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Paulo Monteiro edited this page May 16, 2023 · 21 revisions

1. - Court Mage

Court mages are the magical equivalent of elite bodyguards. Highly prized during the Manacalon era when society was ruled by magic, this tradition has slowly resurfaced in more recent years.

Level 2

  • Always Prepared

You gain proficiency with shields and gain the Protection Fighting Style, which allows you to use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll made against an ally next to you, provided you are wielding a shield.

  • Spell Shield

You can use an action to create a powerful shield around yourself and an ally you can see within 6 cells of you. This spell shield grants both of you temporary hit points equal to 5 times your level for up to 1 hour. You can use this power twice, and then need to take a Long Rest to recover it.

Level 6

  • Counterspell Mastery

You gain advantage on your spellcasting checks when casting counterspell against level 4 or higher spells. Additionally, enemies have disadvantage on their spellcasting checks when casting counterspell against any of your spells.

Level 10

  • Improved Spell Shield

Creatures under the effect of spell shield now also gain advantage on all saving throws against spells and magic effects. While the spell shield has 0 HP, it can't absorb damage but its magic remains.

Level 14

  • Expanded Spell Shield

At level 14, you can create a spell shield around an extra ally. You can now cast spell shield around you and allies you can see within 12 cells of you.

2. - Greenmage

Greenmages are the heirs to the ancient traditions of the sylvan elves. They are wardens of the forest, specialized in nature magic and also reliable bowmen, trained to survive without spells if need be - as they had to in the wake of the Cataclysm.

Level 2

  • Green Magic

Spells from the Green Magic list are considered wizard spells for you: I Animal Friendship, Detect Poison and Disease, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Hunter's Mark, Longstrider

II	Barkskin, Pass Without Trace, Lesser Restoration, Find Traps, Protection from Poison

III	Call Lightning, Conjure Animal, Create Food, Daylight, Wind Wall

IV	Dominate Beast, Freedom of Movement, Giant Insect, Identify Creatures

V	Contagion, Insect Plague

VI	Conjure Fey, Heroes Feast, Wall of Thorns

VII	Fire Storm, Regenerate, Resurrection

VIII	Earthquake, Sunburst, Thunderstorm
  • Smithing

You are trained to craft basic ammunition with smith's tools: arrows and bolts.

  • Warden of the Forest

Proficiency: Light armor

Proficiency: Shortbow Fighting Style: Archery

Natural Explorer: You benefit from the same advantages as Rangers when in a forest environment.

Level 6

  • Entangling Shot

Your arrow can transform into a vine on impact. The target must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). All uses recharge at the end of a long rest.

Level 10

  • Leaf Scales

When an attacker that you can see damages you with a ranged attack or spell, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you. Leaf Scales' damage reduction does not stack with damage being halved from a successful saving throw.

Level 14

  • Weakening Entangling Shot

At level 14, when hit by Entangling Shot, the target has disadvantage on all saving throws until the end of your next turn.

3. - Loremaster

Loremasters are obsessed with the lost knowledge of pre-Cataclysm times. They know the old Empire had superior magic and they long to learn more about the lost spells and rituals. Their magic is focused on gathering all possible knowledge.

Level 2

  • Keen Mind

Advantage on Arcana, History, and Investigation ability checks Advantage to copy scrolls to your spellbook Scroll and potion crafting costs and times are halved

Level 6

  • Spell Academic

You learn one additional spell each time you gain a level.

Level 10

  • Arcane Lore

You can add your Proficiency Bonus to the number of spells you can memorize. You also learn two additional cantrips from the Wizard's list.

Level 14

  • Arcane Professor

At level 14, you gain one extra level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4 spell slots. Additionally, you learn 4 cantrips from any classes. The chosen cantrips count as wizard spells for you.

4. - Shock Arcanist

Shock Arcanists were the battle mages of the Manacalon Empire. Their teachings have survived the Cataclysm to become a renowned and feared magical tradition, taught in every major magic school.

Level 2

  • Arcane Warfare

When casting spells from the War list, they count as being cast at one slot level higher than the one you actually use: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Mind Twist, Disintegrate, Chain Lightning, Freezing Sphere, Incendiary Cloud.

Level 6

  • Arcane Fury

Add your proficiency bonus and INT bonus to your evocation spell damage for 1 minute. Recharges after a long rest.

Level 10

  • Arcane Shock

Starting at the 10th level, you can use your Bonus Action to trigger Arcane Shock and make a CON saving throw DC 14 first, taking 2D6 psychic damage on a failure. Until the end of your turn, you are restrained, but the spells you cast will have all at least average dice roll value. You can use this power a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, then you must take a long rest to recharge its uses.

  • Wizard Weapon Proficiencies


Level 14

  • Greater Arcane Shock

Starting at level 14, you can use your Bonus Action to trigger Greater Arcane Shock and make a CON saving throw DC 16 first, taking 7D6 psychic damage on a failure, or half of the damage on a success. Until the end of your turn, the spells you cast will have all the maximum possible damage dice roll values. You can use this feature once per long rest.

5. - College of Heroism

Some bards inflame their audience, or a crowd, using words, music, or song! Bards of the College of Heroism sing the song of battle and dance the dance of death, inspiring crowds with their deeds.

Level 3

  • Bolster Morale

When an ally uses one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, they roll twice and pick the best number.

  • Heroic Tale

You can use an action to bolster an ally you can see within 6 cells for 1 minute, who gains immunity against frightened/fear effects and advantage on all saving throws. You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Level 6

  • Thundering Voice

Whenever you grant a Bardic Inspiration to an ally, the closest enemy within 12 cells must make a successful WIS saving throw or take thunder damage equal to 1d8 + your CHA modifier and have disadvantage on their next attack roll (half damage on save).

