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PKI Certificate Python API

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 2 revisions


This document describes the cert client that will be written to interact with the Certificate and Certificate Request resources to generate certificate requests and certificates. The goal here is to define methods that help make the API very intuitive and easy to use. On installing the dogtag rpms, this client and all of its supporting classes can be found in the cert module in $PYTHON_LIB/pki. This module can be imported in code using, import pki.cert.

See also:

Data model

The following are the classes, in this module, that can be used to store some type of certificate or certificate request information.

ClassId Class

class CertId:
  • The CertId class represents the identifier for a particular cert record.

  • Its init method takes a string and stores it in its value attribute as a BigInteger.


  • value - the certificate identifier.

CertData Class

class CertData:
  • An object of this class represents a certificate stored in the CA.

  • It consists of all the attributes of the certificate and it binary data.


  • serial_number

  • issuer_dn

  • subject_dn

  • pretty_print

  • encoded

  • pkcs7_cert_chain

  • not_before

  • not_after

  • status

  • nonce

CertDataInfo Class

class CertDataInfo:
  • This class contains all the information about a certificate for a given certificate identifier.


  • cert_id - the CertId object

  • subject_dn

  • status

  • type

  • version

  • key_algorithm_oid

  • key_length

  • not_valid_before

  • not_valid_after

  • issued_on

  • issued_by.

CertDataInfoCollection Class

class CertDataInfoCollection:
  • This class represents a collection CertDataInfo objects.

  • It also consists of the list of links that are needed for pagination of the search results.

  • The base class of the *Collection Java classes contains the total number of search results, the entries in the requested page, and the REST URLs of those entries.

CertRequestInfo Class

class CertRequestInfo:
  • This class represents a certificate request sent to the CA to enroll a certificate.

  • It contains information such as the request URL, certificate URL, the type of the request, the result of the operation and an error message, if any.

  • It also provides convenience methods for getting the cert id and the request id from their respective URLs.


  • cert_id - the CertId object

  • request_id - the RequestId object

  • request_status

  • request_url

  • cert_url

  • cert_request_type

  • operation_result

  • error_message

CertRequestInfoCollection Class

class CertRequestInfoCollection:
  • This class represents a collection of CertRequestInfo objects.

  • It also consists of the list of links that are needed for pagination of the search results.

  • The base class of the *Collection Java classes contains the total number of search results, the entries in the requested page, and the REST URLs of those entries.

CertReviewResponse Class

class CertReviewResponse:
  • An object of this class is returned as the output for reviewing a request for a given request id.

  • It contains information such as the RequestId object, type of request, it’s status and owner, creation and modification time, and information about the profile used.

  • It also has a nonce attribute for a one time - session identification use.

  • It is used to perform actions such as approve, cancel, reject etc. on the certificate request with the given request id.

CertEnrollmentRequest Class

class CertEnrollmentRequest:
  • This class represents a certificate enrollment request.

  • It contains information required by the server, from the client, to issue the desired type of certificate.

  • Desired type means the type of profile used for issuance of the certificate.

CertSearchRequest Class

class CertSearchRequest:
  • An object of this class is used to search for certificates in the CA.

  • It consists of attributes, whose values are used to generate a filter and return a list of certificates.


  • Query parameters for serial number

    • serial_to

    • serial_from

  • Query parameters for Subject Name

    • email

    • common_name

    • user_id

    • org_unit

    • org

    • locality

    • state

    • country

    • match_exactly

  • Query parameter for Status

    • status

  • Query parameter for Revoked By user

    • revoked_by

  • Query parameter for Revoked On date

    • revoked_on_from

    • revoked_on_to

  • Query parameter for Revocation Reason

    • revocation_reason

  • Query parameter for Issued By user

    • issued_by

  • Query parameter for Issued On date

    • issued_on_from

    • issued_on_to

  • Query parameter for Valid Not Before date

    • valid_not_before_from

    • valid_not_before_to

  • Query parameter for Valid Not After date

    • valid_not_after_from

    • valid_not_after_to

  • Query parameter for Validity Length

    • validity_operation

    • validity_count

    • validity_unit

  • Query parameter for Cert Type - takes values on/off

    • cert_type_sub_email_ca

    • cert_type_sub_ssl_ca

    • cert_type_secure_email

    • cert_type_ssl_client

    • cert_type_ssl_server

CertClient Class


  • Initializes the CertClient object.


