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Building CA Container

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Aug 24, 2022 · 10 revisions


This page is still under construction.

This page describes the procedure to build a CA container with PKI 11.3 or later.


The CA Dockerfile is located at base/ca/Dockerfile.

Building CA Container Locally

To build the CA container locally:

$ podman build \
    -f base/ca/Dockerfile \
    -t pki-ca \

To push the CA container to Quay:

$ podman tag pki-ca:latest<username>/pki-ca:latest
$ podman push<username>/pki-ca:latest

Building CA Container on Quay

The repository on Quay can be configured to build the CA container automatically:

  • Open

  • Click a container repository (e.g. dogtagpki/pki-ca)

  • Click Builds

  • Click Create Build Trigger

  • Click GitHub Repository Push

  • Select a GitHub organization (e.g. dogtagpki)

  • Click Continue

  • Select a source repository (e.g. pki)

  • Click Continue

  • Select Trigger only on branches and tags matching a regular expression

  • Enter regular expression: heads/master

  • Click Continue

  • Don’t change anything under Configure Tagging

  • Click Continue

  • Enter Dockerfile location: /base/ca/Dockerfile

  • Enter Docker context: /

  • Click Continue

  • Don’t select anything under Optional Robot Account

  • Click Continue

  • Under Ready to go! click Continue

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