Level 14

  • At Road's End

When an ally you can see within 12 cells is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to make them fall to 1 hit point instead. You can use this feature once per short or long rest.

6. - College of Hope

The bards of the College of Hope are bringers of comfort and dispellers of fear. Their songs raise the spirits of those who hear them, healing bodies as well as soothing fears.

Level 3

  • Healing Ballad

Song of Rest heals additional hit points equal to your charisma modifier. At the end of a short rest, it also grants allies temporary hit points equal to one Bardic Inspiration die plus your charisma modifier.

  • Wandering Healer

    II Prayer of Healing

    III Mass Healing Word, Revivify

Level 6

  • Words of Hope

When giving a Bardic Inspiration die to an ally, they also roll a Song of Rest die to heal up to half their maximum health.

Level 14

  • Song of Hope

Sing a song of hope to allies within 6 cells, granting them resistance to all damage, and advantage on all their saving throws until the start of your next turn.

  • Start a Song of Hope

Starting on your next turn, as an action, you will be able to sing a song of hope to help allies within 6 cells, granting them resistance to all damage, and advantage on all their saving throws until the start of your next turn. If you take damage, you must make a CON saving throw (DC equal to half the damage with a minimum of 10) or Song of Hope will end.

7. - College of Lore

The College of Lore has gathered knowledge from all over the world, from ancient ballads, peasant folktales, scholarly tomes, and more. They pursue truth and beauty with unending devotion.

Level 3

  • Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of Lore at the 3rd level, you gain proficiency with three skills of your choice.

  • Cutting Words

As a bonus action, you can spend one use of Bardic Inspiration and target a creature that you can see within 12 cells. Roll a Bardic Inspiration die. Until the start of your next turn, the target creature decreases all its ability checks, and attack and damage rolls by the value of the Bardic Inspiration die.

Level 6

  • Additional Magical Secrets

Choose two spells from any class and include them in your spell list.

Level 14

  • Peerless Skill

You can now cast Bardic Inspiration on yourself.

8. - College of Traditions

The College of Traditions is descended from an order of song-wizards who served the Manacalon empire. While their allegiance has changed, their fascination with magic has not - and neither has their skill.

Level 3

  • Ancient Tradition

Cast Mage Armor on yourself at will: your AC becomes 13 + DEX modifier if you are unarmored.

  • Aura of Preeminence

When you make an Intimidation or Insight check, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Level 6

  • Verbal Onslaught

As a reaction, after a creature you can see within 12 cells damages you, you can expend one of your Bardic Inspiration. On a failed intelligence saving throw, they take psychic damage equal to 2x your bardic inspiration die + charisma modifier and be stunned until the end of their next turn. The damage is halved on a successful saving throw.

Level 14

  • Manacalon Perfection

Once per long rest, as a bonus action, grant yourself and an ally the benefits of a bardic inspiration die without spending one of its uses. It will always roll its maximum value.

9. - Circle of Balance

Some say that druids from the Circle of Balance are gentle healers, while others tell of merciless executioners. The truth is, both are right: nature giveth, and nature taketh away.

Level 2

  • Circle of Balance Spells

In your list and always prepared:

II	Prayer of Healing, Calm Emotions

III	Mass Healing Word, Revivify

IV	Banishment, Blight

V	Mass Cure Wounds, Cloudkill
  • Gift of Life

Whenever you use a level 1 or higher spell to restore hit points to a creature, they also regain an additional number of hit points equal to your level at the start of their next turn.

Level 6

  • Survival of the Wisest

Your spells are more effective against creatures you already faced. You gain a bonus equal to half your knowledge level (rounded up) to your spell DC and spell attack modifier against them.

Level 10

  • Cold Embrace

Whenever you damage an opponent with a spell, they are unable to heal any HP until the start of your next turn.

Level 14

  • Balance of Power

When you reach level 14, you can use your bonus action to grant all allies within 12 cells advantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn. You and your allies who are under the effect of Balance of Power can be attacked with advantage by all enemies until the start of your next turn. You can use Balance of Power a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

10. - Circle of the Kindred Spirit

At the beginning of time, there was harmony between animals and sentient beings. Some of them even forged an unbreakable bond, melding two minds and souls in two bodies so that the two bodies shared their bond. This ancient bond has been preserved in the Circle of the Kindred Spirits, an order of druids preserving this sacred bond.

Level 2

  • Spirit Bond

Your kindred spirit has the following features: Proficiency bonuses: druid's proficiency bonuses Attack roll: druid's melee spell attack Saving Throws = druids' saving throws INT is always 8 Advantage to attack on enemies engaged with the druid or the druid's allies If the kindred spirit dies, the druid sustains 3D6 psychic damage and is stunned for the remainder of the turn, unless unconscious. After a short rest, the kindred spirit regains the same HP as the druid does from spending hit dice.

  • Spirit Call

Use an action to call your kindred spirit to a spot within 6 cells. If the spirit dies, you must complete a long rest before you can call it again.

  • Spirit Choice

Choose a spirit to bond to. Grants a bonus to the bonded druid.

Level 6

  • Magical Spirit

The attacks of the kindred spirit are considered magical. Furthermore, each time you heal yourself, the healing trickles down to your kindred spirit, letting it regain a number of HP equal to your spellcasting ability bonus.

Level 10

  • Shared Pain

As a reaction, the damage inflicted to the druid or the kindred spirit can be shared equally among both.

Level 14

  • Spirit Rage

When you reach level 14, you can use Spirit Rage on your kindred spirit as a bonus action. It becomes stronger for 1 minute and gains the following bonuses:

  • AC and damage bonus equal to you proficiency;
  • 2nd attack. You can use Spirit Rage a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

11. - Circle of the Land

The Circle of the Land is made up of mystics and sages who safeguard the ancient knowledge of the Old Faith. As a member of this circle, your magic is influenced by the land where you were initiated into the circle's mysterious rites.