  • connection - a PKIConnection object.

Defines an attribute, enrollment_templates, to cache the templates that are retrieved from the server, to reduce the number of server interactions. This would be a dictionary of {profileId, enrollment_template}

Listing certificates

list_certs(cert_search_request=None, max_results=None, max_time=None, start=None, size=None):
  • List all the requests satisfying all the parameters passed using a GET /certs request.

  • If no parameters are passed all the certificates in the CA are listed.


  • cert_search_request - A CertSearchRequest object.

  • max_results - the maximum size of the list to be generated.

  • max_time - the maximum time to be taken by the operation.

  • start, size - parameters used for pagination purpose.

Return: a CertDataInfoCollection object which contains a list of CertDataInfo objects of all the certificates that satisfy the query.

Retrieving a certificate

  • Retrieves a certificate by performing a '''GET certs/{cert_id}''' operation.


  • cert_id - the certificate identifier(string).

Returns a CertData object, which contains all the information about the certificate, except the nonce data for the session.

Reviewing a certificate

  • Retrieves a certificate using '''GET agent/certs/{cert_id}'''.


  • cert_id - the certificate identifier(string).

Returns a CertData object, which contains all the information about the certificate, with a nonce generated for the current session.

Revoking a certificate

revoke_cert(cert_id, revocation_reason=UNSPECIFIED, invalidity_date=None, comments=None, nonce=None):
  • Revokes a certificate using a '''POST agent/certs/{cert_id}/revoke''' request.


  • cert_id - the certificate identifier(string)

  • revocation_reason

  • invalidity_date

  • comments

  • nonce - Nonce data fetched by reviewing the cert. If None, review_cert(cert_id) is called to fetch the nonce.

This method can be used to revoke a normal certificate. A certificate revocation is a 2 step process.

  • Review the cert and get a nonce for the session from the server.

  • Create a CertRevokeRequest object with the required parameters and submit the revoke request for a certificate.

Returns a CertRequestInfo object.

Revoking a CA certificate

revoke_ca_cert(cert_id, revocation_reason=UNSPECIFIED, invalidity_date=None, comments=None, nonce=None):

Revokes a CA certificate using a POST agent/certs/{cert_id}/revoke-ca request.


  • cert_id - the certificate identifier(string)

  • revocation_reason

  • invalidity_date

  • comments

  • nonce - Nonce data fetched by reviewing the cert. If None, review_cert(cert_id) is called to fetch the nonce.

This method can be used to revoke a normal certificate. A certificate revocation is a 2 step process.

  • Review the cert and get a nonce for the session from the server.

  • Create a CertRevokeRequest object with the required parameters and submit the revoke request for a CA certificate.

Returns a CertRequestInfo object.

Putting a certificate on hold

hold_cert(cert_id, comments=None):
  • A convenience method to put the certificate on hold.

  • Calls revoke_cert(cert_id, revocation_reason=CERTIFICATE_ON_HOLD, comments)

  • Returns a CertRequestInfo object.

Unrevoing a certificate


Un-revokes a certificate using a POST agent/certs/{cert_id}/unrevoke request.


  • cert_id - a certificate identifier(string)

Returns a CertRequestInfo object that contains the information about the details/result of the request.

Retrieving a certificate request

  • Performs a GET /certrequests/{request_id} operation to retrieve information about a certificate request,


  • request_id - a request identifier(string).

Returns a CertRequestInfo object.

Listing certificate requests

list_requests(request_status=None, request_type=None, from_request_id=None, size=None, max_results=None, max_time=None):
  • Gets a list of certificate requests using the arguments as query parameters using a GET agent/certrequests request.


  • request_state - State of the requests to be listed.

  • request_type - Type of requests to be listed.

  • from_request_id - Lowest id for a request in the generated list.

