage rolls. If you have the Two Weapon fighting style these changes also apply to your offhand attack.
- Armor and Weapons
You can wear Light Armor, Medium Armor and Shield and also gain proficiency with martial weapons.
- Improved Concentration
Due to experience in the chaos of combat, gain advantage on concentration checks.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Spell Fighting
You can cast a spell after defeating an enemy with your weapon attacks.
- Magically Powered Attacks
Once per turn, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 damage.
Bladesingers use a series of intricate, elegant maneuvers that fend off harm and allow the blade dancer to channel magic into devastating attacks and a cunning defense. Many who have observed a blade dancer at work remember the display as one of the more beautiful experiences in their life, a glorious dance accompanied by a blade.
- Blade Dance
You can use a bonus action to start the blade dance, which lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you use medium armor, heavy armor or a shield, or if you wield a two-handed to make an attack with a weapon: • You gain a bonus to your armor class equal to your Intelligence modifier. • Your walking speed increases by 10 ft. • You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. • You have advantage on Constitution checks. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
- Dance Fighting
You can wear Light Armor and also gain proficiency with martial weapons.
- Cantrip Attack
You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.
- Extra Attack
You gain an extra attack and can now attack up to 2 times in your turn.
- Dance of Defense
You can direct your magic to absorb damage while your blade dance is active. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to expend one spell slot and reduce that damage to you by an amount equal to five times the spell slot's level.
- Dance of Victory
You add a +5 to the damage to your weapon attacks while your blade dance is active.
Court mages are the magical equivalent of elite bodyguards. Highly prized during the Manacalon era when society was ruled by magic, this tradition has slowly resurfaced in more recent years.
- Always Prepared
You gain proficiency with shields and gain the Protection Fighting Style, which allows you to use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll made against an ally next to you, provided you are wielding a shield.
- Spell Shield
You can use an action to create a powerful shield around yourself and an ally you can see within 6 cells of you. This spell shield grants both of you temporary hit points equal to 4 times your level for up to 1 hour. You can use this power twice, and then need to take a Long Rest to recover it.
- Counterspell Mastery
You gain advantage on your spellcasting checks when casting counterspell against level 4 or higher spells. Additionally, enemies have disadvantage on their spellcasting checks when casting counterspell against any of your spells.
- Improved Spell Shield
Creatures under the effect of spell shield now also gain advantage on all saving throws against spells and magic effects. While the spell shield has 0 HP, it can't absorb damage but its magic remains.
- Expanded Spell Shield
At level 14, you can create a spell shield around an extra ally. You can now cast spell shield around you and allies you can see within 12 cells of you.
Deadmasters learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.
Deadmaster Spells
II Raise Skeleton, Raise Skeleton Archer
III Raise Ghoul
IV Raise Skeletal Enforcer
V Raise Skeletal Knight, Raise Skeletal Marksman
VI Raise Spectral Avenger
VII Raise Wight
VIII Raise Wight Lord.
Necromancy Expert
You gain a +1 DC bonus when casting necromancy spells.
- Scatter
You've learned the ways of necromancy. If upcasted, you don't require concentration to raise dead.
- Undead Chains
Undead created by you have hit point maximum increased by 2 HP per your wizard level and add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls.
- Stark Harvest
Once per turn when you kill creature with a spell of 1st level or higher, you regain hit points equal to twice the spell's level, or three times its level if the spell belongs to the School of Necromancy. If your health is full you gain temporary hit points instead. You don't gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.
- Harden to Necrotic
You have immunity to necrotic damage, and your hit point maximum can't be reduced.
- Command Undead
You can use your action a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus, to bring undead under your control. The undead must make a Charisma save (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your spellcaster attribute modifier) or be controlled for 1 minute.
Understanding and mastering the forces that draw bodies of matter together or drive them apart, the students of the Graviturgy arcane tradition learn to further bend and manipulate the violent energy of gravity to their benefit, and the terrible detriment of their enemies.
- Decrease Density
Decrease the Density of a target, making it faster at the cost of disadvantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- Increase Density
Increase the Density of a target, making it slower at the benefit of advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- Gravity Well
Starting at 6th level, creatures hit by your spell attacks are pushed 1 cell away from you.
- Violent Attraction
Starting at 10th level, increase the striking power of an ally's weapons by 1d10 for 1 minute.
- Event Horizon
Starting at 14th level, you can magically emit a powerful field of gravitational energy that tugs at other creatures for up to 1 minute. For the duration, whenever a creature hostile to you starts its turn within 30 feet of you, it must make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, it takes 2d10 force damage, and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage, and every foot it moves this turn costs 2 extra feet of movement.
Greenmages are the heirs to the ancient traditions of the sylvan elves. They are wardens of the forest, specialized in nature magic and also reliable bowmen, trained to survive without spells if need be - as they had to in the wake of the Cataclysm.
- Green Magic
Spells from the Green Magic list are considered wizard spells for you: I Animal Friendship, Detect Poison and Disease, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Hunter's Mark, Longstrider
II Barkskin, Pass Without Trace, Lesser Restoration, Find Traps, Protection from Poison
III Call Lightning, Conjure Animal, Create Food, Daylight, Wind Wall
IV Dominate Beast, Freedom of Movement, Giant Insect, Identify Creatures
V Contagion, Insect Plague
VI Conjure Fey, Heroes Feast, Wall of Thorns
VII Fire Storm, Regenerate, Resurrection
VIII Earthquake
- Smithing
You are trained to craft basic ammunition with smith's tools: arrows and bolts.