Level 2

  • Bonus Cantrip

Learn a druid cantrip of your choice.

  • Natural Recovery

Once per day when you complete a short rest, you can recover a number of expended spell slots (max 5th level) up to half of your druid level, rounded up.

Level 3

  • Circle Spells

Select a terrain type that grants a range of spells that are always treated as prepared. Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Swamp, Desert, Coast or Arctic

Level 6

  • Land's Stride

Moving through difficult terrain does not cost extra movement and you are immune to magical plants that impedede movement, such as the Entangle or Spike Growth spells.

Level 10

  • Nature's Ward

You are immune to charm or fear effects caused by elementals or feys, as well as to poison and disease.

Level 14

  • Nature's Sanctuary

When you reach level 14, whenever you deal damage to an enemy with a spell of level 1 or higher, they must make a STR saving throw or become restrained until the start of your next turn. After being affected once, they become immune to this effect.

12. - Circle of Winds

Druids from this circle draw their strength from the winds. As the Cataclysm raged, the connection druids felt to nature frayed. But not so for the Circle of the Winds. They felt the mana currents carried by the winds and through them a connection to nature. Through this, they were able to protect nature from the worst of the cataclysm-born depredations.

Level 2

  • Carried by the Wind

Casting a spell of level 1 or higher makes you automatically take the Disengage action for free and gain +2 movement speed until the end of your turn.

Level 6

  • Sheltering Breeze

You can use a bonus action to let Sheltering Breeze blow upon all allies within 6 cells of you. All affected creatures (including yourself) have advantage to all saving throws until the start of your next turn. For each long rest, you can use this feature a number of times equal to your WIS bonus.

Level 10

  • Guiding Winds

Whenever you hit an enemy with an attack roll, the next attack roll against them before the end of your next turn has advantage.

Level 14

  • Unfettered

Upon reaching level 14, you are constantly under the effect of Freedom of Movement and you gain +1 cell movement and a +3 bonus on initiative.

13. - Champion

Champions focus on the raw physical power, honed to deadly perfection. Those who model themselves on this archetype combine rigorous training with physical excellence to deal devastating blows.

Level 3

  • Improved Critical

Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Level 7

  • Remarkable Athlete

Add half of your proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. In addition, both your jumping distance and climbing abilities increase, too.

Level 10

  • Additional Fighting Style

Choose a new fighting style option.

Level 15

  • Superior Critical

Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19 or 20.

Level 18

  • Survivor

You attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.

14. - Commander

Commanders lead their troops to victory through discipline and rigorous training. They can bolster their allies both offensively and defensively, and aren't shy to take matters into their own hands.

Level 3

  • Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation and Insight skills.

  • Rousing Shout

You can use a bonus action to give all allies within 3 cells of you (including yourself) advantage on their next attack until the start of your next turn. You can use this power a number of times equal to you Proficiency bonus, then you need to take a Short Rest to recover it.

Level 7

  • Coordinated Defense​​​​​​​

When you use the attack action, you can forego one of your attacks to grant an ally within 3 cells of you (including yourself) Dodge until the start of your next turn.

Level 10

  • Invigorating Shout​​​​​​​

Rousing Shout's range increases from 3 to 6 cells. Allies affected by Rousing Shout now also gain temporary hit points equal to your level for 1 minute.

Level 15

  • Lead by Example

Once per turn after you strike an enemy, you leave a mark on them until the start of your next turn. Any time an ally (including yourself) deals physical damage to the marked enemy, they take 1d4 additional damage (of the same damage type as the original damage taken).

Level 18

  • Peerless Commander

Starting at 18th level, any ally affected by Rousing Shout also gains advantage on their next saving throw and 10 additional feet of movement until the start of your next turn.

15. - Mountaineer

Mountaineers are trained to fight in difficult terrain and confined spaces. They are capable skirmishers and know how to take advantage of small spaces, given the right equipment.

Level 3

  • Shield Swipe

Advantage on shove attempts when using a shield.

  • Tunnel Fighter

While using a shield, gain +2 AC when you have a wall on one of your four sides (no diagonals).

Level 7

  • Close Quarters

As a bonus action, you can force a switch of positions with an enemy within melee range by performing a STR vs STR or DEX challenge, just like for shoving. You are not open to opportunity attacks by doing so. If successful, you have advantage to attack this creature until the end of your turn.

Level 10

  • Shield Push

Provided you wield a shield, you can shove an opponent as a bonus action.

Level 15

  • Pack Striker

Starting at level 15, when you are using a shield, you have advantage on melee attack rolls against your target if another enemy of the target is within one cell of it, and if that enemy isn't incapacitated.

Level 18

  • Position of Strength

Starting at 18th level, your Tunnel Fighter feature also provides its benefits when within 5 feet of any ally (no diagonals). You have a permanent aura that grants +1 AC to you and all allies within 5 ft.

16. - Spellblade

Spellblades are as skilled with arcane magic as with their weapons. This versatility is a weapon in itself, often surprising enemies who tend to think an armored fighter cannot cast spells.

Level 3

  • Magic Weapon

Your weapon attacks count as magical against creatures that are resistant or immune to non-magical attacks.

  • Spellcasting

Cast wizard spells and cantrips of the conjuration, evocation, transmutation, and enchantment schools.

Level 7

  • Into the Fray

You can use any melee weapon you are proficient with as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells, and can perform their somatic components with the weapon instead of your hand. Additionally, being next to a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged spell attack rolls.

Level 10

  • Spell Tyrant

Target a creature and move it one cell in any direction if it fails a STR save.

Level 15

  • Arcane Escape

Whenever you cast a spell on your turn, your speed increases by 3 cells until the end of the current turn.

Level 18

  • Cantrip Attack

You can replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.