  • size - Size of the page.

  • max_results - Maximum size of the list.

  • max_time - Maximum time to perform the query.

Returns a CertRequestInfoCollection object.

Reviewing certificate request

  • Review a certificate request using a GET agent/certrequests/{request_id}.


  • request_id - a request identifier(string)

Returns a CertReviewResponse object which can be used to take actions like approve/cancel/reject/validate/update/assign/unassign on the certificate request.

Updating certificate request

[approve/cancel/reject/validate/update/assign/unassign]_request(request_id, review_response=None):


  • request_id - the certificate request identifier(string) *review_response - A CertReviewResponse object, with a nonce, which is returned by the review_request method.

If review_response=None, reviews the certificate request using review_request(request_id) and fetches the CertReviewResponse object. Then performs a POST agent/certrequests/{request_id}/{action}, where action = approve/cancel/reject/validate/update/assign/unassign.

Listing enrollment templates

list_enrollment_templates(start=None, size=None)
  • Gets a list of all the enrollment templates using a GET certrequests/profiles.

  • Each ProfileDataInfo object in the ProfileDataInfos objects contains information about a profile such as the profile_id, profile_name, profile_description.

Returns the ProfileDataInfos object.

Retrieving enrollment templates



  • profile_id - a profile identifier.

  • If the template for the given profile_id is cached in enrollment_templates dict, return that template.

  • If not, gets the enrollment template using GET certrequests/profile/{profile_id} for the given profile_id.

  • Stores the template in enrollment_templates dictionary.

  • Returns the template - a CertEnrollmentRequest object.

Creating enrollment request

create_enrollment_request(profile_id, inputs):
  • Gets a CertEnrollmetRequest object for the given profile_id and fills it with the inputs provided.


  • profile_id - profile identifier of the template to be used.

  • inputs - A dictionary with (name,value) pairs of (profile_attribute, value)

Iterates through the inputs dict, and updates attributes in the enrollment template with matching attribute names. Returns the completed CertEnrollmentRequest object.

Submitting enrollment request

  • Performs a POST certrequests to submit a CertEnrollmentRequest object to the server to process.


  • cert_enrollment_request - A CertEnrollmentRequest object

Returns a CertRequestInfoCollection object which contains a list of CertDataInfo objects - with information about all the certificates generated for the given cert_enrollment_request object.

Enrolling a certificate

enroll_cert(profile_id, inputs):
  • This is a convenience method which would be executed by an agent. It allows you to request, approve and provide the cert in a single call.

  • The inputs parameter is a dictionary of namve,value pairs of type [profile_attribute-name, value].

  • It creates an enrollment request by calling the create_request(profile_id, inputs).

  • It should be noted that a profile may spawn multiple requests and return multiple certs. For example, a signing and encryption cert.

  • Returns a list of CertData objects for all the certificates generated by the request.

The implementation of this method will mostly look like this:

# Create the CertEnrollmentRequest object for the profile caUserCert with the above inputs
cert_enrollment_request = create_enrollment_request(profile_id, inputs)

# Validates the generated certificate enrollment request.

# Submit the generated CertEnrollmentRequest object for caUserCert profile to the CA
cert_request_infos = submit_request(cert_enrollment_request)

# List to store the CertData objects for all the certificates generated.
cert_data_objects = []

for request_info in request_infos:
    request_id = request_info.get_request_id()

    # Review and approve the request

    # Fetch the certificate request information to get the cert_id
    info = get_request_info(request_id)

    # Get the certificate(CertData object) using the certificate ID

return cert_data_objects

Validating enrollment request

  • Performs client side validation on a CertEnrollmentRequest object.

  • Gets profile_id from cert_enrollment_request.

  • Gets template by calling get_enrollment_template(profile_id)

  • Iterates through the profile attributes of the ProfileInput objects and validates their value w.r.t the syntax attribute.


  • cert_enrollment_request - A CertEnrollmentRequest object to validate.

Returns true, if everything passes. Else an exception is thrown.

Note: This method will be implemented in the next iteration.

See Also

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