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Vanilla Races

ThyWolf edited this page May 19, 2023 · 6 revisions

1. - Dragonborn

The Dragonborn came into being as the fruit of the dalliances of polymorphed dragons with humanoid lineages. Well accepted in the Manacalon Empire, they became secretive and reclusive after the Cataclysm, self-reliant but keeping to themselves.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Strength +2, Charisma +1

  • Damage Resistance

You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.

  • Draconic Ancestry

Select the type of (and associated damage type) of your draconic ancestry.

  • Move


  • Breath Weapon

You can use your action to exhale destructive energy based on your draconic ancestry.

2. - Dwarf

One of the ancient dwellers of Solasta, dwarves are naturally skilled miners and craftsmen. Blocky and sturdy, they are fierce warriors and keepers of their ancestral culture and traditions.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Constitution + 2

  • Dwarven Combat Training

Proficient with Battleaxe, Handaxe, Warhammer.

  • Dwarven Resilience

Saving throw advantage against poison Resistance to poison damage

  • Heavy Armor Training

Unaffected by heavy armor penalties.

  • Move


3. - Elf

Elves are some of the most ancient dwellers on Solasta, and used to rule a powerful empire before the Cataclysm. They are naturally gifted with magic, agile, and fast. They have innate resistances and keen senses.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Dexterity + 2

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Fey Ancestry

Saving throw advantage against Charm Immunity to magical sleep

  • Keen Senses

Proficient with the Perception skill.

  • Trance

4 hours of meditation are sufficient to rest.

4. - Gnome

Originating from the mountains bordering the Inner Sea, gnomes are by preference underground-dwellers. Where dwarves have mastered dourness and seriousness, life underground gave gnomes a zest for life shown in their humor, and flexible approach to honor and morality. The only trait they share with dwarves is a fascination for tinkering.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Intelligence + 2

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Gnome Cunning

You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

  • Move


5. - Half-Elf

Offspring of the human refugees from Tirmar and the Solastan elves, <#B5D3DE>half-elves have the strength of their parents. Versatile, charismatic, and gifted with Darkvision and fey ancestry, they are always torn between two cultures.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Charisma +2, increase 2 other scores by 1 point each.

  • Bonus Skills

Choose any 2 skills.

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Fey Ancestry

Saving throw advantage against Charm Immunity to magical sleep

  • Languages

Common, Elvish, and one language of your choice

  • Move


6. - Halfling

The original halflings evolved in the marshes on the northeastern part of Solasta, before spreading south, following the river, and reaching the sea. They are short and nimble, and known for their bravery despite their size.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Dexterity + 2

  • Brave

Advantage on saving throws against being frightened

  • Halfling Nimbleness

You can move through the space of any creature that is of a larger size than you.

  • Lucky

When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, reroll and use the new roll.

  • Move


7. - Half-Orc

Offspring of humans and orcs, half-orcs often have a history of violence rather than romance. Rejected by both their parent's families, they tend to rely on strength to get on in life.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Strength +2, Constitution +1

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Menacing

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill

  • Move


  • Relentless Endurance

When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't benefit from this feature again until you finish a long rest.

  • Savage Attacks

When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add the result to the extra damage of the critical hit

8. - High Elf

<#B5D3DE>High elves are the descendants of the people who ruled Solasta for centuries. They are trained to use magic very early, and have a gift for languages. They receive the traditional martial training of their people with swords and bows.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Intelligence + 1

  • Elf Weapon Training

Proficient with Longsword, Shortsword, Shortbow, Longbow.

  • Languages

Common, Elvish, and one language of your choice

  • Move


  • High Elf Cantrip

Choose one Wizard cantrip, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability.