17. - Way of Freedom

This style of fighting was developed by Manacalon slaves, who were forbidden weapons by their masters. Emphasizing speed and balance, the Way of Freedom lets its followers evade blows and dart inside enemy defenses.

Level 3

  • Flurry of Blows - Improved I

Starting at the 3rd level, whenever you use Flurry of Blows you gain advantage on your next attack, and you gain the benefit of the Dash action until the end of your turn.

Level 6

  • Swirling Dance

Starting at the 6th level, when a creature misses you with a melee attack roll, you can use your reaction to make an immediate attack against that creature.

Level 11

  • Flurry of Blows - Improved II

Starting at the 11th level, when you use Flurry of Blows, you can make up to one additional attack with it (up to a total of 3 flurry of blows attacks).

Level 17

  • Purity of Light

You can attack three times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

18. - Way of Light

The Way of Light was developed by former worshippers of Einar, who devoted their faith to the luminous aspect of the deity in his fight against darkness. After generations, the religious face of their creed disappeared leave space for the discipline of self-perfection in the purity of light.

Level 3

  • Luminous Ki

Starting at the 3rd level, you learn the Light & Shine cantrips (wisdom for spellcasting). Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, they automatically start emitting bright light until the end of your next turn.

Level 6

  • Radiant Strikes

Starting at the 6th level, any time you strike a target affected by Shine or Luminous Ki, you deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage.

Level 11

  • Blinding Flash

Starting at the 11th level, as a bonus action, you can spend 2 Ki points to generate a blinding burst of light. All creatures within 3 cells of you must roll a CON saving throw or take 3d6 radiant damage, and become blinded until the end of your next turn (half damage on success).

Level 17

  • Purity of Light

Starting at 17th level, you gain the following benefits: • All your monk weapon attacks and unarmed attacks now apply Luminous Ki. • Your Radiant Strikes now deal 1d6 radiant damage. • When you hit a creature affected by Luminous Ki, you restore 4 hit points and all conscious allies within 20 feet of you restore half that amount.

19. - Way of Survival

In the aftermath of the Cataclysm, isolated communities developed physical and mental techniques that allowed them to push the limits of their strength and endurance to the utmost. Surviving while their neighbors perished, the followers of the Way of Survival are as tough as the harsh times that forged them.

Level 3

  • Defensive Stance

Starting at the 3rd level, you gain a +2 bonus to AC while you are not wearing armor and are not incapacitated. When you use Patient Defense, you gain advantage to your attack rolls until the start of your next turn.

Level 6

  • Unbreakable Body

Starting at the 6th level, whenever you take damage from any source, you heal a number of hit point equal to your proficiency bonus at the start of your next turn. Whenever you use Patient Defense, you also gain resistance to all damage types until the start of your next turn.

Level 11

  • Unmoving Strength

Starting at the 11th level, you now add your CON modifier to the damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.

Level 17

  • Physical Perfection

Starting at 17th level, you gain the following benefits: • While you have less than half your maximum hit points, healing of your Unbreakable Body feature is doubled. • When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can pay 1 ki to restore 10 hit points.

20. - Way of the Open Hand

The monks of the Way of the Open Hand devote themselves to the arts of combat. Dangerous with or without weapons, they throw or trip their opponents, using the mystical force of Ki to protect and heal themselves.

Level 3

  • Open Hand Technique

Starting when you choose this tradition at the 3rd level, you can manipulate your enemy's Ki when you harness your own. Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can impose one of the following effects on that target:

  • It must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • It must make a strength saving throw. If it fails, you can push it up to 3 cells away from you.
  • It can't take reactions until the end of your next turn.

Level 6

  • Wholeness of Body

At the 6th level, you gain the ability to heal yourself. As an action, you can regain hit points equal to three times your monk level. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Level 11

  • Tranquility

At level 11, when you are about to be hit by an attack or single target spell, you can spend one Ki point to gain the benefits of the spell Shield.

Level 17

  • Quivering Palm

Starting at 17th level, you gain the ability to set up lethal vibrations in someone's body. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 3 ki points to start these imperceptible vibrations, which last for 24 hours. The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to end them. When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is reduced to 1 hit point and becomes stunned until the start of their next turn. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage.

21. - The Fiend

A fiend is a dangerous patron whose power comes at a cost. A denizen of the lower planes of existence, your patron's aims are evil, and although you may strive against those aims, your patron still desires the corruption or destruction of all things, ultimately including you.

Level 1

  • Dark One's Blessing

Starting at 1st level, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your warlock level (minimum of 1).

  • Expanded Spells

    I Burning Hands, Bane

    II Blindness, Scorching Ray

    III Fireball, Stinking Cloud

    IV Fire Shield, Wall of Fire

    V Flame Strike, Contagion

Level 6

  • Dark One's Own Luck

You can use an action to bring forth a fiendish stroke of luck. For the next minute, you roll an additional 1d10 on all your ability checks and saving throws. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Level 10

  • Fiendish Resilience

Starting at the 10th level, you can choose one damage type when you finish a short or long rest. You gain resistance to that damage type until you choose a different one with this feature. Damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this resistance.

Level 14

  • Hurl Through Hell

When you hit a creature with an attack, you can banish it to the lower planes until the end of your next turn. The creature suffers 10d10 psychic damage upon returning from this horrific experience. You can use Hurl Through Hell once per long rest.

22. - The Hive

The insects known as redeemers were developed by the Manacalon Empire as living weapons controlled by hive intelligence. With the fall of the Empire, that intelligence became self-willed and powerful - and curious about others. The Hive studies its warlocks as well as empowering them.

