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Retrospective for Sprint 3, Term 2

Henry Hilton edited this page Feb 3, 2020 · 8 revisions
  • Retrospective on Sprint #3:
    • members in attendance: selfie proof of meeting
      • Trevor
      • [] Oliver (sick)
      • Henry
      • Rafael
    • what worked well
      • Oliver and Rafa finished the superposition game functionality, as well as scoring and notification for superposition. Additionally, they made small Gui changes including 3D text.
      • Henry wrote a first draft of the tutorial and began storyboarding the user flow.
      • Trevor implemented power-up functionality (H and X gate endpoints), as well as adapted superposition code to work with updated game.
    • what didn't
      • Still some bugs adding 3D text to the game board.
      • Distilling quantum mechanics to a few lines in the tutorial is harder than expected, will take a few more iterations and some user feedback to get the correct balance between accuracy and accessibility.
      • Trevor still has work to do to implement entanglement code on the server side. He also must still investigate the math behind H gate endpoint functionality, as it is not reliably understood at this point.
    • self assessment on progress
      • where are you in relation to progress towards finalfinal product?
        • We finished the code for superposition, which put us back on schedule. In addition we are making progress on the tutorial, in good time for a target implementation with our Beta release. We added X and H gate power-up functionality to our goals, but that should fit in fine with the schedule as we made good progress on that this week.
      • lay out each of the following weeks till end of term with brief goals for each
        • Current week: Polish Superposition, start work on Entanglement, finalize tutorial, graphics
        • week 6: Work on quantum visualizer and other explanations of quantum computing
        • week 7: Continue unfinished work and finalize project
        • week 8: Publish Project
        • week 9: Review comments and make changes accordingly