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Retrospective for Sprint 3, Term 2

oliverlevy110 edited this page Jan 27, 2020 · 8 revisions
  • Retrospective on Sprint #3:
    • members in attendance: selfie proof of meeting
      • Trevor
      • Oliver
      • Henry
      • Rafael
    • what worked well
      • Oliver and Rafa have implemented the code for superposition. There are still several major bugs to fix, and many smaller features based on superposition that need to be implemented.
      • Henry has become much more familiar with graphics in GoDot. Henry also drew up a game plan for how to implement the quantum visualizer.
      • Trevor confirmed Javascript library for Quantum Visualizer. It will work, speed up browser speed, etc.. Trevor also worked with Henry on how to accurately display superposition within a bloch sphere. Lastly, Trevor collected user data on the current edition of the game to see how we can improve it in the future.
    • what didn't
      • Hard drop and hold don't work with superposition yet. We have not been able to connect the game to the server. We will need to implement more ways to score and other features not present in the previous version of the game.
      • Complexity of displaying superposition within a bloch sphere is too complicated for entry level users. Trevor and Henry will continue to simplify the representation of superposition to make it more accessible for users.
    • self assessment on progress
      • where are you in relation to progress towards finalfinal product?
        • The last week we wanted to finish the code for superposition, which we will have roll over to next week. This does not put us behind schedule because while Rafa and Oliver work on quantum gameplay code, Trevor and Henry can write the tutorial. If we are able to work concurrently on these goals we will remain on schedule.
      • lay out each of the following weeks till end of term with brief goals for each
        • Current week: Finish superposition code without bugs, finish entanglement code with bugs, write and complete tutorial and other misc user aids.
        • week 5: Implement new graphics and start implementing tutorial.
        • week 6: Work on quantum visualizer and other explanations of quantum computing
        • week 7: Continue unfinished work and finalize project
        • week 8: Publish Project
        • week 9: Review comments and make changes accordingly