Level 1

  • Expanded Spells

    I Detect Poison and Disease, Inflict Wounds

    II Acid Arrow, Calm Emotions

    III Lightning Bolt, Stinking Cloud

    IV Giant Insect, Stoneskin

    V Cloudkill, Insect Plague

  • Weakening Pheromones

Starting at 1st level, each turn, the first creature you damage with a spell will have disadvantage on their next saving throw. This condition expires on its own after 1 min.

Level 6

  • Magic Counter

Starting at the 6th level, you can cast Counterspell once per short rest as a feature. This does not use one of your spellcasting slots, and you add your proficiency bonus when countering level-4 and higher spells.

Level 10

  • Reactive Carapace

Starting at the 10th level, whenever you take damage from a spell or magic effect, you can use your reaction to immediately gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + CHA modifier. These temporary hit points last until the start of your next turn.

Level 14

  • Antimagic Chitin

Starting at level 14, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and magic effects.

23. - The Timekeeper

Time is eternal, just a long flow. And yet, it longs for more than this endless flow; it longs to feel the meaning of a single moment. The Timekeepers fulfill this longing and can even sometimes manipulate the flow, a boon granted to agents of Time.

Level 1

  • Curse of Time

Starting at the 1st level, whenever you damage an opponent with a spell, they become afflicted with the Curse of Time. Enemies under the Curse of Time take half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) force damage at the start of their turn for the next minute.

  • Expanded Spells

    I Longstrider, Magic Missile

    II Blur, Calm Emotions

    III Haste, Slow

    IV Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer

    V Raise Dead, Dominate Person

Level 6

  • Time Shift

Starting at level 6, after you take any damage, you can use your reaction to rewind a few seconds, negating the damage taken but still taking any additional effects. You are considered banished until the start of your next turn. After you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.

Level 10

  • Accelerate

Starting at the 10th level, on your turn, you can use a bonus action to briefly accelerate an ally within 6 cells. They gain the effect of Haste until the start of your next turn; however, they do not suffer from lethargy when Accelerate ends. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Level 14

  • Time Warp

Starting at the 14th level, on your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

24. - The Tree

The Tree stands at the heart of the Forest of Colthannin. To the sylvan elves - and more recently, to others - it is the soul of the forest. Its roots probe the depths, its branches touch the sky - and its warlocks travel the world between, informing and enacting its labyrinthine plans.

Level 1

  • Expanded Spells

    I Entangle, Fog Cloud

    II Barkskin, Spike Growth

    III Bestow Curse, Conjure Animal

    IV Confusion, Phantasmal Killer

    V Contagion, Dominate Person

  • Piercing Branch

Starting at the 1st level, small piercing branches sprout from your skin. Whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack, they take 1d6 piercing damage.

Level 6

  • Blessing of the Tree

Starting at the 6th level, both your blood and your skin start changing color ever so slightly. You can't be poisoned, and you gain resistance against poison and necrotic damage.

Level 10

  • Explosive Growth

Starting at the 10th level, once per short rest, you can erupt and cause 1d4 per level of piercing damage, push away, and restrain all creatures surrounding you on a failed dexterity save.

Level 14

  • One with the Tree

You gain a +2 AC bonus, and you are always considered under the effect of half-cover against ranged attacks. Your Piercing Branch now deals an additional 1d6 poison damage whenever it triggers.

25. - Path of the Berserker

The Path of the Berserker is a path of untrammeled fury, slick with blood. As you enter the berserker's rage, you thrill in the chaos of battle, heedless of your own health or well-being.

Level 3

  • Frenzy

You can go into a frenzy when you rage. If you do so, for the duration of your rage you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each of your turns after this one. When your rage ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion unless you make a successful DC 10 CON saving throw. The DC increases by 5 each time until you complete a short or long rest.

Level 6

  • Mindless Rage

You can't be charmed or frightened while raging.

Level 10

  • Intimidating Presence

Frighten a creature until the end of your next turn if it fails a WIS check opposed by your CHA.

Level 14

  • Retaliation

Whenever an opponent attacks you from a nearby cell, you are granted an immediate melee attack against that opponent.

26. - Path of the Claw

It is an open secret that Barbarians of the Path of the Claw are the descendants of an old clan that mingled with dragons. Whenever they enter a rage, their ancestry comes rushing out and takes over their senses, allowing them to perform incredible feats of power.

Level 3

  • Dragon Ancestry

You choose one type of dragon as your ancestor. The damage type associated with your choice is used by the features you gain later.

  • Dragon Scales

While raging, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and resistance to the damage type of your draconic ancestor.

Level 6

  • Draconic Wrath

You can use a bonus action to breathe a 3-cell cone of elemental damage equal to half your level (rounded up) in d8. Every creature in the area must make a dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your constitution modifier, taking only half damage on a success.

Level 10

  • Dragon's Blessing

While raging, your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 elemental damage.

Level 14

  • Frightful Strike

While raging, the first creature you hit with a melee attack each turn must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + STR modifier) or become frightened until the end of their turn.

27. - Path of the Magebane

Followers of this path have developed a profound hatred for magic and magic-users. For them, physical prowess is the only decent way. They despise and distrust magic and magic-users.

Level 3

  • War Cry

While raging, a Magebane who takes damage from spells or other magical attacks can use their reaction to unleash a powerful warcry, dealing psychic damage, equal to 1d6 + CON modifier, to all enemies within 6 cells.

Level 6

  • Enemy Of Magic

While raging, Magebanes roll an additional weapon damage die when making a successful melee attack against a creature capable of spellcasting.

Level 10

  • Reject Magic

Advantage on saving throws against spells

Level 14

  • Spell Crusher

When raging, you can dispel a magical effect on a creature or object as an action, as if you were casting Dispel Magic with Constitution as the spellcasting ability. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. It is restored when you take a short rest.

28. - Path of the Stone

Barbarians following this path draw their strength from their connection to stone. They are known for their doggedness. They never give up in the face of adversity and thrive in hostile environments.

