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The Avatar

Paulo Monteiro edited this page May 18, 2022 · 1 revision

The Avatar

Primary Combat Role: Area of Effect Damage
Secondary Combat Roles: Single-Target Damage, Control
Out of Combat Role: Social
Lineage: Sylvan Elf
Background: Lowlife

Build Notes

Elementalist Warlock makes a reliable blaster with some good versatility as well. You get a solid repeatable single-target damage option that adds a bit of battlefield control via Eldritch Blast enhanced with Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast. You also have access to a wide range of area of effect blast spells, starting with Thunderwave at Warlock Level 1, and progressing to Fireball at Warlock Level 5, which you can use on back-to-back rounds if needed, recovering both spell slots on a short rest after the fight.

Elemental Forms give a little extra juice to its damage spells a few times a day, the type of which you can tailor to the enemies you're facing to avoid resistances.

On its own, Elementalist is lacking in defense, getting only light armor proficiency and no Shield spell, but a single level of Law Cleric fills both defensive holes (though you will want to be judicious with your use of the Shield spell, since you only get two 1st level slots and don't want to use higher level Pact slots on Shield if you can help it). Taking a second level after you pick up Fireball and Hypnotic Pattern gives you Force of Law, an ability that imposes disadvantage on enemies' saves vs one spell per short rest. You'll usually want to use this on Hypnotic Pattern, as the disadvantage is higher impact on a spell that has an all-or-nothing effect; and Hypnotic Pattern incapacitates enemies who fail their save for up to 10 rounds with no additional save.

Assuming a level cap of 12, our last level would be Warlock 10, which doesn't grant any higher level spells or additional spell slots, but would upgrade our damage resistance from our elemental form to immunity. A third level of Cleric here would probably be the play if there's no other Aid caster in the party, but I opted here for a level of Mana Painter Sorcerer. This allows you to use Charisma modifier in place of whatever ability score would normally be used when rolling a save against magic, which is not as strong as immunity if you happen to be taking elemental damage, but is a broad-based buff. Plus, it gets you Entangle, another first level spell slot and two second level spell slots, which doubles the number of lower level spell slots we can use per day on things like Shield, and now Entangle, without having to spend our Pact slots on these.

Ability Scores

STR: 9
DEX: 14
CON: 13+1
INT: 8
WIS: 13
CHA: 15+2

Level Progression

1: Cleric (Law) 1 [Feat: Telekinetic (+1 CHA)]
2: Warlock (Elementalist) 1
3: Warlock 2 [Eldritch Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Repelling Blast]
4: Warlock 3
5: Warlock 4 [Feat: War Caster]
6: Warlock 5 [Eldritch Invocation: Hindering Blast]
7: Cleric 2
8: Warlock 6
9: Warlock 7 [Eldritch Invocation: Grasping Blast]
10: Warlock 8 [ASI: +2 CHA]
11: Warlock 9
12: Mana Painter 1

Spell Selection

1: Bless, Healing Word, ^Shield, ^Heroism
2: Thunderwave, Pact Mark
3: +Expeditious Retreat
4: -Expeditious Retreat, +Shatter, +Heat Metal
5: +Misty Step
6: -Thunderwave, +Fireball, +Hypnotic Pattern
7: +Shield of Faith 8: -Shatter, +Sleet Storm, +Counterspell
9: -Heat Metal, +Wall of Fire, +Banishment
10: -Pact Mark, +Fly, +Conjure Minor Elementals
11: +Conjure Elemental
12: +Feather Fall, +Longstrider, ^Entangle

^signifies a spell which is automatically learned due to the subclass

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