- Warden of the Forest
Proficiency: Light armor
Proficiency: Shortbow Fighting Style: Archery
Natural Explorer: You benefit from the same advantages as Rangers when in a forest environment.
- Entangling Shot
Your arrow can transform into a vine on impact. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). All uses recharge at the end of a long rest.
- Leaf Scales
When an attacker that you can see damages you with a ranged attack or spell, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you. Leaf Scales' damage reduction does not stack with damage being halved from a successful saving throw.
- Weakening Entangling Shot
At level 14, when hit by Entangling Shot, the target has disadvantage on all saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Loremasters are obsessed with the lost knowledge of pre-Cataclysm times. They know the old Empire had superior magic and they long to learn more about the lost spells and rituals. Their magic is focused on gathering all possible knowledge.
- Keen Mind
Advantage on Arcana, History, and Investigation ability checks Advantage to copy scrolls to your spellbook Scroll and potion crafting costs and times are halved
- Spell Academic
You learn one additional spell each time you gain a level.
- Arcane Lore
You can add your Proficiency Bonus to the number of spells you can memorize. You also learn two additional cantrips from the Wizard's list.
- Arcane Professor
At level 14, you gain one extra level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4 spell slots. Additionally, you learn 4 cantrips from any classes. The chosen cantrips count as wizard spells for you.
Shock Arcanists were the battle mages of the Manacalon Empire. Their teachings have survived the Cataclysm to become a renowned and feared magical tradition, taught in every major magic school.
- Arcane Warfare
When casting spells from the War list, they count as being cast at one slot level higher than the one you actually use: Burning Hands,Magic Missile,Thunderwave,Acid Arrow,Scorching Ray,Flaming Sphere,Fireball,Lightning Bolt,Ice Storm,Cone of Cold,Mind Twist,Disintegrate,Chain Lightning,Freezing Sphere,Incendiary Cloud.
- Arcane Fury
Add your proficiency bonus and INT bonus to your evocation spell damage for 1 minute. Recharges after a long rest.
- Arcane Shock
Starting at the 10th level, you can use your Bonus Action to trigger Arcane Shock and make a CON saving throw DC 14 first, taking 2D6 psychic damage on a failure. Until the end of your turn, you are restrained, but the spells you cast will have all at least average dice roll value. You can use this power a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, then you must take a long rest to recharge its uses.
- Wizard Weapon Proficiencies
- Greater Arcane Shock
Starting at level 14, you can use your Bonus Action to trigger Greater Arcane Shock and make a CON saving throw DC 16 first, taking 7D6 psychic damage on a failure, or half of the damage on a success. Until the end of your turn, the spells you cast will have all the maximum possible damage dice roll values. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Spellmasters immerse themselves in magic and try to learn every spell they can get their hands on. They are unmatched in their spell knowledge.
- Arcane Depth
Once per long rest, you can recover spell slots (in addition to Arcane Recovery).
- Be Prepared
Prepare proficiency bonus additional spells, so you always have what you need.
- Breadth of Knowledge
Scribe an additional spell at each level up.
- Bonus Cantrips
Gain 2 extra cantrips known.
- Master Scriber
Scribing spells takes 1/4 the time and cost, and you have advantage.
- Extra Prepared
Prepare Intelligence modifier additional spells, so you always have what you need.
- Spell Resistance
Your training with magic gives you advantage on saving throws against spells.
A variety of arcane colleges specialize in training wizards for war. The tradition of War Magic blends principles of evocation and abjuration, rather than specializing in either of those schools. It teaches techniques that empower a caster's spells, while also providing methods for wizards to bolster their own defenses. Followers of this tradition are known as war mages. They see their magic as both a weapon and armor, a resource superior to any piece of steel. War mages act fast in battle, using their spells to seize tactical control of a situation. Their spells strike hard, while their defensive skills foil their opponents' attempts to counterattack. War mages are also adept at turning other spell casters' magical energy against them.
- Arcane Deflection
You have learned to weave your magic to fortify yourself against harm. When you are hit by an attack, or you fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction to subtract your Intelligence modifier from the attack roll, or add it to the saving roll. When you use this feature, you can't cast spells other than cantrips until the end of your next turn.
- Tactical Wit
Your keen ability to assess tactical situations allows you to act quickly in battle. You can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier.
- Power Surge
You have a number of power surges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one) per long rest. Whenever you successfully end a spell with Counterspell, you regain one power surge. Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature or object with a wizard spell, you can spend one power surge to deal extra force damage to on one damage roll of that spell. The extra damage equals your wizard level.
- Durable Magic
The magic you channel helps ward off harm. While you maintain concentration on a spell, you have a +2 bonus to AC and all saving throws.
- Deflection Shroud
Your Arcane Deflection becomes infused with deadly magic. When you use your Arcane Deflection feature, you can cause magical energy to arc from you. Up to three closest creatures within 60 feet of you each take force damage equal to half your wizard level.