9. - Hill Dwarf

<#B5D3DE>Hill dwarves are naturally skilled miners and craftsmen, gifted with keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilience. Blocky and sturdy, they are fierce warriors and keepers of their ancestral culture and traditions.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Wisdom + 1

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Dwarven Toughness

+1 Hit Point per level

  • Languages

Common, Dwarvish

10. - Human

Originally born on Tirmar and brought to Solasta before the Cataclysm, <#B5D3DE>humans have adapted to their new world thanks to their unique talents. Able to live anywhere and take any job, they are versatile above all else.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

+1 to all ability scores

  • Languages

Common and one language of your choice.

  • Move


11. - Island Halfling

<#B5D3DE>Island halflings are the children of adventurous halflings who left the Northern Marshes to venture south and settle in the sunny islands. Discreet and brave, they are inclined to be affable and get along well with others.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Charisma + 1

  • Languages

Common, Halfling, and one language of your choice

  • Rope Dancing

Advantage on Dexterity checks (Acrobatics)

12. - Marsh Halfling

<#B5D3DE>Marsh halflings have lived in the tradition of their ancestors, who used to move, fight, and even sleep in swamp terrain. They are particularly sturdy compared to their island cousins, while being generally less likable and certainly no less courageous.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Constitution + 1

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Languages

Common, Halfling

  • Swamp

Areas with marshes and ponds and a humid atmosphere are considered swamp terrain.

13. - Rock Gnome

Living inside mountains made of rock, gnomes are hardy and inventive. They can live under the sky, but underground is home.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Dexterity + 1

  • Artificer's Lore

Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.

  • Tinker

You have proficiency with artisan's tools (smith's tools). Using these tools, you spend a quarter of the normal time to craft a basic item, and your proficiency bonus is doubled when making the roll to determine whether your crafting progresses.

14. - Shadow Gnome

While rock gnomes chose to settle underground, shadow gnomes used a natural ability to hide in plain sight. As such, they weathered the Cataclysm in improbable places. Seemingly shy and aloof, their talent for stealth makes them feared practical jokers.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Dexterity + 1

  • Stealthy

You have stealth proficiency.

  • Illusion Trickster

You know the Annoying Bee cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

15. - Snow Dwarf

<#B5D3DE>Snow dwarves are sturdy and adventurous, adapted to harsh terrain and low temperatures. Blocky, agile, and sturdy, they are fierce warriors and keepers of their ancestral culture and traditions.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Dexterity + 1

  • Crossbow Expertise

Proficient with Heavy Crossbow.

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Languages

Common, Dwarvish

  • None

Immunity to the "<#B5D3DE>Frozen" condition type

  • Resistant to cold weather.

Immune to the effects of moderately cold weather.

  • Snow Dwarf Endurance

+2 to Constitution saving throws.

16. - Sylvan Elf

Born and raised in the eastern forests of Solasta, <#B5D3DE>sylvan elves are trained to survive in the wilds and are particularly apt to survival. As their high elf cousins, they are trained to fight with swords and bows since childhood.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Wisdom + 1

  • Elf Weapon Training

Proficient with Longsword, Shortsword, Shortbow, Longbow.

  • Languages

Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, and Halfling

  • Move


  • Sylvan Adaptability

Proficient with Survival and Athletics. Advantage on Survival when hunting

17. - Tiefling

One of their ancestors sold his soul to a fiend from the Outer Planes and now all his offspring carry the taint of fiendish blood. Their bodies reflect this inheritance, which leads many to distrust them at first sight. Because of these prejudices, most tieflings live reclusive lives in tightly knit communities.

Level 1

  • Ability Score Increase

Charisma + 2

  • Ability Score Increase

Intelligence + 1

  • Darkvision

See normally in dim light, and in natural darkness as if in dim light.

  • Hellish Resistance

You have resistance to fire damage.

  • Move


  • Infernal Legacy

You know the Produce Flame cantrip. When you reach level 3, you can cast the Hellish Rebuke spell as a level 2 spell once with this trait, and regain the ability to do so again when you finish a long rest. When you reach level 5, you can cast the Darkness spell once with this trait, and regain the ability to do so again when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

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