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Group Dynamics

Trevor-Dartmouth edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 1 revision

Group Dynamics Worksheet

Team Members:

Trevor Glasgow

My leadership style: Analyst & Architect

What technical niche would you like to fill?
(2-5 bullets)

  • I would like to code up the front end software.
  • I am decent with Python so I think I can contribute to the code base
  • I have some background with Quantum so I may be of help in that sense to.

What personal niche would you like to fill?
(1-3 bullets)

  • I think I would be good at managing everyone's tasks in the group.

Rafael Brantley

My leadership style: Relationship Master

What technical niche would you like to fill?
(2-5 bullets)

  • Worked with Assembly before
  • Nice with git

What personal niche would you like to fill?
(1-3 bullets)

  • I don't stress out so I would be a good stable force on this team.

Oliver Levy

My leadership style: Relationship Master

What technical niche would you like to fill?
(2-5 bullets)

  • Algorithms (at least Ill give it a shot)
  • Math (I definitely get lost in the details)

What personal niche would you like to fill?
(1-3 bullets)

  • I am good at moderating situations/conflicts/relationships.
  • I will put in lots of time later in the week (Wednesday-Friday) but not put in as much time during (Mondays-Wednesdays)

Henry Hilton

My leadership style: Driver

What technical niche would you like to fill?
(2-5 bullets)

  • Front End Dev
  • Game Design
  • Product Management
  • User Testing, Interviews, Iteration
  • Outreach/Media if we succeed in building product

What personal niche would you like to fill?
(1-3 bullets)

  • Product management experience
  • Finish literate in quantum computing

I. Communication

You are required to spend at least 10 hours/week outside of class. Outline a general weekly meeting schedule with at least 1 time that everybody can make. That one meeting must include the entire team in the same room, in person. The rest of the 10 hours may be split into several sessions throughout the week. A nice tool for this is when2meet.


  • Sunday @2pm Library Study Room



II. Decision Making


  • Any major design/implementation changes
  • Before starting an epic
  • Before touching other people's code.


  • Code implementation
  • Design within ticket
  • Any improvement that doesn't affect others code

III. Conflict Resolution

There are three main types of conflict that tend to occur in group projects:

  • Creative differences: disagreement on any decisions related to the product
  • Personal differences: friction between people due to manner or words said
  • Ghosting: consistent missed deadlines or lack of contribution

Your group should decide on a plan of action to deal with each type of conflict. There can be multiple levels to each plan. Involving the instructors (Tim) can be part of the plan.

Course of Action

Creative Differences

We would have each person who has an opinion form a case and then we first vote as a team to see how the team feels we should proceed. If there is a tie, we would escalate it to Professor Palmer where we would seek his advice.

Personal Differences

If we assume the personal differences happen between two people, the remaining two will decide who would be best to approach the two and settle their differences. If this doesn't work escalate the problem to Tim.


Decide between the three other members which one person will approach the ghost and talk to him on why he is not participating. If this doesn't work, escalate the problem to Tim.