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The Sorlock

Paulo Monteiro edited this page May 18, 2022 · 1 revision

The Sorlock

Primary Combat Role: Battlefield Control
Secondary Combat Roles: Single-Target Damage, Fireball
Out of Combat Role: Social
Lineage: Sylvan Elf
Background: Lowlife

Build Notes

We start Sorcerer for proficiency in Constitution saves, taking the only Sorcerer subclass worth mentioning, then quickly take two levels of Soul Blade for medium armor and shield proficiency, and that sweet sweet Eldritch + Agonizing + Repelling blast. Then it's back to the Sorcerer train for the remainder.

This will be the go-to People and Stuff Blower-Upper (tm) of our otherwise not-in-your-face crew, but you'll better remember them from such spells as Entangle, Hypnotic Pattern and Sleet Storm, and hitting enemies who have the nerve to try to breach our personal space with some repulsion beams, and sending them back to the lockdown zone where they're supposed to stay.

Ability Scores

STR: 8
DEX: 14
CON: 15+1
INT: 8
WIS: 10
CHA: 15+2

Level Progression

1: Sorcerer (Mana Painter) 1 [Feat: Telekinetic (+1 CHA)]
2: Warlock (Soul Blade) 1
3: Warlock 2 [Eldrich Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Repelling Blast]
4: Sorcerer 2
5: Sorcerer 3 [Metamagic: Careful Spell, Twin Spell]
6: Sorcerer 4 [Feat: War Caster]
7: Sorcerer 5
8: Sorcerer 6
9: Sorcerer 7
10: Sorcerer 8 [ASI: +2 CHA]
11: Sorcerer 9
12: Sorcerer 10 [Metamagic: Quickened Spell]

Spell Selection

1: Shield, Sleep, ^Entangle
2: Shield, Pact Mark
3: Expeditious Retreat
4: -Shield, +Thunderwave, +Fog Cloud
5: -Sleep, +Levitate, +Misty Step, ^Barkskin
6: -Thunderwave, +Knock, +Spider Climb
7: -Spider Climb, +Hypnotic Pattern, +Fireball, ^Sleet Storm
8: +Counterspell
9: +Wall of Fire, ^Fire Shield
10: +Banishment
11: +Mind Twist, ^Conjure Elemental
12: +Insect Plague

^signifies a spell which is automatically learned due to the subclass

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