Level 3

  • Stone Resilience

While raging, you gain temporary HP equal to twice your proficiency bonus at the end of your turn.

Level 6

  • Strength from Within

Your Constitution Saving Throw is used for any Saving Throw, if it's higher than the one normally used.

Level 10

  • Rock Solid

While raging, you gain +1 to AC per hostile opponent that you can see within one cell of you, up to a maximum of +4.

Level 14

  • Last Stand

You gain a bonus to your melee weapon damage roll equal to your proficiency.

29. - Hunter

Emulating the Hunter archetype means accepting your place as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness. As you walk the Hunter's path, you learn specialized techniques for fighting the threats you face.

Level 3

  • Hunter's Prey

Choose one of the following hunting specialties: Colossus Slayer, Giant Killer or Horde Breaker

Level 7

  • Defensive Tactics

Choose one of the following options: Escape the Horde, Multiattack Defense or Steel Will

Level 11

  • Multiattack

Select one of the multiattack options: Volley or Whirlwind Attack

Level 15

  • Superior Hunter's Defense

Select one of the options: Stand Against the Tide, Evasion, or Uncanny Dodge.

30. - Marksman

Marksmen are experts with a bow, inheriting techniques developed by the elite high elven troops of the Manacalon Empire. They are among the deadliest ranged combatants on Solasta.

Level 3

  • Additional Proficiencies

Herbalism kit or poisoner's kit.

  • Reaction Shot

When a visible opponent 2 cells or more from you attacks you with a ranged weapon or a spell, you can use your reaction to take a shot after the triggering attack.

Level 7

  • Recycler

You can craft arrows every time you take a short or long rest.

  • Step Back

When you are within melee range of an enemy creature, you can use your bonus action to move one cell without provoking opportunity attacks, and gain advantage on your next attack with a ranged weapon this turn.

Level 11

  • Fast Aim

If you are using a ranged weapon against an enemy, your bonus action can be used to make an additional ranged attack on the same target

Level 15

  • Extra Attack (2)

At level 15, you can attack three times whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

31. - Shadow Tamer

Shadow Tamers are used to wandering the desolate lands beyond the Marches. They know the lore and languages of darkness and the hazards and customs of those dreadful caves inhabited by monsters.

Level 3

  • Dark Slayer

When attacking a creature with superior darkvision with a weapon, you add your proficiency bonus to your damage.

  • Tunnel Wisdom

When in dim light or darkness, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Level 7

  • Know the Darkness

While in dim or no light, you have advantage on stealth, perception investigation checks, and gain tremorsense.

  • Rope Grapple

Target a creature and attempt to pull it if it fails a STR contest.

Level 11

  • Swift Retaliation

Whenever an opponent attacks your from a nearby cell, you are granted an immediate melee attack against that opponent.

Level 15

  • At Home in the Dark

At level 15, you have proficiency with all saving throws while in dim light or darkness. If you are already proficient, you gain +1 on your rolls with the given proficiency.

32. - Swift Blade

Swift blades are fast, silent, and deadly. They are able to take down targets in a matter of seconds, and then rush out of combat and disappear into the wilderness without a trace.

Level 3

  • Blade Dance

When you are wielding a melee weapon in each hand, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

  • Quick Step

Your speed increases by 2 cells. Additionally, when you use the Dash action, opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage.

Level 7

  • Battle Focus

As a free action, you can enter a heightened state of battle focus. All your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 2d8 weapon damage of the weapon's damage type until the start of your next turn. You need to take a Long Rest to recover all uses of this power.

Level 11

  • Extra Attack

You can attack twice, rather than once, when you use the attack or shove actions.

Level 15

  • Uncatchable

At level 15, you become extremely hard to pin down. Whenever you take any damage, you can use your reaction to become invisible until you attack, cast a spell, or at the end of your next turn (whichever comes first). You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

33. - Darkweaver

Darkweavers are trained by a secret society that extends throughout the kingdoms. They have developed techniques to improve their mobility in all three dimensions, and mastered the art of poison crafting.

Level 3

  • Bonus Proficiency

Proficient with the poisoner's kit.

  • Predator

When hitting an enemy on lower ground with a ranged weapon, add your proficiency bonus to the damage.

  • Spider on Wall

Climbing no longer costs you extra movement, and difficult climb surfaces are considered normal for you.

Level 9

  • Poisonous

When you hit with a melee weapon and deal at least 1 point of damage, your target must make a CON save DC 13 or they will be poisoned for one hour and take an additional 2d6 damage.

Level 13

  • Shadowy

When you are in dim light or darkness outside of the enemy's line of sight, you can use your bonus action to become hidden and invisible until the end of your turn.

Level 17

  • Dark Assault

Starting at 17th level, when you start your turn in dim light or darkness, you gain an extra attack with your Attack action and additional 15 feet of movement during the turn.

34. - Hoodlum

When heads need crackin' and people need beatin', hoodlums are those you turn to. These brutes may not be professional soldiers, but honor doesn't win you fights - violence does.

Level 3

  • Heavy Beating

You can now use Sneak Attack when using non-finesse melee weapons.

  • Mean Mug

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill if you don't already have it, or expertise if you do.

  • The Right Tools

You gain proficiency with martial weapons, medium armor, and shields.

Level 9

  • Menacing

When you hit an enemy with a sneak attack, they have disadvantage on attacks made against you until the start of your next turn.

Level 13

  • Dirty Fighting

You can use a bonus action to catch a target within 1 cell of you off guard. They must make a CON saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + STR modifier) or become blinded and incapacitated until the end of your next turn. Once hit by Dirty Fighting, the same target cannot be affected again.

Level 17

  • Brutal Assault

Starting at 17th level, you gain the following benefits: • Whenever the target of your Dirty Fighting fails the saving throw, you can immediately make one weapon attack against that creature as a part of the same bonus action. • Whenever you hit a creature that is prone, stunned, blinded, frightened, incapacitated, poisoned, paralyzed or restrained, you deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

35. - Shadowcaster

Shadowcasters are trained in arcane magic as well as in roguish abilities. They are tricksters who use magic to make their moves even more unpredictable and unstoppable. Some believe they don't really exist.

Level 3

  • Shadow Dodge

As a bonus action, teleport to a cell you can see within 5 cells. Recharges after a rest.

  • Spellcasting

Cast wizard spells and cantrips from the divination, illusion, necromancy, and abjuration schools.

Level 9

  • Shadow Retribution

If you are targeted by a damaging spell, whether it damages you or not, you can cast a cantrip in reaction on the caster.

Level 13

  • Shadow Casting

You can use your Sneak Attack when you damage enemies with spells which require an attack roll as if you were using a finesse or a ranged weapon. All the other rules for Sneak Attack still apply to you.

Level 17

  • Shadow Form

At 17th level, you can use your bonus action to magically transform yourself into a shadowy form for one minute. While in this form, you gain the following benefits: • You have resistance to all damage types except radiant. • You are immune to difficult terrains. • You don't provoke opportunity attacks.

36. - Thief

Thieves have honed their skills in the larcenous arts. In addition to improving their agility and stealth, they learn skills useful for delving into ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, and using magic items they normally couldn't employ.

Level 3

  • Fast Hands

Cunning Action allows you to take the Use an Object action.

  • Second-Story Work

Climbing no longer costs you extra movement, difficult climb surfaces are considered normal for you, and you can jump longer distances.

Level 9

  • Supreme Sneak

You have advantage on DEX (Stealth) ability checks.

Level 13

  • Use Magic Device

By level 13, you have learned enough about the workings of magic that you can improvise the use of items even when they are not intended for you. You ignore all class, ancestry, and level requirements on the use of magic items.

Level 17

  • Thief's Reflexes

Starting at 17th level, you have become adept at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger. You can take two turns during the first round of any combat. You take your first turn at your normal initiative and your second turn at your initiative minus 10. You can't use this feature when you are surprised.

37. - Oath of Devotion

Paladins who swear the Oath of Devotion uphold the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. They act with honor in pursuit of the greater good, hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards.

Level 3

  • Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon

Channel Divinity to bless one weapon. For 1 minute, add your Charisma modifier to hit with that weapon (minimum +1). The weapon also emits bright light over 4 cells and dim light over 4 more cells, and its attacks count as magical.

  • Channel Divinity: Turn the Unholy

Channel Divinity to force fiends and undead within 6 cells who can see you to flee unless they make a successful Wisdom saving throw.

  • Oath of Devotion Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Shield, Protect vs Evil & Good

II	Lesser Restoration, Aid

III	Dispel Magic, Revivify

IV	Guardian of Faith, Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith, Freedom of Movement

Level 7

  • Aura of Devotion

Friendly creatures in the aura cannot be charmed while you are conscious.

Level 15

  • Purity of Spirit

Starting at level 15, you are always under the effects of a protection from evil and good spell.

38. - Oath of Judgement

Paladins who swear the Oath of Judgement believe that no sin should be overlooked, no matter how small - although the punishment must also fit the crime. They are relentless in their pursuit of justice, and those who decide to stand in their way had better be prepared!

Level 3

  • Channel Divinity: Purge Corruption

As a bonus action, you can use Channel Divinity to remove a negative condition (blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned) from an ally up to 6 cells away.

  • Channel Divinity: Weight of Justice

As a bonus action, you can use Channel Divinity to pour your determination into your weapon. The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, they must make a charisma saving throw or they will be restrained for up to 1 minute. The target can make a charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.

  • Oath of Judgement Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Guiding Bolt, Protect vs Evil & Good

II	Enhance Ability, Hold Person

III	Hypnotic Pattern, Haste

IV	Banishment, Blight, Banishment, Blight

Level 7

  • Aura of Righteousness

You constantly emanate a 2-cell-wide aura while not incapacitated. Allies (including yourself) within an aura add damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Level 15

  • Retribution

Starting at level 15, whenever an enemy within 6 cells deals damage to you, you can use your reaction to chastise them. They must make a Wisdom saving throw against you spellcasting ability, taking 2d8 + CHA mod psychic damage, or half on a success.

39. - Oath of the Motherland

Paladins who swear the Oath of the Motherland dedicate their lives to restoring the pre-Cataclysm world, undoing the land's decay, and bringing life back, despite its violent and volcanic nature. They reject the term "Badlands" in favor of "Motherland."

Level 3

  • Channel Divinity: Fiery Presence

Channel Divinity to blind opponents within 12 cells who fail a Dexterity save. Creatures with darkvision or better sight in darkness have disadvantage. Blindness lasts 1d4 turns.

  • Channel Divinity: Fiery Wrath

Channel Divinity to target one creature within 12 cells, dealing (2d6 + paladin level) fire damage and setting the target on fire. It can make a DC 10 Dexterity check to put out the fire, or sustain 1d6 more fire damage per turn for one minute.

  • Oath of the Motherland Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Bane, Burning Hands

II	Branding Smite, Scorching Ray

III	Fireball, Dispel Magic

IV	Wall of Fire, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire, Fire Shield

Level 7

  • Volcanic Aura

Friendly creatures in the aura gain fire resistance and +1 to AC.

Level 15

  • Heart of Lava

Starting at level 15, you are immune to fire and your skin covers with stone scales when you are in danger, reducing slashing/bludgeoning/piercing damage that you take by 5.

40. - Oath of Tirmar

Paladins who swear the Oath of Tirmar belong to an old order descended from the Tirmarian Inquisition. Obsessed with their arch-enemies, the legendary Sorr-Akkath, they conduct their rituals in the old language of Tirmar, and hold grudges from the time of the Cataclysm a thousand years ago.

Level 3

  • Bonus Language

When you take the oath of Tirmar, you acquire the Tirmarian language.

  • Channel Divinity: Golden Speech

Channel Divinity to gain advantage on Persuasion and Intimidation checks for one hour.

  • Channel Divinity: Scourge of the Hidden

Channel Divinity to deal 1d6 additional radiant damage on attacks which hit opponents with either natural shapeshifting or Darkvision (2d6 if both). The effect lasts for 1 minutes.

  • Oath of Tirmar Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Sleep, Shield

II	Hold Person, Blindness

III	Daylight, Slow

IV	Dreadful Omen, Phantasmal Killer, Dreadful Omen, Phantasmal Killer

Level 7

  • Aura of Truth

Friendly creatures in the aura gain superior darkvision and +2 perception.

Level 15

  • Sorak's Bane

Starting at level 15, when you use a melee attack to strike an opponent who has either natural darkvision or natural shapeshifting, you can use your bonus action to deal an additional melee attack, adding your Charisma bonus to the damage dealt.

41. - Child of the Rift

Another effect of the Rift and its cataclysmic closing was that some people around it were affected in their blood, gaining an innate ability to cast spells, but in an instinctive way. The very nature of the Rift also changed them deeply, as they are not only flesh and blood, but also mana, light, and shadow.

Level 1

  • Child of the Rift Origin Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Guiding Bolt

II	Aid

III	Daylight

IV	Banishment

V	Greater Restoration
  • Rift Magic

Immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of level 1 to 5, roll 1d20. If you roll a 20, your spell slot is not spent

Level 2

  • Rift Deflection

You can use your Bonus Action to spend 1 sorcery point to become harder to hit and achieve better saving throws, until the start of your next turn

Level 6

  • Offering to the Rift

You can use your Bonus Action to sacrifice 5 Hit Points, in order to regain immediately one sorcery point. The sacrificed Hit Points are recovered after a Long Rest.

Level 14

  • Rift Walk

At level 14, as a bonus action, you can teleport up to 6 cells to any unoccupied space you can see. Any enemy within 1 cell of your landing position takes force damage equal to your CHA modifier (minimum 1). You can use Riftwalk a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

42. - Draconic Bloodline

Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often, sorcerers with this origin trace their descent back to a mighty sorcerer of ancient times who made a bargain with a dragon or who might even have claimed a dragon parent.

Level 1

  • Draconic Bloodline Origin Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Shield

II	Misty Step

III	Counterspell

IV	Greater Invisibility

V	Hold Monster
  • Draconic Knowledge

You speak draconic

  • Draconic Resilience

You gain one additional hit point per level and your armor class is 13 + dexterity bonus when you are not wearing armor

  • Dragon Ancestor Choice

Select the type of dragon (and associated damage type) of your ancestor

Level 6

  • Draconic Resistance

You gain resistance to the damage type of your ancestor for an hour, at the cost of one sorcery point.

  • Elemental Affinity

When dealing spell damage that matches your draconic ancestry, you add your charisma modifier to the total (on the first target).

Level 14

  • Dragon Wings

At level 14, you obtain the ability to sprout a pair of Dragon Wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.

43. - Haunted Soul

Haunted souls are sorcerers whose innate abilities draw malevolent spirits to them. Those who survive the ordeal learn to form a symbiotic relationship with them, harnessing their power in exchange for having their soul being slowly drained away.

Level 1

  • Haunted Soul Origin Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Inflict Wounds

II	Ray of Enfeeblement

III	Fear

IV	Phantasmal Killer

V	Mind Twist
  • Spirit Visage

You can use a bonus action to attempt to scare an enemy that you can see within 6 cells of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or they will have disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack rolls until the start of your next turn.

Level 6

  • Recharge Vengeful Spirits

Spend 4 sorcery points to recharge your Vengeful Spirits power.

  • Vengeful Spirits

You can use a bonus action to call forth the spirits inside you for up to 1 minute. You can target a 3x3-cell area that you can see within 18 cells. Any opponent that enters the area for the first time on a turn or start its turn there must make a charisma saving throw or take 2d6 + your charisma modifier in necrotic damage (half damage on a successful save). Each turn, you can use your bonus action to move that area by 6 cells. Once you use Vengeful Spirits, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 4 sorcery points to use it again.

Level 14

  • Soul Drain

At level 14, once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with a spell of level 1 or higher, you regain 1 sorcery point. Soul Drain does not work on creatures of CR 1/2 or lower.

44. - Mana Painter

Born out of the mana starvation that followed the cataclysm, certain dwellers of Solasta learned to drain magic from all that surrounded them, locations, objects and even people. They learned to channel scarce mana to cast spells, create potions or scrolls. Whereas their enemies call them mana stealers, they are truly artists of magic.

Level 1

  • Mana Absorption

Your Charisma modifier is used (if higher) instead of other ability modifiers on your saving throws against spells and other magic effects.

  • Mana Painter Origin Spells

In your list and always prepared:

I	Entangle

II	Barkskin

III	Sleet Storm

IV	Fire Shield

V	Conjure Elemental

Level 2

  • Mana Drain

Make a melee spell attack. On a successful hit, the target creature takes 1D10+your charisma modifier Force Damage, and you regain 1 Sorcery Point. You need to take a Short Rest to recover this power.

Level 6

  • Mana Tap

When you finish a Short Rest, you can regain a number of Sorcery points equal to half your Sorcerer levels (rounded up). You must complete a long rest to use this ability again.

Level 14

  • Mana Balance

At level 14, whenever you use a sorcery point, you regain 5 HP per sorcery point you spend.

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